2012年6月11日 星期一

but financingHas a lot less Rift CD-key but financingHas a lot less - KSMZ

129823442329062500_55Zuckerberg marriage inspiration: Internet start-ups and young story In the eyes of young people today, Mark Zuckerberg is a "male genital organ" into a "high shuai Fu" inspirational character. This "male genital organ" establishment of campus intranet in order to pick up hot chicks end in the "male genital organ", supported by out of Harvard, out of United States and the world, into the world "male genital organ" and "high shuai Fu" loves "Facebook." On Friday, "Facebook"(Facebook) successfully listed 38 dollars per share and entire companies worth hundreds of billions of dollars, founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg owns 28.4% shares of the company, worth nearly $ 20 billion. Although the stock plunge, listed 15% lower than the issue price on the third day, he already lost billions of dollars, but for a lot of people about"Facebook" break, innovation works CEO Kai-Fu Lee said that if the question asked Zuckerberg, he repeats himself when the ringing of the Bell of speech: "I'll press the Bell and then get back to work. Listing is a milestone, I know it looks is a big issue. But our mission is not to become a public company. Our mission is to make the world more open and connected more closely."It is said that when you have billions of assets Rift CD-key, money is just a symbol. Although the loss of billions of dollars, but not prevent the peach blossom luck for Zuckerberg. "Facebook" listing the next day, Zuckerberg's marriage to a Chinese girlfriend Puli xila��Chen in love for many years. It is said that who met on party choice during the Harvard TERA Gold, this not being optimistic about love"Facebook" become more successful, more and not be optimistic about. After 9 years, so a lot of people fell below the glasses are, others rather than breaking up, instead of repairing the zhengguo. Puli Sheila faces, ethnic identity in the East, once again aroused the concern of the Chinese media, the Chinese people build and good looks are not a superior woman, how worthy of gold and young world famous CEO? SoMakers of touzhe acid water Tiger Qi, and even famous portal of this title, "Zuckerberg married black short short toggle high shuai Fu". There's a joke about marriage and love, a young and beautiful United States girl at a large financial published an issue of forum posts on the Internet: "How can I marry a rich man? "A Wall Street financier replies that: From a business point of view, to marry you is a bad business decision. There is a fatal problem, your beauty will fade away, but my money is not reduced for no reason. Therefore, from an economic point of view, I is a value-added asset, you depreciate assets. Beauty fade away faster and faster, if it is your only asset, after 10, you value of worrying. SoI advise you not to look for secret formula to marry a rich man. The way a sentence, you can try to turn themselves into the annual salary of 500,000 people, which is more than met a greater chance of the rich fool. Marriage and wealth, beauty, and is at all times and will talk about the topic. A perfect match between a man and a girl, the uranium conspiracy, the traditional standard, and marriage is far from in love so simple I love you wish. 2010 years, Wang Xiaofei and s marriage began, Yao Chen ended in divorce. Now, how many people may not be able to recall Chen Yao husbands name. Although no one knows what is the real reason they broke up, but in reality has a well-known and have yourself a wife of a man of wealth, the pressure is great. Compared to the instability of love, marriage is a contract, moreIs a merger and acquisition, or strength of the weak party affiliated party, either a win-win situation with added value. S age is weak, but her wealth is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, famous in particular, is hurting Taiwan's better-known, Wang Xiaofei South beauty is not going into the family business of Taiwan do? Soho China, Pan shiyi only 5% per cent, over Zhang 60%,Pan shiyi said several times that he was working on behalf of Zhang Xin. Of course, this is not the reason, but this is not why? Traditional Regal circle, new network love seems to be more pure. Wealth of the Internet industry, and are not necessarily progressive, wealth is the industry norm. Of those buried in the computer head when Guy also did not realize that they have the money, it hasRichest man is a match of traditional industries. At least Mark Zuckerberg live in rented apartments, in fact, he has become the highest net worth in the world of young people. At his side, is in some people's eyes, neither sexy nor beauty of Puli Sheila. According to friends, Puli partner Sheila is Zuckerberg not only life, but also his business partner. Zuckerberg"Facebook" site early, Puli Sheila has been quietly support behind him. Later she worked with Zuckerberg's team to the United States in paluoao State of California supporting entrepreneurship. Zuckerberg's predecessors, also called young Google co-founder Sergey Brin, married his college girlfriend of two years ago. Volvo's love of the Internet might be relatively stable,Traditional industry growth rate is too slow, perhaps less successful day, ingredients flying swallow. Because in the growth of the Internet during the wives or girlfriends of entrepreneurs to participate in their business, have experienced too thin, have a total wealth and stability. Ma, Li and Li guoqing of the examples may be supported. Of course, when there is no successful partner, destruction is also the largest. Tudou and youku fly to the United States market for the first time, micro-ex-wife of Tudou CEO Wang lawsuit sudden feet being tied up potatoes. Cool concept first single success in America SWTOR Credits, Victor Koo profits full bowl full. Micro-Wang, and potatoes can only watch the opportunity slip from the hand, a Miss-step by step missed. Although potatoes eventually listed, but financingHas a lot less, and potatoes end up being cool with. Know the background of his ex-wife, lethality was the largest, now take a look at, the action value is how many millions? Others:

