2012年1月8日 星期日

communicated on strengthening a culture of State-owned assets supervisionDu management

129667864504834142_490On November 25, the Central cultural reform work leading group met in plenary session, deeply study the party's 17 in the plenary session, study and implement the CPC Central Committee on reform of cultural system to promote development and prosperity of Socialist culture measures decided to work on some major issues. CPC Central Committee, Member of the Secretariat, and head of Liu YunHill presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, CPC Central Committee and State Councilor Liu yandong, attended and addressed the meeting. Was considered by the plenary session in implementing the party's 17 file Division of responsibilities and the need to develop national "Twelve-Five" of cultural key tasks of reform and development plan of the Division of responsibilities between two files, communicated on strengthening a culture of State-owned assets supervisionDu management, cultural property and artefacts related to transaction management, as well as amendments to the cultural and industrial classification the old republic power leveling, such as the situation on the current and the next reform and development of cultural work out concrete arrangements. It was noted that, to seize a rare opportunity, refine the goals and tasks, highlighting the priorities, intensify and accelerate the progress, and strive to promote reform and development of culture made a major newExhibition. Is necessary to firmly grasp the Socialist orientation of advanced culture star wars the old republic power leveling, adhere to the content is King, the creative priority, formed scientific and rational in the construction of modern cultural industry system, cultural industry, promoting a culture of technological innovation, and improve the modern cultural market system, the expansion of cultural consumption introduce more specific and more effective measures, efforts to promote cultural industries become the backbone of the national economyIndustry. (According to the Xinhua News Agency)

