2012年4月11日 星期三

tera gold $ 3.1 million - TGH

129773928523437500_138Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum hexun.com stock > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 from: 21st century business Herald author: Chen Xishui desay battery (000049, unit) ideal for three subsidiaries listed as a whole is not yet in reality. The evening of March 25, Desai batteries (000049. SZ) announcement, because transactions of Huizhou cityShangyang investment company limited (hereinafter referred to as "Yang on Huizhou") shareholders on this reorganization did not reach a consensus, trade one of the underlying asset "Huizhou shaped" there are still losing money, uncertainty asset restructuring programmes, work that cannot be completed within the suspension period, the company decided to terminate the asset restructuring. Desay battery since February 10 when stoppedLicensing. ����Its assets after the throw is Yang directed issue of shares in the company to Huizhou, to buy its stake in the Hong Kong source investment company limited (hereinafter referred to as "our sources") 100% shares, enabling the staff of three subsidiaries 100% holdings (Hong Kong source holds stakes in three subsidiaries of the company 25%). "Restructuring programme involving the publicCommitment for the future of the Division, now restructured terminate mainly because Yang shareholders for losses on Huizhou Huizhou shaped handle disputes that this business is uncertain, some worry. ����"A person close to the core layer of desay battery, told reporters. On March 26, the resumption of desay battery strong rise, closing at $ 23.77, or 9.24%.Company commitments, at least three months from the date of resumption plans major reorganization of assets no longer matters tera power leveling, that after three months? "There are still uncertain. ����"Desay battery secret You Hong dong on March 26, told reporters. Cumulative losses hindered the overall listing of desay battery three subsidiaries namely Huizhou desay batteries limited (hereinafter referred to as "batteries of Huizhou"), HuizhouBlueway, limited (hereinafter referred to as "Huizhou blue micro") and Huizhou shaped batteries limited (hereinafter referred to as "Huizhou shaped"), Desai battery is 75% its stake. ����Three 25% are our source of equity investment company (hereinafter referred to as "our sources"). According to the announcement, on August 8, 2011, and majority-owned subsidiaries of the company managementManagement team established in Huizhou city, Yang investment company limited (hereinafter referred to as "Yang on Huizhou"). The plan is divided into two steps: first, because our source in addition to the three subsidiaries of Huizhou 25% equity also owns other assets outside, stripped unwieldy, so our source to Huizhou three subsidiaries of its holding 25% shares, transferred to Yang on Huizhou 100% holding Hong Kong DingCheung, second company to Huizhou Hong Kong Ding Xiang Yang on a directed purchase of shares issued 100% shares, and thus indirectly held three subsidiaries of Huizhou 25% equity, realization of Huizhou three subsidiaries 100% shareholders. "The second step is the key, involving price. ����"A familiar of desay battery told reporters. But it is precisely a key stepIssue. ����For recombinant terminated desay battery gives two reasons for transactions on Huizhou Yang and shareholders did not agree on restructuring, trading one of the underlying assets "Huizhou shaped" is still in the red. "The restructuring plan is more than one, involving very complex. Huizhou Yang shareholders on 122, is not easy to coordinate the interests of so many people. "The foregoing near desay batteryCore layer told reporters. ����Desay battery notice also called, Yang, some shareholders on Huizhou to the asset restructuring deal on price and overall programme design and other related arrangements there were differences of opinion, is expected in the short term is difficult to unify. Notice display tera gold, Huizhou Yang on listed companies involved in management of the company Managing Director Mr Feng Ming dynasty (Yang's legal representatives on the Huizhou), vocationalSupervisor Mr Ding Chunping (one Yang, shareholder in the Huizhou), Yang and other major shareholders for companies in the Huizhou subsidiary management staff. Loss of Huizhou shaped the focus of controversy. "Shaped really needs a good combing business in Huizhou. Retention of good business and Outlook part you want to shrink, and strive to become a subdivision of industry leading. This year, HuizhouShaped to reduce losses. ����"The above said. Now profit from the power of desay battery management system and packaging business, shaped engaged in lithium polymer battery not turn, relatively low-end products. "Huizhou binding energy is still at the initial stage, only small quantities of products. This business is more difficult to do, shaped the present there is no major research breakthroughs."March 26, told reporters that a Shanghai Securities analyst. On February 20 announcement of the company as at December 31, 2011, total assets of Huizhou shaped unaudited 12,601. $ 200,000, total liabilities 14,848. $ 140,000, 2011 revenue 12,985. $ 990,000, net profit-2,705. $ 840,000. ����2010 cumulative net profits of $ 181,900, Huizhou, but will after two years of losses, net profit for 2009, 2008-2,571 separately. $ 530,000 and $ -1,267.74 million. "For the reorganization, the company will try to, but have to wait the time is ripe. ����"The foregoing said. Three institutions to buy$ 19.4 million one spy too many shows after March 26, buy desay battery in the top 5 on that day, there are special seats for 3 is the body. ����Institutions broken down special seats, 2nd, 5-bit, bought separately $ 8.092 million Yuan and HK $ 7.06 million, $, buy 19.403 million Yuan total. Selling seats in only one institution dedicated seats, Holds the third place, it sold $ 4.533 million. In addition 4 for EMC Corporation, Shanghai, Sichuan Road securities business departments, Everbright securities (601 tera gold,788 shares) under Huizhou po Lu securities business departments, Galaxy securities in the South of Shenzhen high-tech business Department of Beijing financial Street branch building of the securities business, guotai Junan securities, sold the amount of $ 5.245 million, 456.$ 10,000, $ 3.1 million, $ 2.686 million. "More companies to choose to buy, proved that bodies of desay battery restructuring success is expected in the future. The other hand, despite the restructuring failed is bad, but business for such a long time lead to fill up space and express company announces the results for the period of suspension, all contributed to the strength in stock prices. "The foregoing Shanghai brokersAnalysts told reporters. ����Desay battery business performance news show announced on February 20, 2011, operating revenues during the reporting period for the $ 2.25 billion, an increase of 71.29%; belong to shareholders of a listed company net income of $ 110 million, an increase of 59.75%. In fact, agencies desay batteries have long been dormant. PublicDivision for 2011 three quarterly results showed that ten unlimited sales conditions before trading stock shareholders, in addition to top of Huizhou desay Industrial Development Corporation, the others are all for the organisation. Topix owned tube concentrated into three financial products East of collection assets, TFH, 4th, 6th-flexible, positive growth, East 5th and distribution, circulation of shares respectively, 2.23%, 0.37%. Others:

