2012年6月14日 星期四

and fed on United States economic optimism about the Outlook for euro-zone aid and market wow cd-ke

129835668778437500_437Non-ferrous metal spot using up a late rally is still weak I colored network monitoring data shows that today domestic universal small spot nonferrous metal prices rise. Among them, electrolytic copper in Shanghai market spot price gained 300 yuan/ton. According to market feedback, now no more bad news, and fed on United States economic optimism about the Outlook for euro-zone aid and market, as well as economic stimulus initiatives expected to boost market sentiment, which todayRise in spot prices, but traders reactions, trend of late on the market as a whole remained cautious, lower procurement is limited wow cd-key, resulting in a transaction is limited. Differentiation of yin and Yang obviously on the futures market today, early this morning outside the domestic Shanghai metal with high overall red, a strong rebound, even though the band is unlikely, Shanghai early in the opening break through resistance of copper wire, butRebound is only Flash in the Pan, lunch-opening Shanghai lead-copper, aluminum, Shanghai Shanghai, Shanghai zinc fell also fell sharply, closing Shanghai zinc-lead-copper, aluminum, Shanghai Shanghai, Shanghai fell, 0.07%, 0.23%, respectively. Outer disc LME metal during midday in Asia were volatile decline trend. Non-ferrous metals price indices, I colored network monitoringAccording to risen prices of non-ferrous metals composite index broke through the 44,000 today to 44,059 Yuan/ton, up $ 103 TERA CD-key, or 0.3%. Specific varieties, copper price index rose most, or 0.55% today. Macro news, its interest on the policy, the European Central Bank announced after the meeting, maintaining the current benchmark interest rate of 1%, thisDecisions in line with market expectations, after the President of the European Central Bank delivered a speech Mr Draghi says weak euro-zone economic and maximum 2013 cut GDP expectations; and the European Union and Germany emergency development assistance Spain banking scheme, the news has significantly improved market pessimism. Metals markets have rebounded slightly. Later, the current global economic situation is complicated, policyUncertainty and European debt problems evoked the possibility of systemic risk still exists, still dominates the market short atmosphere, weak rebound in non-ferrous metal materials. Market focus all focus is on Bernanke tonight in the United States Congress joint Economic Committee hearing on the speech Rift CD-key, after the United States policy or to be clear, this will to a large extent on the later stage of non-ferrous metalsPotential. Others:

