2012年4月7日 星期六

tera power leveling is the sacred mission entrusted by history. The minju Choson - BSE

129773438991875000_1154Zhongxinwang, March 26, according to reports tera power leveling, on the occasion of death of North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-Il before 100 days, North Korea's largest newspaper 25th editorial, urged to follow Kim Jong-Il's teachings, love Kim, made new victory of the revolution. According to reports, the Rodong sinmun editorial stressed that all the Korean people in the past 100 days of revolution and constructionIn all sectors and all areas vigorously promote and effectively implement the teachings of Comrade Kim Chong-il during the change. Editorial pointed out that the highest heritage during this period Comrade Kim Jong-Il North Korea raised to a high level of solidarity, 100 days of struggle to become North Korea's army and promote the most valuable life, overcoming severe tests of the valuable assets of the revolution. Editorials said that North Korean soldiers and civilians will be closely UnitedAround Comrade Kim Jong-UN, was walking along the main road in big strides of the revolutionary cause. Firm leadership, the unity Center of the Korean revolution, achieve political stability. The Rodong sinmun said, today tera gold, people throughout the country towards Kim. The leadership of Kim Jong-UN is the main lifeline of the revolutionary cause, North Korean civil-military destiny and their hopes for the future on him. Editorial, North KoreaAll the party members, officers and men of the people and the people will continue to develop in the 100-day mourning period for the realization of the lingqian set of Kim Jong-Il vowed to fight the spirit and mettle of following the leadership of Kim Jong-UN. Kim era under the leadership of North Korea became more prosperous socialist country, is the sacred mission entrusted by history. The minju Choson tera power leveling, the editorial emphasized that all the people of North KoreaLoyalty to support the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong-UN, teachings of conscientiously implementing Comrade Kim Jong-Il, won the Socialist powerful nation-building at an early date, body, the final victory of the revolutionary cause. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

