2012年4月8日 星期日

tera gold for home security door project - AFT

129774133202500000_278Bamboo manhole covers, "cardboard", appears in the earthquake victims in the garden--the largest in ruichang city, Jiangxi province (County) ruimin questioned within the home. Recently, 392 households housing comes to ruimin home owners Committee. Local Government acknowledges that, due to shorter construction period, the Housing Authority "to some extent" has a quality problem, but the structural safety of housing。 Construction period will be shortened on November 26, 2005, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake occurred in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, in ruichang city located near the epicenter, killed 7 people and injured more than 300 people, room 1000, damaged houses more than 100,000 employees. In 2006, ruichang City Government put forward the "decisive battle for 50 days, on time and ensure that victims in the city rebuilding families live in new homes." UrgentUnder the order, earthquake victims garden ruimin homes should have 10 months duration is shortened to 6 months, developers and builders to be ahead of the first anniversary of the earthquake approaching completion. Upon completion of the House, gradually revealed quality problems. Local Government acknowledges that, due to shorter construction period tera gold, House "more or less" there is a quality problem, but the structural safety of the building. Local officials say, Which at the time was a political task, duration is shortened, have an impact on quality. Ruimin homes industry who have led the owners rights authority Deputy Director Xu Wei said, initial complaints of victims did not form a joint force, industry statistics found only after the Board issues generally. On March 9 of this year, industry authority in a notice posted in the community, began housing quality problems, focus on:Top water leakage, seepage of walls, floors, walls cracked. On the table in just 1 week, there are more than 300 households come to registration. In the past 3 years, one after another to find victims up to 400 of the industry Committee.  In recent days, a total of 392 households housing comes to ruimin home owners Committee. Residents have been appealing to 2007 years, ruimin homesDecoration House found that there is a crack on the bedroom floor, extends from the door window, across the bedroom. , Many residents reflected wall surface crack problem. In 2008, residents found that the problems in the community of public facilities. Manhole cover on the road by a car rolling mill, started cracking, exposed concrete inside material: not reinforced, is bambooStrips woven together. Since then, after several rain erosion, more and more the manhole covers started cracking, damage, disclosing of bamboo. In addition, ruimin 132 units of doors in the community there to "disorders".  These doors use soon start distortion, warping, dents and paint. On March 23 tera power leveling, one of the victims with a reporter visited, many doors remained sick for 5 years ago. AFrom which door to open, you can see the structure of the whole door is made of two pieces of thin metal together, all of honeycomb cardboard in the Middle, there are no steel supports. According to several industry authority official, before and after the February 2010, decided by the owners of individual units, 140,000 of the Contracting Parties was provided in the property management company warranty gold, for a 57-unit。 The metal door was replaced not long ago was sold as scrap metal, sold $ 7,035.  Its original price, as described in ruichang city construction Bureau, each door for around $ 2000. Beginning in 2009, ruimin Committee started on behalf of the owner of the home industry placement related sectors such as housing quality problems and ruichang city representations, victims also travelled to Beijing petitioners get replyWill be sent for processing. More memories Xu Wei, there have been people in Government to community investigations. Around July 2009, ruichang city construction Bureau in the community put up a quality inspection reports, community housing quality basic eligibility.  Since then, in addition to owner complaints the housing cracks and water seepage, the construction will be sent for the maintenance, there is no government departments respond. Officials sayAcceptance was blinded in ruichang City Bureau of quality and technical supervision engineer Wang Feng said, victims of the petitioners, 2007 raises the Central Commission concerned, and requested the Bureau of construction engineering quality supervision of safety in Jiangxi province sent experts to investigate, spot ruimin home garden 120 households. The end of 2007, ruimin homes through a local planning departments of general acceptance. According to Wang Feng, in the construction and inspectionWhen received tera power leveling, manhole covers and door problem was not found, because from the outside can not see inside the structure. Frank Wang believes that unit was of good quality, there is a problem is the improper use of household. Construction Bureau of quality supervision station Dr webmasters explain why door doesn't work, call households during the decoration period bricks against the door to facilitate transport material and cell door covered with steel bar pull, soDue to deformation. Local providers said in a note to reporters, for home security door project, "because of the haste, combined with the acceptance officer is blinded by the beautiful appearance, leading to good intentions bring about bad things. "Construction of ruichang City Council issued a document in May 2010, involved in home building, construction and supervision of the Swiss people fined 7 units. Of these units and 6Builders stopped in ruichang 3 months the qualifications and management engineer, credited to the individual adverse record at a time. According to Wang Feng, construction units in the community property has 390,000 worth of warranty gold.  In recent years, in the face of complaints from victims, they are also ongoing maintenance. For constant complaints and rights of victims, evaluation of a construction Bureau official said, "they are not victimsBut disaster Yeh. ” Others:

