2012年4月15日 星期日

tera power leveling 129779323240156250_11 - HTG

129779323240156250_11 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>New York, April 2 in United States Geological Survey, 2nd, Mexico South of 6.3 on the Richter scale earthquake occurred on that day. The capital Mexico City is seismaesthesia, feel.   At present there are numerous aftershocks, but there was no reports of casualties. Earthquake in the 2nd noon local time (Beijing time 3rd) tera gold, is located in the epicenter of Guerrero Haumer27 km southeast of in Chapultepec, focal depth of 12 km. After the earthquake, Mexico City there was some panic tera power leveling, many people ran from the building into the street to avoid, there are prayers.   More people contacting friends and relatives. Mexico City Mayor Ebrard says, "We also suffered earthquakes, evacuation in progress". He said the city has not affectedAnd transport and communications systems working properly, are closely following the progress. Mexico 7.4 on the Richter scale earthquake occurred in the 20th of last month in the southern region, causing 2 deaths, 11 people were injured, damaged 38,000 homes. Mexico earthquake monitoring agency said, in the last more than 10 days, Mexico occurred over more than 40 earthquakes, the strongest level 5, 20th earthquakeThe aftershocks. Mexico surrounding recent seismic activity of the area more frequently, outside concern. In September 1985, Mexico has suffered 8 strong earthquakes, serious such as Mexico City, thousands of people were killed. (End) Others:

