2011年12月26日 星期一

often of 30th

129667648242334142_291, the operation would be the first observation of moving averages in arranging conditions. To distinguish long arranged and are arranged in short. Bulls arranged description made to control the situation the old republic power leveling, think highly of the first-line in operation.   But bearing in mind that stock prices and average degree of deviation, note short fall short and vice versa. 2 swtor power leveling, predict short-term movements, mainly to 5th, 10th line. In strong markets orStrong stocks, share prices generally will not fall below 5th, 10th line. If it fell below, in the short term trend may change. Weak stock price or index to 5th, 10th for pressure line. Short-term moving average also, 3rd line as the main reference of equal-string. In General, short-term expert to 3rd and 7th for short-term reference indicators. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall:Next week shares or are large variable disc five large gold unit are buy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit] strong signals are not bottom-feeders are fools 3, forecast the medium-term trend, often of 30th, 60-day line as the main reference average indicators. 30th line has been a measure of the medium-term the strength of important symbol, 30th averages are effective breakthrough, trend looks promising but market targeting easier to averages for earthquake cartridge selection. On the medium-term trade signals, 60-day moving average is better。 60-day moving average on short-term trends are evident in rising down. According to the historical data displayed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, every break the 60-day moving average has a secondary market. In addition, 21, 34, 55, date line is also the medium-term analysis, such as common averages.   21st averages can be seen as the main lifeline, 55-day moving average as hood line. 4, forecasting long-term trends,120-day line is a very important average position. Price trends obviously are 120 date line support or pressure to study long-term trends in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets with considerable accuracy. 120-day moving average to the market's more than just analysis, also has importance to individual stock trend analysis.   Generally fall below half line, had fled to the main force. 5, line 250-day moving average is mainly usedTo predict the long-term trend, many investors in line for line of Niu Xiong.   Today 250 lines and comprehensive analysis of the fundamentals before we can decide long-term trends are not real Bull and bear markets. (Finishing the rain)

