2011年12月21日 星期三


129667864403115392_230⊙ Reporter Wu Zhengyi 0 edits zhujianhua and Sprint launched a new third company to the gem.  Const yesterday, about gem IPO's motion was passed by the extraordinary General Assembly for its consideration, the company proposed public offering of 10.2 million shares to raise money into 3 large projects. According to disclosures, Const instrument Corporation in Beijing the proposed public offering of 1020Million shares, after the release of the total share capital of 25%, to raise funds for "digital precision pressure measurement instrument expansion project", "research and development centre expansion project", "other main business-related working capital project" three projects.  Resolutions are valid for 12 months from the date of consideration by the General Assembly of shareholders. Data show that Const focuses on digital pressure, temperature calibratorResearch development and industrialization of the table, its product nationwide measurement of electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, railway, military and other industries for many units in widespread use, and more than similar imported products, occupied the main share of the domestic market. Currently, Const has dozens of products with completely independent intellectual property rights, and has a number of proprietary technology is the world leader and the originalInvasive techniques.  On December 26, 2008, the company listed on the new third Board. From the perspective of ownership structure, Const login after a new third almost no change, existing shareholders for 7 natural persons, refinancing has not been implemented. At present, the company's total share capital to 30.6 million shares, in which concerted action for the first two shareholder Jiang Weili and Sean he, managing people, each hold and 27.15%6% per cent, a total of 51.01% stake, for the people of de facto control of the company. However, the controlled listed companies on the gem, Const relatively small scale of operation. Inspection results in recent years, from 2008 to 2010, the Const main income were 41.507 million $, $ 55.12 million and $, per cent, respectively, 16.88%,And 32.8%, and net profit of $ 8 million, respectively $ 17.665 million and $, per cent, respectively, 15.43% and 46.04%. The first half of this year, the company achieved a revenue of 35.718 million Yuan swtor credits, an increase of 21.01% net profit of 7.922 million Yuan, an increase of 16.92%.  Since venture plate lifted yilai, new third has has North land drug industry, and century real, and better hearing fly hung, and purple Guanghua Yu successfully go log venture plate;-in longitudinal technology venture plate IPO applications is Shang will; sea Xin branch gold swtor power leveling, and double Jie electrical, and star Hao medicine 3 home company is active withdrawn applications; East soil technology, and Bo Hui innovation first IPO was whether Hou has started II times Shang will process. FromCase in the past, new third companies from the startup listing on the gem scheme, to accept the Committee audit cycle length, "waiting period" the longest nearly two years.

