2012年4月2日 星期一

swtor credits the Korean peninsula nuclear issue - CXO

129770966713125000_41Hong Beijing, March 24 (reporter Liu Le) according to the voice of the press reported the evening peak, nuclear security summit in Seoul Korea. Chinese President Hu Jintao will attend the Summit. Assistant Foreign Minister Ma said after the briefing, the Summit will have leaders or representatives of 53 countries, and head of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and, Also said the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, Iran nuclear problem is not the topic of this Summit. So, why the Summit does not involve nuclear, Iran nuclear issue? What is the difference between nuclear safety and nuclear security? Seoul nuclear security summit themes: security of nuclear materials and facilities Assistant Foreign Minister Ma zhaoxu's remarks on the Chinese and foreign media briefing held briefing on the nuclear security summit in Seoul's mainTo the question. MA: Seoul is based on the security of nuclear material and nuclear facilities as the theme, the Conference is a comprehensive look at the 2010 nuclear security summit the international community of the progress made in the area of nuclear safety, focusing on the strengthening of national measures and international cooperation on nuclear safety issues. An exclusive interview with this reporter Zhu Xuhui, a researcher at the China nuclear industry group, he first describes existing nuclear questionProblems, the international community at the same time promoting four things. Zhu Xuhui: first, nuclear disarmament. Second, preventing proliferation. Third, the peaceful use of nuclear energy. IV, is what we call nuclear security, which is to ensure that our nuclear materials not be acquired by terrorists. This is a difference in four areas. So, the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, Iran nuclear issue belongs to which category? Why the nuclear securitySummit will be involved? Zhu Xuhui give a specific answer. Zhu Xuhui: as regards the question of North Korea, and Iran's problems belong to the proliferation problem, it mainly refers to the non-nuclear-weapon States should undertake not to develop nuclear weapons. Now we discuss the nuclear security issues with the present DPRK nuclear issue areas swtor credits, the nature of the Iranian nuclear issue are two different things, one is the issue of nuclear safety, to prevent spreadBulk issue, so don't mix these two issues together. Nuclear safety and the safety of nuclear energy only one word, content on what's the difference? Said Zhu Xuhui, current prevention focus on nuclear security issues by the international community. Zhu Xuhui: previously on nuclear safety, we now say that nuclear safety is mainly due to the insecurity caused by natural or human error, and now more of our strongVandalism of the main terrorists of nuclear security regulation, for example, like Fukushima nuclear accidents, it is caused by the tsunami, it was due to the Chernobyl accident caused by human error. If there are terrorist attacks by plane, this is what we're going to focus on prevention of nuclear security. So, these two properties are not exactly the same, our emphasis has beenPrevent terrorist theft of important nuclear weapons material, personally think that this is a most important question. The Chinese side supports and will work with the international community to promote nuclear safety issues, illegal access to nuclear materials to terrorists, and attempted to create nuclear threat are we look at many of the blockbuster movie topic in recent years. This side reflected the problems currently faced by the international community。 Hu Jintao President will attend the Summit on nuclear security in Seoul. For nuclear safety issues, what about China's position and attitude? Zhu Xuhui: President Hu will attend the said we are actively supported and is together the international community to promote nuclear safety problem, President in Washington on the nuclear security Summit also made five points and four-point commitment, now we areAfter that meeting, has made enormous efforts, has very good progress in every way. Since the 2010 nuclear security summit in Washington, China National nuclear security capability diablo 3 gold, active in such areas as nuclear safety cooperation made positive efforts and achievements. Zhu Xuhui particularly stressed on their nuclear safety problems in China has been doing very well. Zhu Xuhui: I want toEmphasize that nuclear materials in China tera gold, especially in important nuclear material has a very good performance in China, that is 50 years, we have achieved one important nuclear material does not lose, a lot, this is a very important result. The nuclear security summit in Seoul, which looks forward to Chinese? MA: we hope that the nuclear security summit in Seoul will furtherGather an international consensus to promote international cooperation in nuclear safety and raising the level of global security of nuclear material and nuclear facilities, promoting nuclear energy and sustainable economic development, the promotion of international peace and security, and make a positive contribution in this regard. (Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

