2011年12月27日 星期二

prices were under pressure. In addition

129667864458271642_371Friday (November 25) in Asia, there is no important economic data, coupled with the approaching weekend and United States investors just came back from Thanksgiving, thinly traded markets. At the same time, overnight Merkel against common eurozone bonds, this scheme may lead to stillbirth, coupled with the rating agencies frequently hand cut eurozone debt rating, risk aversion keen. ThisImportant news: the European Central Bank Board Member paleimo, common eurozone bond occurs sometime in the future, but for now this is not suitable for standard of regional integration. This echoes and Merkel's view, euro therefore remain under pressure. Japan's Finance Minister said, will not hesitate to give response to speculative currency movements, and that is closely monitored in ExchangeField, if necessary, will continue to intervene. The yen a certain pressure. Japan's Cabinet Office subsequently stated that the Government will cooperate closely with central banks, in response to Europe's sovereign-debt crisis to the potential downside risks to the economy of the country. Economic data, Japan in October, the core consumer price index fell 0.1% per annum, for the first decline in four months, YenCurrency down import prices and falling energy prices, in addition to raise cigarette tax effects disappear a year ago, prices were under pressure. In addition, Japan October corporate services price index monthly rate increase of 0.1%, up September; Japan October corporate service price index rose 0.1% at an annualised rate, down September. At the same time, Japan 1118th the week foreign net selling Japanese stocks 77.2 billion yen, on November 11 the week sold 49.9 billion yen on November 18 the week foreign net selling Japanese debt 660.3 billion yen, on November 11 when buying 297.3 billion yen the week on November 18 the week net buying foreign stocks 13.2 billion yen, on November 11 the week selling 76.6 billion yen in November18th week 1.0051 trillion yen net purchases of foreign bonds, on November 11 the week sold 232 billion yen. Leading currencies: dollar index: shocks to narrow over the remains at 79 in early trading the old republic power leveling, then it begins upstream, midday rose to 79.29, trading slightly down. Technically, the dollar index resistance at 79.5, break is located at 79.8; supports located at 79, Buck is located at 78.7. EUR/USD: Merkel against common eurozone bonds, the EUR/USD to maintain a steady downward trend in early trading, fell to 7-week low after 1.3302 maintain weak shock. Technically, the EUR/USD support lies near the 1.33, Buck is located 1.3 mark; resistance at the 1.3 swtor power leveling,430, break is near the 1.35. Dollar/Yen: Japan's Central Bank threatened intervention, dollar/Yen rose to 77.53 highs in early trading, then fell to 77.3 near chonggao near 77.4 per cent level again after a little correction, back again. Technically, dollar/Yen support at 77.2, followed by the psychological barrier of 770. Uplink connection, resistance is located in high point today, the single strong point blank, this will make buying back down. AUD/USD: maintained at 0.9681-0.9711 rangebound, Australia Federal Reserve cut interest rates more likely. Technically, AUD/USD support at 0.9650, below or in the 0.96; resistance at 0.9750, breakthrough in the0.9800 mark. Days of concern: Italy September retail sales and Germany Congress 2012 budget vote. "Panoramic network special statement" articles, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.

