2012年1月7日 星期六

huge impact to ride back to the latter. Worse is

129667775672959142_30Las check figure is unclear today in Hong Kong test results of concrete Compare with defending champions baoleng lose, effect of Yi injured the old republic power leveling, is the greatest disadvantage. Second Festival also in less than 3 minutes left, Marbury ball attack and hit the already standing position of Zhu Fang Yu, huge impact to ride back to the latter. Worse is, Zhu Fang rain just hitting of shoulders standing under the basket of Yi, the latter immediately on the ground cannot afford. "Microblogging blessings: prayersLas returning race at an early date "for the sudden blow, Greens become silent, Physio and immediately went to check under the basket, about 5 minutes later, a Lian Ren Jun and teammate Li Yuanyu fly supported by going to the restroom. Las lying massage bed looks painful, Physio at once further checks on the wound, and deposited in his injured right knee on iceBag. After the start of the second half, never to return to the stadium. This reporter has learned, the site of injury to the right medial knee ligament, the same location had previously been hurt, so specific figure is not yet clear. Just in case, clubs will be sent by hand, Alian to Hong Kong today for checking, specific circumstances to conclude today. In fact, were injured last night is not onlyUnited, after a Tackling fell, small Dong Han Lin's right knee were rivals to sit through, at the end of halftime star wars the old republic power leveling, little Tung lap around the ice is no stage of the second half. "It is not yet clear, right knee hurts, well, have never injured before. "For the injuries, Dong Hanlin looks in frustration. Welcome vote Yi in Guangdong VSBeijing's knee injury in the competition field, think of you the first time? Bad Chinese men's basketball team London what blessing, hoping Las injury less serious concerns, defending Guangdong road being hit calm, Hongyuan enjoy numerical superiority has little effect on viewing the results

