2012年2月12日 星期日

dragon nest power leveling 129731937150158750_176 - QMO

129731937150158750_176Area the light Online light score CGWR
CGWR:331 CGWR describes 7.1 of the OL light is now open the door to don't delete test, its degree of popular imagination. Magnificent skill in the game formulas, stylish and ever-changing external equipment, different pets and so on, every
Is fascinated with the player's eye. For most players, and combat effectiveness of the role cannot be ignored. Higher the role players in the game battle, task, copy or processes would be more easily adopted by. Instead it would be more difficult, of course. And the player itself is under the foot of effort, try to do a high output of the strong. The light of OLAlso felt that the player's enthusiasm and effort impact grade spirit of enthusiasm, in response to the player, is also to motivate a greater number of new players, the bright OL opens up the clock rolling on the lines of activity, is committed to bringing unique gaming experience to players. Crowded with the many special events in the light of OL and copy to their difficulty of top design, complexPlay a variety of ways to attract the attention of numerous players the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, were warmly welcomed by the majority of players. "Magic room", "battle of destiny", "land of the lost", "warrior wrestling ring", "magic spirit invasion" you choose! Dark flow surge, perilous, activities, replicas, in which will make players feel terrible and dark atmosphere of the most exciting thrill gunnin ' Phoenix Suns. WarScreen tight fast attack speeds d3 gold, thrilling intense combat, magnificent scale battle screen will make the player feel the visual feast and enjoy the thrill of the game. At the same time, experience bonus and BOSS who copies provided by the fall and rare of all kinds of the best equipment for the player, but also not a small temptation. Now, let us into the lightState OL, experiences on the Mainland are turbulent dragon nest power leveling, accept extremely difficult challenges. Sea bright's official website the official Association of cooperative group: 173,420,955

