2012年4月10日 星期二

tera gold have no time to take care of the children - WHG

129773438974531250_1109Lele is here (circle) fall report from (reporter Xu Ying Huang Yan and Wen Lijian/map) face the busy doctor, helpless, Chen was about to kneel down, this face was tired man, so in the provincial hospital emergency room to keep all night. "I beg you, better! "Looking at the bed of the whereabouts of his son's more fun (pseudonym),He seems to only pray, to alleviate the blame. Yesterday tera gold, Mr CHAN's son-Lele-4 years old is lying on the bed in the Emergency Department, was attached to various medical devices after medical staff busy busy before, rescuing the young life. If there is no such accident, Lele Grandma might play in the store downstairs with him over the weekend. But is, unfortunately, just eat the night before too lateDinner at 9 o'clock, being left alone at home in Lele fell off the balcony. Fuzhou Jinan districts baichuan 38 on the terrace for a community of six building, new posters were torn, hanging half, before it may be it's more fun to fall due to the last time the Lakers pull. "I have heard the sound at first is the ' bang ' sound, but I didn't mind, now that I think, at that time also seems to have a baby cryingSound. "A neighbor downstairs remember still feel incredible. As far as I understand, it's more fun fall somewhere near two shops, however when the incident occurred, two shops already ended the business. Because there is no shop lights, in front of the building on the third floor was dark. Other neighbors heard noises, and senior household objects thrown from a height, simply did not expect this fallIs a person, the day often play in the nose, active and lively Lele. Later, the downstairs has an estate agent's staff found it's more fun. Introduction to the staff member when they first collective meal back in the store, vaguely heard the cries, afterward slowly had no sound, and initially thought it was hallucinatory, but listen carefully and do not like. They follow the soundDirection, found that children in the grass. "We were scared, hastened to call people. "The staff member said that children in pajamas in the grass, corners there is blood. After the hearing, looking more and more people, some shouting "who is this baby! "Before later recalled hearing the sound, ran until the child has the potential to lay here for half anHours, we sigh. "This is not a child of the six buildings that House? "In the dark, it was recognized that child. After an elderly man ran over, children suddenly collapsed on the floor. She is the grandmother of Lele, prior to the incident, and it's more fun to stay at home, and later had something left. Man guess, children likely to be Grandma has not come back, worried looking down to the balcony, Suddenly lost his balance, balcony, fell. Watch dying Lele and apparently was greatly stimulated by his grandmother, onlookers who rushed to help dial 120. Later, in the crowd's suggestion, about 9:40, Lele Grandma holding Lele, quickly to the door has stopped a taxi and drove to the hospital. Shortly after Lele's parents heard the newsRush to the hospital. It is understood that Lele's father name is Chen tera gold, a beauty salon opened a few days ago at the community level. Yesterday afternoon, journalists contact Lele's father again, the other end, Mr CHAN's voice deep, slow, has several times been interrupted by choking, "said the doctor, did my best. "He paused for a long time, finally sighed deeply. As of yesterday when you press(At 8 o'clock in the evening), it's more fun in the provincial hospital. Experts say balcony on children falls to attach much importance to it's more fun fall and did not install security net is then, journalists get Lele 38 road rental home in a community found on the balcony and not packed security net, filled with debris on the balcony, there is a one-metre-high stool, it was speculated that Lele looked at that time was running up the stool downWhen on. According to the introduction of community residents, it's more fun a rental here a few days, haven't had time to install security net. Reporters found that most of the other residents in the community with the security net. Jinan district according to a private kindergarten Director, on the psychological characteristics of children, 3-6, children in kindergarten and the lower grades, curious, capable of action, but cognitiveCapacity is not enough, this case is often prone to accidents. Especially in some migrant families, parents are busy working, have no time to take care of the children, even children locked in the home, so that active children because of the lack of regulation is prone to accidents. Zhang Yuanchang said that among the crowd in the event of accident, good boys than girls of high risk of danger. BecauseBoys in most cases ready to challenge the taking of risks, curiosity about the outside world is strong. Balcony and Windows for their open spaces such as attraction is large, in the case of lack of protection, they are more vulnerable to accidents. Avoid kids exciting animation, yesterday, when interviewed by reporters in the community found tera power leveling, sigh at the same time, many neighbors are considered to be caused by parents no regulation in placeHad the accident. A community walk Miss Sun said, himself a fan of Hong Kong, when watching TV, can often be seen in the episode spot advertising, lively and vividly tell parents risk children alone at home, but have not seen similar publicity in Fuzhou. "We should also pay attention to public service ads, draw the children's attention home security. "Miss SunThat, among other things, lenses have dangers of many TV series, don't go through the filter, the children saw it will be driven by curiosity to imitate, extremely risk-prone. Teacher Lin points out that an education institution for the psychological study of the child, imitate the ability of children, parents need to guide and prevent them stimulate animation and ILM animators to avoid tragedy. Against childrenChild falls to software requirements hardware combined with the children, also lived in high-rise, so how can we prevent children dangerous? Lin said parents from both hardware and software, pay attention to children's safety issues. SW 1. do not let your child stay alone at home or away from your sight; 2. usual caution, remind children not to play at or near the top-floor balcony, windowsill.Hardware area 1. balcony climb surface to Shang along of height in 110 cm above, interval is less than 10 cm; 2. balcony railing not design into horizontal of, so as not to children climbing occurs dangerous; 3. balcony ground not stacked debris or placed climbing of real as stool, and sofa, and bed, and short Cabinet,, so as not to children climbing cause falls; 4. balcony fence should regularly check and maintenance, toFree old loose; 5. Windows in a particular window of the living room, bedroom should be designed as push and pull up and down in the window. Reporter's notes keep children away from dangerous "we have tried our best. "When the sentence is for the doctor told Mr Chen, and Mr Chen told reporters, journalists can appreciate one of weakness, shame and remorse. A few days ago, Mr Chen ran a beauty salon in the community, andJust yesterday, Salon stores were also opened in front of the basket, career, family and double harvest. Did not expect is that the unexpected will happen. Yes, there are many accidents were caused by parents busy with work and did not take care of their children, a lot of people will blame lack of parental supervision, but these migrant parents have their frustration, they want to earn moreMoney so that we can better take care of their children. It is at this point, we can't simply blame who is right, after all, they are still burdened with grief. What we can do, is to pray for children can wake up early, at the same time, learn from it, educate our children, to stay away from dangerous, such accidents do not occur. Links to many State regulations forbid "kid pants" it is understood, In the United States, and Canada and other countries, children under 12 cannot stay alone at home, must protect the people, if the guardian is not, parents are illegal. In Canada, if the police have found 12 years old children alone at home, immediately take him away, up to the parents to the police station after paying heavy fines, children can be reclaimed, serious face even in prisonOut of prison. Children falls to the tragedy occurred in February 2012, Jinan district, Fuzhou Cheng Cheng, aged 7 in the tea garden village in a four-floor rooftop when playing, accidentally stepped on a piece on the aging of the plastic Panel, from the four-floor fall patio, died on the spot. In August 2011, pumped after the Fuzhou Jinan districts baichuan bungalow near the market, little Dan filled with debris of six playing alone on the second floor, because no oneKeep an eye on, accidentally fell down from upstairs. In April 2010, the Fuzhou taijiang, within a community, a 5 year old boy left alone by his parents at home, crying for parents, climbed up the chairs next to the window, after falling from the third floor. In March 2010, the six small swallow to accompany his father to the Changshan District gongnong road, Riverside community help heads of household decoration when the new House, killed accidentally fall down from the 7-floor window.(Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

