2012年2月23日 星期四

aion kinah Zikel you whether you study in selected countries - TWG

129731621489221250_140In recent years a wave above the waves in the wave of student aion kinah Vaizel, many students did not know why to study abroad aion money, study abroad not ready, "with no clear reason" out of the country. Study also the passively to be laugh at yourself for some students to "study abroad". "Study abroad" will lead to learning, life does not fit, even dropping out ofGood parents and students how to deal with this situation? This issue of education week, interpretation of the story behind the study. In order to face "study abroad" entrust students came from the superior, is the eye of parents, is interested in painting since childhood. When the parents are abroad many times, has daughter explore studying abroad. Entrust students not admitted high school fine arts college, looking woman into Phoenix's parents decided to sendDaughter to France to learn painting. In the eyes of parents, abroad if you can into a prestigious University, will be able to find a well-paying job in the future aion kinah Telemachus, from the peace of mind. Entrust students do not want to go abroad for pampered from childhood, but the superiority complex and a strong sense of family vanity, she agreed to go abroad to study. Entrust students go to France Hou, highly adaptive to new life, French has also been difficult to cross the border, oldTeacher lectures such as hieroglyphics. In extreme anguish troubles, she made late, sleeping in class, do not hand in their homework on time, a series of violations of Anshan school thing, repeatedly warned not to change cases at school aion kinah Israphel, the school finally made the decision to fire, and the fee will not be refunded. You can choose professional "many students prefer to follow, likeStudy abroad, he would like to go out. Read what professional, after studying what is the way out, there is no concept of how much. "Study abroad experts Dr Hui said, this is a common fault of many family, advisory in students studying abroad, this group accounts for a considerable proportion. Xu studied at Washington State University students, fall into this category "study abroad" crowd, he is very confused.He had many students go abroad the previous year, and it will "follow" to study in the United States, and for the convenience of applications which are not based on their hobbies, he chose the theory of mathematics. "Wake up every day as long as I was depressed, don't want to learn natural science will not go on. "Yang Hui said, such as Xu students" studying "if measures are not taken, continue to" study abroad "a road on the way to the black,Consequences are not only cause economic loss to the family, no progress, come back after graduation is no competition at all. It is understood that if you blindly select a professional, this kind of "study abroad" according to country and the relevant policies, combined with their own characteristics and preferences, choose Professional. Such as the United States, go talk to professional needs with professional instructors. In General, the instructors willDetermine whether the student is really not suitable for reading professionals aion kinah Spatalos, then according to the student's potential for learning and personal intentions, to recommend for students enrolled in professional. "Study abroad" affected "is to study" mainly refers to the following situations: fails to properly face the employment pressure, blindly going abroad to study, as a safe haven abroad; under parent requirement, reluctantly abroad; voluntary study abroad, But I don't understand their own, any so-called popular countries, top professional schools. With the "study abroad" are: the "study abroad" in the process of preparing or went overseas to study, under great physical and mental pressure, not only failed to advance, personal development is greatly affected. Some people become "kelp" (the sea), "sea cucumber" (Sea-left), and on top of that, because it cannot adapt to the harsh system of teaching abroad, and was fired in the middle. "Study abroad" has become a social phenomenon that cannot be neglected, needs to attach sufficient importance to students and parents. Dr Hui said, many students are now in "study abroad" status aion kinah Suthran, parent participation aion kinah Thor, and school help children select and professional, and the students themselves are no fromSovereignty. Part of self-care ability and independence of weaker students aion kinah Balder, parents "admission" abroad aion kinah Siel, studying abroad is fraught with instability, are at greater risk. She reminded, good planning is the key to a successful study abroad. Studying if there is no selection on the right school and professional, does not comply with the wishes of the child itself to read the environment will no doubt on their physical and mental development in the futureSerious effects. Studying the displeasure of the moment in young, students and parents should be more rational to recognize that study abroad is a forward-looking investment in education. Study abroad should be a rational decision, must not blindly or not end up competing on the spur. In addition to efforts on the examination results and the language aion kinah Urtem, but also more "hyperopia" aion kinah Zikel, in terms of intercultural adaptation, self-planningMake active preparations. Reporter Lu June to go abroad to ask your KAPLAN Center in Qingdao the second veteran Zhao Xia said, studying abroad has its pros and cons, depends on the person. Experts suggest intention of students studying abroad aion kinah, not before stepping out of the country, it is necessary to do an objective and comprehensive review. This will not only prevent student failure events to the maximumAlso allows students to have a correct cognition aion kinah Kromede, learning and living benefit at a later time. Question: are you at home, formed a good learner and ability to live independently? Question: are you studying abroad and their choice after a long period of consideration? Question three: do you to study abroad and the State has a comprehensive knowledge of life? Question four:Do you have your own hobbies and have a clear plan for future career development? Question five: have you ever comprehensive assessment of their own learning aion kinah Perento, including academic achievement, language before you score? Question six: you whether you study in selected countries, schools and professional and have a clear understanding of intent? Question seven: whether you study abroad costs (including fees and living expenses) Has been prepared, not under full scholarship, studying can solve the question of cost? Question eight: Please ask again, are you to accept the quality of higher education and in improving the comprehensive abilities of students achieve their purpose for study abroad? "A foreign diploma does not necessarily make the children in the talent competition at the top. "Zhao Xia said, before selecting a study abroad, Help children to have a clearer perception and orientation, determine if they fit not suitable for going to school. Before considering what to which country the school, what professional. "Seek first, then a good" give children a real educational environment for their long-term development. Lu June (Editor: Ning Zhaogang) Others:

