2011年12月18日 星期日

issue shares to be listed after few years

129667889729365392_326 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>"We're sorry, but the case has been a limitation. "Earlier this year ended a publicly traded company after the false statement of securities of principal-agent compensation case, I still received the phone listed company investors from time to time. But, I can only regret that informed investors, the case is over limitation, can no longer be prosecuted. Other investors in order to avoid a repetition, the authorFalse statements were administrative penalties by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the limitation of the remaining few filters listed companies, appeal to meet the conditions for prosecution claims of investors to seize the last opportunity.   ST day: main funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) some unit cut meat fled certainly regret the sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: overpriced stocks be saved! LitigationLimitation of costs up to March 2012 in ST day, released January 23, 2007 the external investment in the notice, Dushan County, Guizhou province of the company limited liability company shareholders of Muang Khong smelting composition and dimensional fortress antimony ore mining rights and exploration rights ownership make false records.  In this regard, the SFC to give them a warning and a fine of $ 300,000. 2009 1On January 19, ST day announcement on major issues notice on foreign investment, as well as dealt with in such a notice may have on the company's loss has been fully disclosed. Therefore, false statement implementation date for the case on January 23, 2007 swtor credits, the false statement correcting day is November 19, 2009. Accordingly, on January 23, 2007 to November 2009Bought during the 19th, and on November 19, 2009, selling or holding on to ST day after investors can seek compensation from the company. It is reported that a Court of competent jurisdiction for the Changsha intermediate people's Court in the present case the limitation deadline is March 4, 2012.  This means, leaving investors sued for just 3 months. *ST Shanghai Branch:Lawsuit by April 2012 *ST Shanghai Branch in 2004 and 2005 annual report were not disclosed in bank borrowings and Payables matters of major concern. At the same time, *ST Shanghai Branch is not in accordance with the provisions relating to the interim report, periodic report disclosure guarantee associated with the controlling shareholder, corporate bank deposit-taking company funds by bank chain, was occupied by controlling shareholder related partyMajor issues.  In response to these violations, SFC in April 2010 in companies warning and a fine of $ 400,000 administrative penalty, Zhang Jie, the then Chairman, and other executives for penalties at the same time. On March 2, 2004, *ST Shanghai branch related parties providing hypothecation, but without a resolution of the Board, has yet to meet interim announcement obligations. On April 25, 2006,*ST Shanghai Branch at the 2005 annual report on the part of major bank borrowings and Payables, as well as possession of funds for additional disclosures on matters of controlling shareholders. Therefore, *ST Shanghai Branch false statement implementation date is March 2, 2004, false statement corrects day on April 25, 2006. March 2, 2004 during the buying,And sold after April 25, 2006, or continue to hold *ST Shanghai Branch has suffered a loss of investor has the right to claims against the company.  It is reported that a Court of competent jurisdiction for the Shanghai first intermediate people's Court in the present case, the limitation of action deadline is April 23, 2012. Zhonghong shares: the lawsuit by April 2012 Hong shares formerly Koyo setMission. Since May 2000, issue shares to be listed after few years, the Koyo group cheating are not stopped.  For it is not in accordance with the regulations disclosure of securities investment, bank borrowings and to provide guarantees of actual control, the fictional violations such as construction and fixed investment, the China Securities Regulatory Commission on administrative punishment of a fine of $ 500,000. On April 29, 2005, Koyo groupPublication of the notice on significant corrections of accounting errors, its significant financial 2001-2003 accounting errors be corrected. Therefore, false statements in the present case for which implementation date listed is the date of June 16, 2000, the false statement corrects day on April 29, 2005. Accordingly, on April 29, 2005 the former purchase, in April 2005After 29th sold Hong shares or continue to hold and a loss of investor, claims against the company. It is reported that a Court of competent jurisdiction for the Hefei intermediate people's Court in the present case the limitation deadline is April 29, 2012. It is worth mentioning that, Koyo group, although a significant asset restructuring, but did not prevent Hong shares to buy Koyo group violations committed prior to the restructuringSingle. Great Lakes shares: limitation by May 2012 shares formerly of Lake Dongting water husbandry, holding company for Hong Xin holdings. April 2001, Anxiang aquatic products has been associated with the Xin Hong holdings, but shares of the Great Lakes is not honest disclosure in annual reports from 2001 to 2007 the association relationship. In view of the above deficiencyFalse statement behavior, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and those responsible for the company given administrative punishments. On November 28, 2008, the media published an article on "Anxiang aquatic Hong Xin holdings affiliates, Dongting water husbandry information disclosure of suspected of serious breaches" of facts have been reported. Accordingly, the Great Lakes shares false statement implementation date is March 25, 2002, that is, 2001-annual reporting date of the disclosure, false statement today revealed on November 28, 2008. Therefore, on March 25, 2002 to buy, and sell after November 28, 2008, or continue to hold shares of the Great Lakes with a loss of investor, claims conditions are met. It is learnt that, in this case a Court of competent jurisdiction for the Changsha city intermediatePeople's Court, the lawsuit deadline is May 28, 2012. Author, missed due to exceed the limitation claim opportunities for investors, it is not near. But the significance of the system of lawsuit prescription, is that urges people to exercise their rights on the rights. Therefore called upon the exercise of the right of eligible for claims of investors, get on this trip to recoup their losses of the last bus.

