2012年2月11日 星期六

swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling down 5%. Japan Electrical Engineering Corporation - XVY

129731621469221250_98I wrote in a previous article, in the global competition in the automotive industry, "win," Japan Automobile manufacturers "critically important". Japan can afford to create the legendary e-businesses fail? Surprising is this incredible ideas are turned into reality. Now the real question is, whether the disaster was inevitable. As of 201231st, Sony expects a loss of 220 billion yen this fiscal year (about US $ 2.9 billion), this is the 2011 fiscal-year loss of 260 billion yen (about US $ 3.2 billion) again after a loss. Panasonic is expected, the company's loss of 780 billion yen this fiscal year (about US $ 10.3 billion). Sharp expects loss this fiscal year, 20 trillion yen (about US $ 3.8 billion). The disaster also spread to commercial equipment and electronic parts manufacturing sectors. Japan electric company (NEC) expected losses of around 100 billion yen. Commercial and home printer manufacturer Ricoh (Ricoh) previously announced, the company lost $ 46 billion yen for the year is expected (compared with profit of $ 19.6 billion yen in the same period of last year), Since 1970, lost for the first time since the consolidated financial statements. Seiko Epson Corporation (Seiko-Epson) is expected, the company's profits this year by 51%, 5 billion yen. Manufacturer of electronic parts, electrical and chemical industry company in Tokyo (TDK) expects a loss of 11 billion yen for the year (last year profit of $ 45.2 billion yen)。 Kyocera Corporation (Kyocera) expects full year profit of 11 billion yen, down 36%, this year's sales to 1.18 trillion yen, down 7%. Murata Manufacturing (Murata Manufacturing) decline in profit for the year is expected to 33% swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, to 36 billion yen this year on sales of 585 billionYen, down 5%. Japan Electrical Engineering Corporation (Nippon Denko) profit for the year is expected to fall by 44%, 31 billion yen, sales of 610 billion yen this year, down 5%, Alps Electric (Alps Electronics) is expected to decline in profit for the year 73%, 3 billion yen this yearSales of 522 billion yen, down 5%. Industry as a whole by March 11 earthquake tsunami, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident and Thailand floods exacerbated the effect of the temporary or one-time factors such as loss. Thailand flooding effects, Epson was forced to air ink supplies, to support the inkjet printer in the United States market sales, which increased the company's costs. ProfileEuropean market of potential severe effects the operation of most enterprises, resulting in steep decline in sales. Generally weak sales and profits abroad, compounded by strong appreciation of the yen led to depreciation of the companies ' overseas earnings. In the Japan domestic market, LCD TV's profit fell. In addition, corporate restructuring has had a huge impact on several companies. Japan electrical company vision, The company will cut 5,000 jobs next year (employees a total of 110,000 people), will assume the 40 billion yen in restructuring charges this year. Sony company and Korea Samsung Electronics joint venture manufacturer of LCD panels, book value write down their shares of the joint venture company. Sharp writedowns deferred tax assets of 110 billion yen,Is expected to compensate for profit target will not be achieved, at the same time close the LCD panel manufacturing facility increases the cost of 80 billion yen. However, in many cases, one-off factors increase or enlarge the fundamental weaknesses of the product and strategic and competitive disadvantages. Now more than ever the need to inject new blood into management, actively operating. I would like once again to referSony is the industry pioneer. Huohuade·SI Kim quek (Howard Stringer) since 2005 as a foreign CEO of Sony, after he stepped down as President of the Board of the company, aged 51 star wars the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, pingjingyifu took over his position. It was reported that huohuade·SI Chinga wanted to continue as Chief Executive, cable4 years in a row after the loss of the company, outside directors have very different views on this. Changes in the management of the industry there's going to have more. For investors star wars the old republic commendation power leveling, now seems to be between hope and experience. But now the company's share price and dividends look weak. Sharp dividends reduces the company's 7 trillion yen to 10 trillion yen, Japan electric companyTwo years unable to pay dividends. Saving funds needed to strengthen research and development, launch new products--when investors start to think of not being criticized have been dominating the world of Japan electronic industry is to contemplate the time, this may be the only choice. (Author: author: Stephen Harner) (Editor: Sun Libin)

