2012年1月9日 星期一

swtor credits strength changes not description indices on the following day oneTurning point JWZ

129668652411250000_85Red hexun.com stock stock market weekly issue 2011 > source of body-November 27, 2011: red in the securities market weekly author: Li Danrong size: copy title link red week (blog, Twitter), freelanceBeijing Li Danrong specifications are complex, seemingly intuitive, but hard to see subtle changes, if encountered indicators passivation in particular seems clumsy. If the agreement with data showing indices run clear, accurate, can play a role in clearly visible, so I took observation data for technical analysis of alternative. Let us use a simple combination of data to attempt to discover market-orderTurning points in order to remain active in shock. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders Li 8 a 12-year Player 8 deep investments to realize the IPO of more dangerous thanTiger 29 months "circle" approaching trillion [Twitter] Lao Sha: International Board will do before the path of a [Unit] stock or large area next week drop to (map) data a overbought Super Sellers/Super/Hyper-sellers, this is the date line-level trend analyses. When the number of Super or Super Sellers continued to rise, and synchronized with the indexes, they represent a continuation of the trend, or on behalf ofA departure from, Inflexion may illustrate this trend. When the hyper-buy swtor credits, sellers with more than 400 homes, the trend has accelerated, which means that existing trends are clearly identified, and air, clear-cut, you may not use the 5 trading days will be able to reach a limit, let the market reverse shocks. So, once you see this data, it is necessary to stabilize, not justChasing rising stocks, or to kill the fallen, which means that the direction to maintain their positions, while also paying close attention to changes in the indices of, waiting for the reverse operation opportunity of extreme when the data appears. When a relative limit of the overbought or oversold when the data appears, on behalf of great excitement or fear in the market, although short-term participation at this time, but data after the market reverse shocks tend to be more noteworthy. ThanOn May 31 this year number 934 Super sellers, was a relative peak, the index hit a new low after a short rally. Super Sellers number to only 316 on June 22, however, so when you see the index weakened, and Super Sellers away from previous limit data is likely to herald a wave of actions will appear. And, for example on October 11 Super Sellers number 1108,A relative limit, market new level after a short rally, October 24 super sellers only 256, a departure from already! Data above the 25-day moving average number of 5th averages over the percentage ratio: this is the average force, when compressed to 10% following or a above represent a limit there, this is the analysis of Inflexion2nd category of data. This data alone mean little, must match the data 1 trend, to analyze the strength of this evolution. For example, on September 13 Super Sellers reach 457, is a relative peak, 5th averages over the ratio dropped to 21% in a row, it should be said that the data is not 21% limit, the data does not reflectLimits of oversold, so you can judge the significance of rebound did not take part in operation here. Then, on October 11, peak of Super Sellers number 1108, 5th averages above the number than has been from September 29 rose to 8.5%, visible as fears continued to deepen, funds have been started lurking at individual stocks, you can short participation.Three data increases, the number fell than rose, falling number of ratios: this is one of the daily stock indices and weak characterization, rose rose over than fell instead. Day before the index rose, theoretically up number percentage should rise; when this one fell, heralded the change occurred on a day of strength, strength changes not description indices on the following day oneTurning point, because changes in trends is not a day, so it is 3rd class combined with trend indicators, but also to the former observation data of a secondary 2 classes. When the limit of 3 types of data at the same time in a position, then the stage turning point will most likely if class 3 data cannot be consolidated, you must first be judged from the 1th of these trends data swtor power leveling, and then through 2 data speculated that after the next inflection pointAppears the possible time period, so as to help us prepare for future transactions; if the inflection points 1th trends data does not appear, and 2 ultimate turning point occurred in advance of such data, it indicates that a departure from, in which case the trade points on the left side is likely to herald a considerable income. On May 30 this year, falling over the two cities than from cent on May 27Down to 75% stating market began to improve, but 5th above the average number reached 9.85%, shows continue to compress, hyper-sellers continue to rise on May 31, in which case the rebound only observation and smaller levels to participate. Then, on June 20, 5th averages over the 10%, close to the limit, while higher than the end of May of the same type of data, and then fell over the70%, close to the limit, number 237 Super Sellers at this time, away from the May 30 of 934, can guess a worthwhile rally has arrived. October 10 Super Sellers number continued to rise up to 1019, and 5th averages above the number than has been from the September 29 rose to 8.5%, the day fellHome about 60%, is a relative limit of the data, therefore speculated a rebound occurs, but it does not look forward to how strong the rebound, as the market continued to fall, and indicators does not synchronize stretched to the limit, so you can not determine here is kind of a turning point, only careful participation in fast forward faster. On October 20 markets plunged, Super sellers only 139, away from 10The 11th 1108, 5th averages above the number than only 7.4%, basic judge is to limit the data, and in Shanghai and Shenzhen fell over the 92%, generally determine the resonance point has arrived. On October 21 Super Sellers number 226, 5th averages over the 6.2%, room for this data and then weak only up to 1 day, which fell over the two cities thanReduce to 80%, to see this data, bargain buying has planned the following day. Of course, in the trenches must also support policy and the environment are analysed, other helper methods will be resolved one by one in a future article.

