2012年2月12日 星期日

tera power leveling - ZRD

129733617917815000_6A few days ago, the State Council issued the industrial transformation and upgrading plan (2011-2015) (hereinafter referred to as the programme), requires the next 5 years, concentration of production and sales of the top 10 companies in automotive industry must now upgrade to 82.2% of the above, growing to more than 7.8% the old republic commendation power leveling, and requested the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, encouraging enterprises to realEffects of mergers, makes 3 to 5 large automobile enterprise group with the core competitiveness. Encourage car companies in the implementation of the merger and reorganization of the planning of "Twelve-Five" industrial transformation and upgrading of the main indicators in the period, required the industry top 10 enterprises, production and marketing concentration by 82.2% now, upgrade to 90% the next 5 years, the cumulative change at 7.8%. RequestVigorously promoting the development of independent brands, encourage enterprises to adopt the merger and reorganization of formation 3-5 furniture large automobile enterprise group with core competitiveness, industry concentration reaches top 10 Enterprise 90%.����By 2015, energy-efficient passenger cars new car average fuel consumption of 5.9 l/hundred km; new energy automobile production and sales reached 500,000 new threat definitions. China's passenger car marketInformation joint Deputy Secretary Cui Dongshu said the narrow advantage Basic is a joint venture of the passenger car business, and advantages within the framework of joint venture enterprises in the big group. Group's development over the coming years is to rely on joint venture brands increments. However, the future transformation of the automobile industry's objective is to promote the brand. Brand's share has risen, so it is possible toExtrusion brand share of joint ventures. If the joint venture brands share drops, the Auto Group of incremental advantage is reduced, can only rely on the breakthrough of the brand. At present tera power leveling, China's large Automotive Group brands are still high after start of stepwise regression, its technologies and products needed to digest, so the next few years a large group's core brands are still difficult to top beamEffect of column.����Thus, increment was mainly brought about by the independent brand of car companies, which relies on the Chery, Geely, BYD, companies such as the great wall. Perfect new energy automobile development content of the planning, requirements to develop energy-saving and new energy vehicles. Adhere to energy-saving cars and new energy vehicles simultaneously, raising the level of traditional energy auto energy saving and environmental protection and safety, speeding upPure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid cars such as the new energy automobile development. Organization and implementation of innovation and development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles project by national science and technology plan (Special) about research and development work, mastering advanced lightweight materials such as internal combustion engines, high performance transmission, key technology, breakthrough battery, drive motor and core technologies such as management systems, gradually establish and improve standardsContinuing tracking technology of fuel cell vehicles swtor power leveling, local conditions and moderate development of alternative fuel vehicles. At the same time, speed up the traditional car upgrading and improving pollutants discharge standard, reduction of pollutant emissions; promoting energy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration, speeding up construction of filling, changing facilities, and actively explore the marketing mode. Perfect access management for new energy vehicles, soundVehicle energy management system. Diario reporter Guo Xiaoge

