2012年6月20日 星期三

Spain just won in the shootout. Of course

129838042589375000_15110th hot searches words: Germany win popularity high Netherlands baoleng Xinhua sports June 10 (reporter Wang Hengzhi) European Championship 10th Baidu news search words list shows, group play the first round 1:0 won Germany team is unstoppable on the popularity list, their attention even more than the sum of the top two or three teams. Spain and Italy's strong dialogue, Netherlands baoleng is also a hot topic on the day.Who's going to block Germany? In recent years in the competition of four killed in Germany currently is the largest in the European Cup wins top, in this hot before Word search list, Germany has been dominated popular number one position in the team, 10th show performance is not satisfactory, but 1:0 take down Ronaldo lead Portugal team results, is also their popularity continues to UCH. NowTeam hot searches list, Germany's popularity even more than the second place Spain team and third-place Italy combined high. Who is going to stop Germany, both on the field and in the field, it seems to have become a big question mark. Believe for some time in the future, Germany's popularity has been high, until one day a round, they met a team,The current European Cup's first taste of defeat. But as long as no outs, Germany heat at this European Cup list about will always continue, able to surpass them, like Spain. Spain team can break the spell? This Spain team, your European Cup champions and the 2010 South Africa World champions, world no teamThat can win them, but first there is proud of their opponents capital, in European Cup matches, Italy also has never kept Spain into the ball, even 4 years ago Spain heyday, 120 minutes, handing each other between the two sides, Spain just won in the shootout. Of course, the current strength comparison is not old at all. Spain has lostVilla and Jordi Pujol, but fighting capacity remains at a high level. Italy had ceased to be that has a reinforced concrete lines of Italy. After the win in the 2006 World Cup, Italy had been in decline, their 2010 World Cup humiliation to the Panel out, scene of ugly is staggering. Can be expected to be click here, Italy visit the site, 11thGroup active in the first round duel of weakness early this morning, to counterattack in response to Spain's offensive. With Buffon of Italy defenses can withstand after Spain attack, remains in doubt, first happened to Petr Cech has proven, just to have a good goalkeeper is useless. Netherlands heat cold by baoleng most people could dream,Have so many stars of the Netherlands team in team first lost to Denmark. Further to Greece after reproduce myths, has created "Denmark fairy tale" Denmark seems to be outdone, 1:0 first to beat the Netherlands, created the biggest upset since the Kasai. Team on the popularity list, Netherlands team has been very "low key", always hovering on the five away, the series is casting a cold water,So unpopular and failed to make Netherlands heat better. Currently ranked sixth of the Netherlands top five teams a far cry from the heat and, lost in a really hot. But Netherlands team lose is also not too "cold", Denmark is currently the world's Nineth than even the Portugal team a bit higher, group of four teams, all ranked among the top ten in the world, can truly be "who will haveOpportunity to "Netherlands team after two wars between Germany and Portugal, as long as well, can achieve the Jedi reversed.

