2012年6月2日 星期六

teenage fan club for fans of the times to celebrate the birthday Yoona Diablo 3 gold teenage fan c

129829462665817500_140Girls Yoona fans birthday publish in the newspaper the times of "celebrate life" Fan of Yoona birthday. International online May 31 30th is Korea members Yoona's birthday in the popular combination of teenage age, teenage fan club for fans of the times to celebrate the birthday Yoona Diablo 3 gold, Korea newspaper ads being posted to their "celebrate life". Fans in the ad says: "under the rain of flowers in the sky, is allowed TERA Gold, and children of God ' love rain '. We revel in Yoona charmFragrance, so become a fan of her. Girls age allowed Diablo 3 gold, happy birthday. " Users in the forums, and social networks have expressed Yoona's birthday wish. Others:

