2012年4月13日 星期五

tera power leveling per cent of total expenditure on health 3%~5% - NWU

129779332615468750_7According to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, Zhang Zhirong was an ordinary workers work in the industrial park of Fuzhou, monthly income less than 2000, spent a month in spending on cigarettes.   Reporter: how much does it cost?   Zhang Zhirong: less than ten dollars, about seven bucks. Reporter: the economic effect will be to you?Reporter: will, of course, I'll probably yiqianlai dollars a month, seven bucks a pack a day smoking, when relatives and friends to smoke a little more, three hundred or four hundred dollars a month, accounting for revenues of nearly one-third.   Tobacco control tobacco control consultant of the Chinese-American activists, cengrenshiwei organization Zang Yingnian considers smoking as important causes of rural poverty caused by. Zang YingYear: Chinese peasant today is terrible.   On the problem of Chinese peasants smoking completely do not care, but farmers smoke attack today was actually caused by Chinese farmers disease, death, the main causes of poverty. As the tobacco price increases, reporters found that lower income families have only selected a cheaper cigarettes or smoking tobacco, and mold modification of tobacco,Human body more dangerous.   Deputy Director of Jilin provincial people's Hospital respiratory An Dong-Sun: either smoke, harmful components are similar, but poor tobacco quality even worse, might be more harmful substances, such as tar, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, amines, aromatic compounds are mainly toxic substances. Surveys show that China has 350 million smokers each yearIs the number of 1 million die of tobacco-related diseases, more than AIDS, tuberculosis, there are suicide deaths in traffic accidents total, 12% per cent of all deaths.   An Dong-Sun told a press conference, particularly left-behind children in rural areas and low-income smokers need more care. An Dong-Sun: I feel some people automatically to require city residents have quit smoking。 Found no country requirements to give up smoking.   Such a serious disease in some patients, respiratory difficulties so serious, telling him to give up smoking, but eased home also followed. At present China's annual production of 1.7 trillion cigarettes, the profits of up to more than 500 billion dollars. However, because of diseases caused by tobacco consumption of medical costs, per cent of total expenditure on health 3%~5%。 Signed the framework Convention on tobacco control at the United Nations in our country has for six years.   But even today tera power leveling, is still without a national smoke-free legislation in China.   Zang Yingnian tobacco control experts believe that smoking is hazardous not only to health tera gold, for the development of the tobacco industry, eyes not shallow. Zang Yingnian: country to help smokers switch to turn different crops, also is the tobaccoUse of diversified, for example United States one way, from a tobacco extract nicotine for medical purposes tera power leveling, in tobacco processing other things do pesticides, beriberi medicine. Remaining after the extraction of tobacco in the fibers of paper. So it should be diversification of methods of tobacco use. Others:

