2012年4月10日 星期二

tera gold 2 - BGB

129771798777749810_59Yesterday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Zhidong Chang road, a self-service banking automatic doors fail tera power leveling, one or the people trapped in the Bank within 1 hour. Yesterday afternoon, when reporters came to the banks of the incident, Mr Lu had just been "liberated". Mr LU said, 2:40 P.M. Xu, he came to the self-service bank withdrawals. "When I walked in and there is noAutomatic doors are unusual, but out of the press, automatic door had no reaction. "Recommended reading investment loss area 10,000 million left bank VIP customers lose how do banks make money by credit card? Banking industry exposes high annual fees four beginning today ABC earned over 300 million Basel III China floor debate on billsPrint sky-high credit card all amounts of interest be cautious of moving into the Bank "picked up the package gauge" desperation Lu had to make printed on the ATM machine of Bank calls, wait staff. "How do I on the road opening will not work, there are those who want to come in and take the money outside tera gold, also failed to open the door. "Mr LU trapped Bank 1 hour buffet, Bank staffWith a maintenance worker. After repair, automatic door finally opened, Mr Lu has successfully turning around. ����According to Bank staff, the automatic door is used for two years tera gold, estimates are mechanical causes of failure. Leads provided Mr Xin Others:

