2011年12月15日 星期四

I don't know

129667750466865392_143"The beast" Tevez can be described as names of European football in the past few days the biggest concern, attempted this, because a move this summer and Manchester City conflict of Argentina, and basai storm again this time with the Blue Moon is a clean break. Overnight in Milan double male represented the Europe strong, and acquisition "the beast" hearsay linked together. Former West Ham United coach Tevez Zola,Recommended to baifeidaixing Juventus past love, he believed that when you can get the Argentina striker, Zebra army could win the League Championship. Of the Turin sports daily: Zola suggested Juve buy Tevez, in accordance with the latest news, refusing to represent Manchester City debut in the match with Bayern Munich, Tevez likely to face a ban of 15 field ClubHeavy penalties against Argentina who left the Blue Moon in the inevitable course of history. Inter, Milan, Paris Saint-Germain, and West Ham United in the past few days and "the beast" out of a sex scandal. Aiming to return to Serie a and the top of the Europe after Juventus who naturally do not suffice, even with media to Marotta zhizhao, think Zebra Legion took the opportunity to introduce a top strikerDream. Has been teaching at West Ham United Tevez Zola also recommended to Juve had in the past love, he told the Turin sports daily said: "I don't know (basai storm) the truth swtor power leveling, but I know Carlos is certainly a gentleman. Juventus? I like Antonio Conte to lead this team, they are exploring a new tactical ideas. In fact they should beHolding the opportunity to introduce Tevez, I think that even in January to join the team, Carlos can still play a decisive role, as he levels the player can break the balance of the entire League by virtue of its own force. I think Tevez could add more to this Juventus shine swtor credits, if we can introduce this player, Zebra Legion will be able to win the League.Inter also is interested in Tevez? I don't know, but if you want the Italy football back to the top, the introduction of Tevez champions is very necessary. "Zola said. Of course, wants Tevez level the player is by no means easy, and Juve strike team now can ease the country's races of the Mediaset, Instead of intervening Tevez round, Zebra Legion should be left to find ways to strengthen the team of defence in the winter, this weakness has in the past several games in the show there is no doubt. The media said, in fact, Ferraris headquarters has drawn up plans, their target was Lyons left gate Ali-Cissokho. The Mediaset said Juventus top has beenAttack and defense ability balance Cissokho as first acquisition target in winter, they had to take action, sending Scout Dina battle against Zagreb in Lyon in the field of the performance of the player, in the next few months are associated with the law of Club and player agent contacts and talks. Cissokho, 24 years old in a few years ago they came close to landing serie a,But because physical examination does not cross the border and Milan slip away. This Zebra army determined to once again attempt to bring it to the Apennine arenas, but they have to beat rival Liverpool, ball, Daglish team this summer was infinitely close to the French.

