2012年1月1日 星期日

* David Stern

129667750434521642_59NBA again recreating all of the NBA season seems to be taking dawn, after experiencing a few months of struggle, everyone knows that, even if both employers and employees to sit down and have a good negotiation, things will not get easy ride. Yesterday, the United States media, * David Stern, Chief Executive of the League is considering a meet the players improved agreement, but his severe conditions of this agreement is more like a new"Ultimatum": the players are either accepting this agreement, or in respect of all claims of the season! Negotiations restart three bosses tend to compromise to save NBA season, things end did not confront at court workers. The day before yesterday and yesterday, representatives of employers and returning to the NBA headquarters in New York, to restart labor negotiations. Despite the negotiations between the two sides have not involvedAnd the substance, but from the United States media feedback, at least between the two sides reached consensus on the purpose: try to avoid court proceedings and transferred to the negotiated settlement. After the players Union announced the dissolution, both employers and employees to sit down to negotiate, which is good news indeed. It is reported that even has the outgoing Union President Fischer flew to New York yesterday, readyAttend a new round of negotiations. You know, "old fish" it took a great risk if Tan Beng, in the subsequent court proceedings, the players unions will face prosecution for actions against rules, but now his attitude is that things are expected to move in the best direction. United States media view the old republic power leveling, best NBA still is expected to hold the Christmas wars. At the same time, employers nowSurf lifesavers removed. ESPN said, there are three anonymous team boss has tended to compromise to restore the 66 regular, and the Christmas wars. Lakers owner Buss, Nick's boss * James Dolan and heat owner Micky Arison is considered to be the most likely candidates, because Christmas Wars has their name. Stern, the ultimate agreement in good faith but insufficient at this time, the basket of the worldOnce again, a message is to let people look forward to cooling. News that Stern is improved for employers previously agreement, available to players, although many articles tend to players, but stern attitude is not reassuring. United States media said agreement for the ultimate agreement only because Stern gave the players a choice: either accept, or full reimbursement of the season. SturtEx "ultimatum" irritated players, things to this step today, and that the ultimatum relevant. And now, Stern's hardline attitude is most likely now optimistic went straight, after all the players have to make to court claims risk would have risked the entire season. Just as Bryant said: "30 million and I do not, and must fight toThe end of June. "So the key is not a question of reimbursement of the season or not, but the agreement value. Sheridan of ESPN experts pointed out that the labour differences now exist in many small articles, players in the under 55 into, these terms were too harsh. "Are b-level problems (big problem the minutiae of these terms), divergence over-abundance. "Sources said that some bosses expressed optimism about the next Monday is likely to reach an agreement, but in fact, halt the end there is a lot of work to do. Written to all the city's claims against the NBA's pressure has now turned to the employers and the NBA official, after players in the dissolution of the Union of a step, you no longer have to suffer the added pressure of star wars the old republic power leveling, but the NBA has faced numerous ballsTeam is a member of city government prosecution and claims. It is reported that 14 NBA teams belongs to the Mayor of the city once again written, urges end to halt as soon as possible, restoration of the old social order. In these cities many job resources and industries are closely and NBA games, NBA halt now makes social has started disruption. Memphis Mayor AC Wharton said, nBA team arena construction of most of the funds are derived from social fundraising, the team bosses have forgotten this. "We've been forecasting prosecution of NBA, to compensation for their losses from cities due to halt. "What's interesting is, Tweener has officially notified the magic team, asking them to pay $ 2.8 million facility use taxes to halt job losses, damagedPublic provision of social security. Regardless of whether the magic team is willing to, but taxes are inevitable, city officials said will charge a fee of $ 62,800 per game, but "loss is inevitable". "This is our main topic of the negotiations and magic," Allan * Johnson, Executive Director of the Centre City Stadium management said, "we never expected the halt, wingFar does not want a halt. "

