2012年1月8日 星期日

swtor power leveling Belgium may slow down economic growth TIW

129667634792959142_43 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/swtor/credits">swtor credits</a>P downgrade Belgium's credit rating to "AA" Rating Agency standard and poor's 25th Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA" rating Outlook to negative. P said in a statement released the same day, Belgium may slow down economic growth, financial markets by the European debt crisis seriously affect and is its high government debt downgrade Belgium's credit rating of the main reasons。 P believes that Belgium government net debt at the end of 2011 will be 93% per cent of GDP, and this proportion is likely to rise further to 100%. In addition swtor power leveling, thanks to the European debt crisis and the effects of the global economic slowdown, exports accounted for 80% of Belgium economy shrinking external demand may be slowing. P is also concerned that Belgium attempts to form a new GovernmentFailure is a serious threat to Belgium's credit. Currently, Belgium has been in a State of no official government more than 500 days.

