2012年2月19日 星期日

tsw gold made four months service in the little sheep last year - FVT

129732029230471250_145Lu Litao on February 3, ahead of the Chinese new year 12, rework of tide in Shenzhen had not yet come, Shenzhen Foxconn technology group second East ring road south entrance, long lines are already lined up to apply for General Worker, teams have their dress and hairstyles are quite fashionable in the "generation". Many young people still dragging luggage, from the railway station and get off at the bus station directly to Foxconn's line up. EarlyOn the job from the start at 8 o'clock, ends at 11 o'clock, 1 o'clock in the afternoon, ended at 5 o'clock. Candidates are still lining up long lines at noon, is responsible for the recruitment of persons in order to break the ice, proposed that every ten people a team, a team if a person voluntarily come forward to show talent in this team can advance to the interview. Some young people have no stage fright, wants to show people one by one, pick up wheatG the wind do introduce yourself first tsw power leveling, and then sing popular songs, the legend, and the love of 36 meters, the water be unruffled by emotion, sth����Active, confidence and courage to see young people show themselves. Recruitment process is relatively simple, competent after verification of identity cards, candidates lined up into the Park on bus, accept the simple common sense test and medical examination, and then become a member on the production line.General Worker shortage after years of manufacturing industry under the background of the Pearl River Delta, Foxconn has no concern about jobs. Shenzhen Foxconn technology group, Liu Kun, spokesman for the China business news (Twitter), reporters, Foxconn did not pressure, Foxconn's Shenzhen rework rate up to 97%, years after the expected recruitment of 20,000 people, Army Day in the early days of enrollment to about 5,000 people, thisA few days after averaging two thousand or three thousand people. Optimism and new employees of old employee lost from Henan's small, Wei, a brown-yellow hair, fashion clothes in the crowd, some prominent, born in 1991, she has been working three years in Shenzhen, clothing sales, also in the other factory workers, villagers say Foxconn good wages, and cousin to candidate, cousin of ageSmaller, born in 1993. Foxconn have set up factories in Zhengzhou, Henan province, Xiao Wei shook his head saying haven't heard of, but villagers say, Shenzhen high treatment. "Anyway, the young out, climate of Shenzhen, home was very cold and uncomfortable. "Little Wei said with a smile. When asked if when you heard that Foxconn employee suicides have occurred, little Wei said, "listen to oldHeung Yee Kuk said. We don't dance well, I feel like I'm pretty optimistic.����"Also ranked behind small-Wei's cousin laughing. From Chongqing dazu Xiao Li had a similar optimism, born in 1989, he has been working three years in Shenzhen tsw gold, in other electronic factory worked on for over a year, made four months service in the little sheep last year, felt too tired wages are not high,Foxconn employed. Xiao Li, Foxconn is "big, famous, good benefits, and Housing Fund. "Optimistic compared to new employees, older employees showing a" contradiction "and" lost ", from the September 2010 in Foxconn's working girl small-Wei told reporters," regret, regret. Coming in at first unfamiliar environment, and some talking cord lengthYou're welcome, girl called we cry, work pressure, also very tired. But go, wages have not Foxconn outside, and work more tiring, no vacation, a week or a day off here, one also leave and paid leave. "Hear small-Wei 's" contradictions ", a male employees who work inside the Minato came and said," I was sick todayAnd I want to change my line, line leader is not allowed, that do not want to do, don't do we not queren.����"He was feeling very lost. Manufacturing is the head of the fate line of direct access to grass-roots management personnel and employees, said Liu Kun, head of the line age not a few years older than employees, did not really understand how to do the mental work, just mechanically layout tasks. After the suicides, FoxconnAlso requests the experts to the head of the line train, but their management cannot be done overnight. Liu Kun admits, since working on the production lines are lines rather than points, then the corners in every post, if delayed will delay the entire line efficiency. This is the fate of the manufacturing industry, than other industries hard, physically pay more than other industries, but difficultRoad for this reason did not exist in manufacturing? Foxconn employees have more than millions in the Mainland, Shenzhen longhua only alone, more than 200,000 people, Park size equivalent of United States a medium town, but compared to cities and towns, Foxconn Park social configuration of a single diablo 3 power leveling, harmonious and effective management has always been the problem for large groups.Liu Kun said that he believes that Chinese enterprises do not have a second home there is so perfect mechanism, but mechanisms do not in themselves prevent accidents, is prevention.����Employee's psychological problems are not the enterprises to establish a mental institution can solve, young people's mental problem must be long-term effects brought about by the development of the community, concern about heart health than the whole of society from the beginning of education. Perhaps, on theIn the "80, generation" workers, Foxconn is a "besieged fortress", people outside to get in, and people inside out, but found that the treatment of other manufacturers have not Foxconn high that wages are relatively transparent. Others:

