2012年4月9日 星期一

tera power leveling funds to subscribe to more actively - GLF

129771823086812310_45Among them, Morgan Stanley factor zinc soared this year exclusive cartridge ST 124% then 2011 annual reports of listed companies to disclose smugglers, 2012 year announcements also followed in the first quarter. As of March 22, 158 new threat definitions of the two cities listed companies announced results for the first quarter of 2012, with such notice. 27 notice of which doubled the performance. This 27 publicDivision has released the 2011 annual report 23, latent traces of each exposure of the Fund.  21 of them doubling stocks top shareholders funds in circulation figure. Southwest securities chief strategist of coupling beams in an interview with the securities funds weekly journalist of the daily alert, even though there is a stock notice performance doubled in the first quarter, agencies can not blindly adjust positions, they will examine theTaking into account the comprehensive factors such as seasonal, industry.  Annual reports more institutional value, not only the profitability and shareholder change management positions such as more worthy of analysis. Monuoan lock in advance notice unexpected growth in the first quarter of the fund securities Journal Weekly reporter according to the statistical data shows that 27 of expected results for the first quarter of 2012, doubling in the company,2011 annual report 23, latent traces of each exposure of the Fund. 21 of them doubling stocks top shareholders funds in circulation figure.  Particular attention is, luoping County, Morgan Stanley held by multiple-factor selection policy hailunzhe of zinc and snow balance holds. Yesterday, luoping in zinc electrolytic winning releases 2011 annual report said anticipated 2011 first quarter net profit448% increase in the same period a year earlier. However, also show 2011 vested in the listed parent company net profits of $ 282 million, representing a drop of 1618.31%. It is also the company's net profit losses for two consecutive years. Company business for the day yesterday, resumption and put stars strength today, changed to zinc *ST. This performance loss on shares of the Fund are also are on alert.According to the first three quarters of last year, the Fund stake is 0%. However, multi-factor are in the four quarters last year Morgan Stanley suddenly overweight 337,100, luoping zinc top circulating stock shareholders.  As the unit soared this year 124.1%, Morgan Stanley factor floating profit 2.7238 million Yuan. Industry acceptance of the fund securities journal weekly recordWho estimated in an interview, which is a short action of individual institutions. Prospectuses of Morgan Stanley factor show, the Fund to "quantitative investment" as the main investment strategies tera gold, through a "multi-factor alpha model Morgan Stanley" for stock selection and thus build a stock portfolio. Data show that its holdings at the end of the four seasons 6 Announces 2011 annual report, under the big 3 performanceSlide.  However, the Fund's return since the beginning of this year, up to 15.93%, still ranked fifth similar 293 funds. Similarly, the hailunzhe also published a quarterly announcements in the near future, January 1, 2012, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies to profit $ 500,000-$ 2 million, compared with the same period growth 71.53%-586.11%. Hailunzhe 2011 annual report shows, however tera gold, vested in the parent company net profits of listed companies achieve $ 24.71 million, representing a decrease of 37.33%. Announced on February 28, the company has disclosed in the performance of Express. Fund seems to have long, hailunzhe Galaxy value growth in the third quarter of last year in the four quarters to withdraw. The unit yearReport displays the top ten shares held shareholder balance left in North 1.3458 million shares. Hailunzhe is not responsible for high hope, since the beginning of this year still rose 32.09%.  Lion balance this year realization of floating profit $ 6.42 million, according to the 7.3% return to the Fund earlier, ranked 135 only 26 of the same Fund. In response, Zhang gang tellReporter, although these stocks net profits after losses in the first quarter of last year, and still not too optimistic, on one of these reasons, including seasonal, and other factors.  Continued good performance Fund indecision missed Daniel unit in addition, there are still many companies still continued its good performance last year. Spark electric released results for the first quarterNotice to 120% growth in net profit in the first quarter of this year over the same period last year. 2011 annual reports also show, 2011 vested in the parent company's net profit in the year 70.12%.  Fund is quietly lurking in the third quarter of last year. According to spark electric first two quarters of the year, the Fund stake, 1.35%, respectively. The third FundStakes suddenly rose to 13.38% company quarterly results show, Tai shun its third Fund, Yinhua wealth theme and huatai Bai Rui industry leading five accumulated only 10.45 million units. Fund holdings to spark electrical performance of extraordinary, 6.77% four-quarter plunge in the market a year ago, the shares fell by only 2.66%. Then funds in four quarters of violent attack. Organic increasingFlexible, State investment and innovation power of UBS and Morgan Stanley huaxin lead three replace YINHUA Fund and huatai Bai Rui, respectively, Golden Dragon electrical appliance 1.9652 million unit, 1.6398 million unit and four units. Enter the top circulation of the Fund shareholders.  At the end of four quarters, the Fund stake has increased to 15.87%. Thai Fund to adhere to the letter and threeDecisive positions there are tangible benefits, as the spark electric soared this year 90.31%, position floating six fund surplus of $ 252 million, Yinhua and huatai Bai Rui can only sadly, missed Daniel unit. On March 21, Tomson times health publishing announcements, January 1, 2012 tera power leveling, net attributable to the shareholders of listed companiesProfit increase of 150% per cent from the previous year.  The company's 2011 annual report, achieving vested in the parent company's net profit in the same period rose 102.41%. Data shows that when the stock market in December 2010, funds to subscribe to more actively, as at the end of the first quarter of last year, Fund stake is still 26.82% in February and threeReached a peak month Fund stake, 29.51%, respectively. End of the third quarter, shareholders are the top circulation Fund.  Throughout the four quarters in the unit in the General fall of the market, rising 14.6%. At this point, the Fund choices on higher flight, dynamic balance, funds anshun, Invesco of Invesco great wall great wall domestic demand growth and Wah Fu, second income increaseStrong reduction. At least ten shares in the unit before the end of the four seasons has no figure. Contrast is that Hannchen continues to increase the responsibility of the whole society and fund positions. Since the beginning of this year the unit rise 36.1% again, bringing the stick and cartridge Fund floating profit enormously. Others:

