2012年2月12日 星期日

swtor commendation power leveling 22-11-12-25-17-17-11-11-1-19 during the past decade - EBO

129732242363283750_379 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/commendation/">swtor commendation power leveling</a>First, comprehensive analysis: on 982 Awards, considerably smaller, even and odd combination, set of 6 patterns, and 19, span 7. Odd-even trend: 18:12 parity than during the past decade, slightly odd big strong.  Odd-even combination on the departure, then focus on odd big lead, focus on the odd departure than cent of collocation model of anti-2:1 combination. SizeTrends: size during the past decade than at 17:13, code big-leading, large size combination on big, then focus on priority concerns the large number of, refer to the combination of 1 small 2 large police depart 1 large 2 small combination. Span: the trend during the past decade span 3-3-3-2-2-3-4-6-1-7, bounced out of large numbers, odd span out on, the next focusAcross large numbers, number of curious across 3-5.  Trends and values: 22-11-12-25-17-17-11-11-1-19 during the past decade tor commendation power leveling, and open-phase 1, second district and value out of the 7 issues, three areas out of the phase 2, depart next focus area and the second value, focus and values 10, points out. Second the old republic commendation power leveling, the numbers recommended: bile 2 5Position 5***2***7 dual position 459//024//387 group selected duplex "bullish group of six" six codes fro 235,794 235,795 code re coded duplex 2,357 featured ten groups: 507 543 923 907 408 943 523 heads up anti-523-527 views, for reference only!

