2011年12月27日 星期二


129668575509062500_0 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">star wars the old republic power leveling</a>Figure for the first game of the cut through the fog of Economic Forum participants Exchange site

held respectively in the construction of Dalian

129667837463427892_399Dalian International (000881) announcement today, Dalian SASAC will be held by the controlling shareholder of the company shares are transferred to the State-owned resources in Dalian 30% group co. star wars the old republic power leveling, Ltd. Equity transfer Datum day on October 8, Dalian State resources Investment Corporation was completed on November 16 the registration procedures of alteration.According to reports, the Dalian State resources investment company registered capital of RMB 1 billion, scope of business includes investment and management, State-owned assets management and administration, business management services.   Dalian, Dalian SASAC, the State-owned assets investment management group, Dalian bus passenger transport group, held respectively in the construction of Dalian, 80% the old republic power leveling, and 8% equity of the company. DalianSaid the equity transfer was requested by the Dalian City Government, to give better play to the resource of the company's investment and financing platform. After you complete this time equity transfer, operating management of the company and the main business are not changing, controlling shareholder of the company and the actual controller also did not change.

in fact it was a large fortune the history of the eunuch Wang Zhi. Because as we all knowReason

129668732821562500_256Harem under stills (pictures sources: network) now members should are clearly "harem play" of routine has: selected consort, into Palace, by crowd out, was abuse, group maid, several Empress, one or two a Empress Dowager, use all one ' s ingenuity to win favor with SB swtor power leveling, framed, arms Dragon species, was sliding fetal, will will case Shang a June lang, and kind of Imperial physician or musicians, bitter love is cannot love, eventually shuangbin ND:, looks back past, sense"Into the gongmen deep as the sea". Inside the Palace that many things, teaches writers how to innovate? Same is true of the harem, trite, and boring, all expected to be even "through" this kind of tricks are too lazy to play, engaged young audience very large. But please note that the biggest breakthrough is the historical background for the first time from the abuse of the Qing dynasty was moved to theMing dynasty, story points are not bitter forced women Palace maid and musicians love, rather than upon an eunuch Wang Zhi. To know history knows, is recognized as the darkest in the history of the Ming dynasty dynasties of the most corrupt, but one of the biggest reasons is that the eunuch dictatorship. Wang Zhi Ming is one of the most famous Quan Huan, persecution loyal person, reversed the laws of a Royal Government, stop at nothing in doing evilThe infamous West factory is dominated with one hand he controlled, and his potential is from Yang Yi Wan-side played in the play began. So, in my view, on the surface of the play is about more than 19 years senior to see deep Zhu's chaise longue to consolidate its position as persecuted all other concubines and maid's story, in fact it was a large fortune the history of the eunuch Wang Zhi. Because as we all knowReason, eunuchs in the harem is the least calm down for a class of people, they distortion and weakened, in many cases, they're easy to let the audience of the show look bad. Opera has a plot, said Shao Chunhua (an Ady ornaments) in order to save his beloved, Dr Yeoh Eng-(Shaofeng Feng (microblogging) ornaments), preferred and wangzhiyongjiu "for food" (because the maid and the eunuchs were long shut down in courtAnd cannot lead a normal family life, thus allowing both composed of temporary marital, called on food). Shao Chunhua seen such a beautiful and physiological normal woman to endure pains silently to give away what one loves, accompanied by a eunuch life, humiliation and despair makes the screen play is tragic. Played by Patrick Tam is also worthy of Wang, the cold without losing the warmth, the eunuchs that due to physical disabilityComplex mind and helpless and ruthless acts almost impeccable. Fortunately came out spring, Dr Yeoh Eng-fictional character, so writers have an obligation to let lovers all's well that ends well. But to tell the truth the old republic power leveling, this love story is actually easy. Because of the aesthetic elements enter, now many young people began "through the dream," and I want to say a Word, you can see this is entertainmentNon-historical, perhaps the real harem metamorphosis makes it difficult to imagine, book may help you learn some, but only sporadic fragments and silhouette, you will quickly and completely understand that it is a head on the neck do not want to cross back to the times and places.

but this will not bring lint demand improves. Of cotton and chemical fibre in the same

129667840539365392_332Needs to restore the short term is difficult to imagine, shouchu prop effect also takes time. Domestic monetary policy to fine-tune the short term effect on the price of cotton and cotton textile industry will be very limited. Slight decrease in cotton prices trend will continue. Since October, cotton polyester spreads tend to historical averages, but this will not bring lint demand improves. Of cotton and chemical fibre in the same, whether it is alsoAre cotton yarn, polyester, production and marketing are not optimistic, and spinning polyester manufacturer factory operating rate is very low, weak demand for chemical fiber and lint. Currently weak domestic demand for cotton is cotton price weakens the root cause, I have weak demand causes fall into four areas: one is the reduction of the final demand in Europe and, secondly, the transfer of China cotton textile export orders, thirdChemical fiber alternatives, capital chain of its four being nervous limits. The time, the latter two factors have a significant change, demand for cotton has no improvement possible in the near future? Textile Terminal demand transfer of textile terminal a contraction in demand and export orders is two involved "economic growth" and "International Division of labor" important issues. This might as well from 2011Month United States cotton textiles imports to explore. Effect to split price increase, the author adopts a standardized unit SME (Square Meter Equivilents). You can see from the table, China, Pakistan, India and other countries have United States cotton imports a lot of market share. But these three countries faced the same questionQuestion is number 1 Trojan cotton products for export to the United States substantially reduced, per cent reduction, 16.8%, 8.28% the old republic power leveling, respectively. From the table is not difficult to find reasons, 1 United States imports cotton products from global 14935.92 new Trojan SME, compared with 11.18%. This shows United States consumption of cotton textiles in cutsTextile country day is bad too. But Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Indonesia and other "new textile powerful nation", cotton exports to the United States has not significantly reduced, and even increased. In fact, textile industrial policy from labour costs star wars the old republic power leveling, exchange rates and other point of comparison, the above "new textile power" has an obvious advantage in traditional textiles, traditional textile power in the internationalCotton textiles competitive advantage in the market is rapidly lost. Textiles warmed up you want asked "economic recovery" on the 110th session of Canton fair in Europe and the sharp drop in market transactions, buyers in Europe and attend grew, but wait and see more inquiries, declining actual transactions, respectively, 19%. From a larger perspective, China's textile export orders recovery involves important economies such as Europe and AmericaChallenges of economic recovery. Recently our Government for "price stability" and "growth" was a significant change. In Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and the 22nd meeting, Wang Qishan, said that the current global economic situation remains grim, that economic recovery was the overriding task, uneven recovery better than balancing recession. In the wave of recession and recovery in the global economy, cottonTextiles as an industry, like a big wave in the boat, not by yourself. Overall, current cotton market appears difficult to favourable subject matter, seedless cotton prices slightly downward trend will continue. Demands of recovery is the short term is difficult to expect positive, shouchu is "recent straw", but the current shouchu observed shortly, prop effects to show time. Domestic monetary policy to fine-tune theExpect clear, but in the short term effect on the price of cotton and cotton textile industry will be very limited. Lint demand when recovery depends on the export order books, warmer and textiles export orders obvious need asking "economic recovery".

prices were under pressure. In addition

129667864458271642_371Friday (November 25) in Asia, there is no important economic data, coupled with the approaching weekend and United States investors just came back from Thanksgiving, thinly traded markets. At the same time, overnight Merkel against common eurozone bonds, this scheme may lead to stillbirth, coupled with the rating agencies frequently hand cut eurozone debt rating, risk aversion keen. ThisImportant news: the European Central Bank Board Member paleimo, common eurozone bond occurs sometime in the future, but for now this is not suitable for standard of regional integration. This echoes and Merkel's view, euro therefore remain under pressure. Japan's Finance Minister said, will not hesitate to give response to speculative currency movements, and that is closely monitored in ExchangeField, if necessary, will continue to intervene. The yen a certain pressure. Japan's Cabinet Office subsequently stated that the Government will cooperate closely with central banks, in response to Europe's sovereign-debt crisis to the potential downside risks to the economy of the country. Economic data, Japan in October, the core consumer price index fell 0.1% per annum, for the first decline in four months, YenCurrency down import prices and falling energy prices, in addition to raise cigarette tax effects disappear a year ago, prices were under pressure. In addition, Japan October corporate services price index monthly rate increase of 0.1%, up September; Japan October corporate service price index rose 0.1% at an annualised rate, down September. At the same time, Japan 1118th the week foreign net selling Japanese stocks 77.2 billion yen, on November 11 the week sold 49.9 billion yen on November 18 the week foreign net selling Japanese debt 660.3 billion yen, on November 11 when buying 297.3 billion yen the week on November 18 the week net buying foreign stocks 13.2 billion yen, on November 11 the week selling 76.6 billion yen in November18th week 1.0051 trillion yen net purchases of foreign bonds, on November 11 the week sold 232 billion yen. Leading currencies: dollar index: shocks to narrow over the remains at 79 in early trading the old republic power leveling, then it begins upstream, midday rose to 79.29, trading slightly down. Technically, the dollar index resistance at 79.5, break is located at 79.8; supports located at 79, Buck is located at 78.7. EUR/USD: Merkel against common eurozone bonds, the EUR/USD to maintain a steady downward trend in early trading, fell to 7-week low after 1.3302 maintain weak shock. Technically, the EUR/USD support lies near the 1.33, Buck is located 1.3 mark; resistance at the 1.3 swtor power leveling,430, break is near the 1.35. Dollar/Yen: Japan's Central Bank threatened intervention, dollar/Yen rose to 77.53 highs in early trading, then fell to 77.3 near chonggao near 77.4 per cent level again after a little correction, back again. Technically, dollar/Yen support at 77.2, followed by the psychological barrier of 770. Uplink connection, resistance is located in high point today, the single strong point blank, this will make buying back down. AUD/USD: maintained at 0.9681-0.9711 rangebound, Australia Federal Reserve cut interest rates more likely. Technically, AUD/USD support at 0.9650, below or in the 0.96; resistance at 0.9750, breakthrough in the0.9800 mark. Days of concern: Italy September retail sales and Germany Congress 2012 budget vote. "Panoramic network special statement" articles, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.

the other is financed by other channels to raise funds to repay bonds

129668631894218750_121As noted in the Red magazine 40th continued bearish views set out in article of property stocks, continuous control policy introduced under the background of the real estate industry, overall operations and profitability of real estate companies in the event of turning-point. Nest that is the occasional "lucky" eggs will do? China vanke a (000002), polyIndustry leaders have emerged, such as sales fell at the same time, silver-based development (000511) three quarterly figures: despite the decline in net profit of 30.62%, but revenues are still stubborn rose 7.79%, in a depression in the sounds of real estate sales it becomes all the more valuable. Number of sales during the company's seemingly strongAccording to behind the scenes, but there had not been aware of the great financial crisis, did not rule out even in the next year was brought down by debt risks. First, the increasing failure of silver-based financial resources development quarterly disclosure, 2011 1 achieved 33.5792 million net profit at the same time, achieving net operational cash flow amounts to-17512.06Million. ����More unique real estate development enterprise cash flow distribution, product sale to be settled in advance for the main mode, which means that cash flow to operating income and profit performance in the financial data. As far as the development of silver-based, although revenue grew the first 3 quarters, but this depends to a large extent been achieved in advance of the businessA final settlement, and sales operations in the future does not seem optimistic, this is reflected in the end of the third quarter of the company in advance accounts payable balance of only $ 60.2682 million swtor power leveling, compared to $ 108.5992 million balance plummeted $ at the beginning. At the same time, the corporate end of the third quarter the carrying amount of currency funds balances remaining $ 61.7626 million, compared to six monthsWhen $ 218.4237 million plummeted $. More from Wind statistics, silver-based development from 2008 to 2011 first 3 quarters of the year operating cash flow is negative, corresponding to the company in real estate sales and profit at the same time the old republic power leveling, businesses of their own cash-generating capacity is extremely bad, always in constantConsumes its own financial resources. Because of the real estate industry listed company's overall cash flow situation is not optimistic, so they covered up the silver-based development of the financial crisis. If you simply see from financial indicators, end of the third quarter the liquidity ratio (current assets/current liabilities) of 8.28, although monetary funds balance rarely, but not a penny short,Seems to be higher liquidity and debt security is not enough to trigger a major debt crisis and the financial risk. But that's just appearances. ����Tipping of the company's financial crisis is likely to come from the book balance up to $ 541 million worth of bonds payable. Second, the debt crisis silver-based development issued in 2009 the total face value of $ 550 million for 6 yearsBonds called 09 silver-based debt (112,014), coupon interest rate of 8%. Under normal circumstances, these notes will be due on November 16, 2015. But these bonds was granted when investors sell back the right to choose in advance, specific content as "the corporate bond holders have the right to survival in the bond coupon payment date will be held during the third year of the bonds, in whole or in partAt face value back to the issuer ", projections, if bond investors to exercise to sell back the right to choose in advance, the issue will be due on November 16, 2012, reimbursement, less than a year ago. 09 silver-based debt currently trading price maintained at around $ 99, below the face value of 100. If the situation before November 16, 2012, could not beFundamental changes, when the bond holder choose to exercise the right of advance back the probability is quite high. The big question is, with silver-based development is currently more than 60 million RMB currency capital's financial strength, completely unable to cover as much as $ 550 million of bond principal and have shown interest on one-year bonds of $ 44 million, which totals up to nearly $ 600 million of debt, silver-based developmentAmounts to money chain of "weapons of mass destruction". Third, the debt restructuring pressure at that time the company is bound to face several options: one is to be rolled over debt restructuring, not only will reduce the company's reputation, but also causes a substantial increase in financing costs in the future; the other is financed by other channels to raise funds to repay bonds, butIs based on the current market situation is very difficult, then silver-based development and where do you come up with so much money? Although the company book inventory balances up to six months time 3.108 billion yuan, but completed "developing commodity" account balance of only $ 279 million, the remaining majority of condensation in "development costs" account, this part of "the product" when to goBecome available for sale on "finished"? What's more, business is mainly concentrated in the development of silver-based Galaxy Island projects in Shanghai and Shenyang, the two cities have introduced a restriction policy, a mass of facing increasingly depressed sales of commercial housing market, which contain risk was obvious.

2011年12月26日 星期一

for example

129668732786250000_179China Taiwan network on November 27, according to Taiwan "Central News Agency" reported that the Taiwan authorities head of Agriculture Department officials said Zhang Shuxian the old republic power leveling, benefit from the cross-strait direct flights, agricultural quarantine inspection cooperation agreements and signed ECFA and other policies on both sides swtor power leveling, in January-October this year Taiwan agricultural products exported to the Mainland over the same period last year, growth in the amount of 26%. Zhang Shuxian pointed out that pineapple, Oncidium, tea, Milkfish, Seabass and groupers and other agricultural products, growth rates of more than 50%. She, for example, into the ECFA early collection of the 18 categories to the list of agricultural products, January-October this year exported to the Mainland's exports to 14,242 tonnes, exports amounting to $ 95.7 million respectively over the same period last year, growth and 91%. Which, by 2010Open live fish transport ship in March and June this year respectively, Grouper to 15 ports for direct exports to the Mainland, shortening the transit time to improve survival rates, effectively reduce export costs, coupled with the inclusion of ECFA earlier received product cut its tariff policy to benefit, amounting to us $ 79.66 million in January-October this year groupers sold in the Mainland, 192% growing up in the same period last year. In addition, thisYear tea industry in January-October, exports to the Mainland for 549 tons, 25% growing up in the same period last year, exports stood at US $ 7.37 million, growing 53%, average export price per kg US $ 13.43, grow 23%. (China Taiwan network Li Shuai)

like friends may wish to store detailed consultation.

129668648125312500_72Recently, the editor learned from the total in jiaozuo city cars Sales Services Limited the old republic power leveling, in-store BYD S6 (Edit comment: BYD S6 's overall work more meticulous than all previous BYD Auto, no key access system, a key to start the car, alarm, electronic anti-theft swtor power leveling, homing and other high-tech configuration but also relatively rich, and 2.0L carried two engines, equipped with 5-speedManual transmission and 4-speed automatic transmission, like friends may wish to store detailed consultation.

for more money

129668731942656250_314In order to earn more money, 3 auto mechanic should have started stealing vehicle business.   Has the electronic city in the vicinity of the people, reported in recent days swtor power leveling, his car parked at the roadside in the evening were stolen. November 20, XI ' an City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Division II a battalion received the public reflect, 3 men living in the North of the city in the village often sleeps by driving a car to go out early this morning, and more-For vehicles. Civilian police taking these people driving vehicle information that these cars are stolen cars.   Subsequent civilian police secretly tracking waiting to size up the gang's main personnel involved and criminal law. November 22, around, inside a restaurant in weiyang district six petrochemical Avenue, all 4 members of the gangs and arrested by the police, the scene seized a stolen car. LiuAnd 3 other men involved in car theft are 20 years old, auto maintenance for many years. Liu accounted, for more money, he used his mastery of vehicle technology, vehicle theft. Since October, about 0 o'clock in the morning every night, they go out to the street looking for job target, "usually just get those cars that no one the old republic power leveling," using iron ruler, pliers, screwdrivers and other tools to implement theft, Stealing a car just a few minutes.   At present, the police have put the 4 cases to recover 4 stolen vehicles, the case is still under investigation. XI ' an City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Bureau, a brigade Deputy Group Chief Wu Heng reminds the public parking safety. Go or go home, best parking to car park or the custody of local vehicles parked in places such asFruit is not very secure, it is recommended that when you leave the battery out away; private part of a vehicle, install a secret switch switch, people will go out when the switch is closed; personalized vehicles often thieves will be prohibitive, the owner may also consider striking position of vehicles and major part coated with special symbols. Registration on vehicles must apply for a licence, once stolen time Dial 110 to reportThe police force. (Reporter Jia Chen) ()

the Central Bank on the open market to issue 1 billion yuan in MarchEpicentre tickets

129667840532646642_314Just reply to a stable funding over the next few weeks again face greater pressure. Wind statistics show that in the last 5 weeks during the year, open market maturity amount sharp contraction, only swtor power leveling, 2 billion, respectively, 13 billion and $ 3 billion. And a few weeks before expiration compared to the amount of weeks over billions of dollars at every turn, amount of money in the next open marketCan be said to be "dried up". At the same time, foreign exchange accounts for the launch are not optimistic, only positive factor is that the end of large-scale financial deposits, which will greatly compensate for insufficient public markets expires. In response to possible future funding of surface tension, the Central Bank this week net recovery of open market operations to put. 24th, the Central Bank on the open market to issue 1 billion yuan in MarchEpicentre tickets, the successful bidder interest rates flat 3.1618%, 91-day repo operations continue to be suspended. In addition, together with 15,000,000,001-year Central ticket issued on Tuesday this week Central votes in total the old republic power leveling, issued 16 billion, representing a loss of $ 42 billion last week. View expired funds totaled $ 53 billion this week, bringing the Bank achieved net invested $ 22 billion. (.. JI.. examination.)

because big pulling in almost each company's shares at the same time

129667786185615392_47Reporter Zhang xueguang Beijing on November 24 swtor power leveling, the Shanghai composite index opened lower after opening higher, all the way up, and shares (600,759 valuation, assessment, quotes, news, the major trading) shares are advance low away, all the way down, closing share price ended the morning down 8.74%. Cause is cause of sharp fluctuations in stock prices and shares,From the company released the same day said, has been with Beijing days researching era investment management limited (hereinafter referred to as days researching times) of the assets as a letter of intent was signed, plans will not hand over $ 550 million worth of real estate assets and days researching replacement of era gold mines in the hands of an equity stake. Real estate enterprises suddenly turns into yellow gold. But the problem is that company's largest shareholder in GuangxiAnd the industrial group company limited (hereinafter referred to as Guangxi and) has been hand over 99% of equity trust financing, and when the physical assets of the company suddenly happen, a number of actual collateral security to the hands of trust companies, will also benefit from real estate assets into gold assets. "Holding" 0.3% of large shareholders, including Warburg trust, trust, trust in Sichuan provinceCollateral is not in the hands of the Secretary and shares in the hands of real estate assets, but major shareholder stakes in Guangxi and shares are held. According to disclose three quarterly statistics, as a major shareholder in Guangxi are held and a total of 882.3186 million shares of stock and shares, 72.56% per cent of the total share capital. However, just two days on October 18 and 19th, GuangxiAnd once again reducing the stake of 54 million shares, currently held by equity only 828.3126 million shares, share of the total shares also dropped to 67.89%. Statements in the notice in accordance with and shares, shareholders do not rule out continued reduction of company shares may within the next 12 months. But actually, the major shareholder currently left in the hands of the stakeIs running. Because 824.7 million shares of equity has been pledged out actual equity only 3.6126 million shares held by shareholders, was less than 0.3% per cent of the company's total share capital. Journalists at the time of disclosure by the company found that shares most of the pledge of Guangxi was doing at the moment is trust financing, which, in August this year 30 days of Guangxi and the 180 million shares in the hands of pledge to the Warburg trust. According to a press conference prior to Warburg Trust understands that Warburg trust the trust financing of Guangxi was made and no public offering, but for regular customers. In addition to Warburg trust, in Guangxi Province and had just lifted in July this year will also pledge pledge of 100 million shares changed hands to the Sichuan trustAnd by the subsequent launch of the "right to trust-and stock gains in Sichuan assembled funds trust scheme" successful financing of $ 250 million. In addition, Guangxi is and also to the suburb of Haikou rural credit cooperatives Union company limited, lingao County rural credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, Wenchang city chengmai County rural credit cooperatives, such as the 130 million shares sharesThe right to pledge. To this are shares and assets change, will have any effect on stock right pledge loan made prior to major shareholders, Warburg trust and trust in an interview with reporters, the two companies in Sichuan province, would like to respond. Four pieces of property in exchange for two gold mine, in fact, major shareholders is and can continue to acquire trust financing in Guangxi Province, and shares in the hands of a large number of premisesProduced assets are closely related. According to the first half of the year and shares financial data shows that despite being among the main revenue structure and shares, income from trading accounted for 48.24%, in fact, the company really good assets from the real estate business, where companies in real estate sales and rentals on the two business profit earned per cent of the total profit of 92.5%. Main property and assets of the exchange of shares. According to the company's disclosure of the assets as a letter of intent, which is come up with $ 550 million in assets and shares, include company owns 90% shares of real estate Co Ltd Beijing East bottles, Beijing and East 100% stake in Sino Land Company Limited, Beijing and hang Thai investment company, limited 60% Stake, as well as the Valley of liuzhou city, Guangxi Province port Street, part of the commercial real estate. It is worth noting is that and shares out the replacement of all 3 real estate companies in Beijing, while the 3 companies in Beijing's Pinggu district, and has a lot of real estate projects under construction. The era of asset replacement b-day the inquest it was precisely from Beijing. According to the Beijing industry and Commerce Bureau informationInformation shows that the day researching age register was established in January 2002, the registered capital of 10 million Yuan, while in its business scope also does not include real estate development business. Contrast is from the day an inquiry and shares the replacement of assets in the hands of the times, assets are the two gold deposit, chifeng, Inner Mongolia in aohan banner acrylic Mines Limited (hereinafter referred to as acrylic mines) 32.78% of equity and in aohan banner xinhao mining limited (hereinafter referred to as xinhao mining) 100% shares. Two gold mining concession is valid for 5 years and 3 years respectively, where the acrylic mines is also a new mine has yet been mined. According to the company previously disclosed information display, Gram force generation of mining in 2012 is expected to achieve a net after tax profit of 100 million yuan in 2013, realAfter-tax net profit of 130 million Yuan, in 2014, net after tax profit of $ 170 million. And shares in the mine on November 16 announcement already holds acrylic's 34.02% stake, its stake it now holds 66.8% of acrylic mines right, this means that in 2012 the company will receive nearly $ 67 million revenue the old republic power leveling, more than this year, the companyNet profit in the first three quarters. If combined with another xinhao mining, and shares within the next 3 years to get income from both gold mine, would constitute an important source of profits. Only last for 3 months of silence from the growing indifference of real estate turned hot gold mines, and the good news is diametrically opposed to shares and share price performance. November 24th announcement date of the disclosure, shares a smooth trend of anti-a few days ago, after opening all the way down to close share price has plunged 8.74% noon, finally reluctantly turned red in the day, and only rose slightly to 0.12%. Obviously, the market for the company the notice poor response, and is closely related to company share price of elevating appears two times in a row. This year 8Earlier this month and the end of October, the company shares had twice significantly elevating, where shares of elevating once in August, 5 trading days in the stock price has shot up nearly 58%. On August 15, during a wave of stock price changes, and shares were among the announcement made it clear that, "the company does not exist in the next 3 months major acts such as operation, reorganization and acquisition of assets. "ButOnly in just 3 months of the expiry on November 15, the company is a foreign investment acrylic gold bulletin sent to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In fact, because big pulling in almost each company's shares at the same time, along with the company involved in mining assets into rumours market questioned on this issue has not stopped. Reporters also noted that the major shareholders of the company wideXizheng and 3 times in a row through big deals this year reduction period, company shares in a wave of big elevating market. According to the disclosure of trading information according to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Guangxi and in reduction of equity for the first time on March 1 this year and the 24th, the reduction of a total of 37 million shares; the second stake was on July 6 and 13th, the reduction of a total7 million shares is to decrease sharply for the third time on October 18 and 19th, the reduction of a total of 54 million shares. Reporters found that almost every major shareholder reducing process, trading desks are active from guotai Junan securities, corporate headquarters, in a March trade large blocks, of which, guotai Junan securities trading desks through big deals to buy the company headquarters in Guangxi and 12 million shares of stock; among the stock price changes and in August, is also from guotai Junan securities trading desks at corporate headquarters, on August 10 and 12th for a second day to huge amount of buying and selling, trading volume was ranked one spy too many on the day of the first place. Part of what the Agency trading desks during the reduction of major shareholders of the company is always interspersed in between, the reporter had attempted to contact on this issue-productionVisit and share, however the company Mr Tung secret telephone is always answered. ����Despite being and shares after the announcement, major shareholders did not rule out future continued to reduce its equity stake, however due to his hands with only 3.6 million shares of stock, if you want to continue to underweight, I am afraid, can only wait until the next equity financing disarmament pledge. Gold-line statement: gold online reprint of the above content,Does not show that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

often of 30th

129667648242334142_291, the operation would be the first observation of moving averages in arranging conditions. To distinguish long arranged and are arranged in short. Bulls arranged description made to control the situation the old republic power leveling, think highly of the first-line in operation.   But bearing in mind that stock prices and average degree of deviation, note short fall short and vice versa. 2 swtor power leveling, predict short-term movements, mainly to 5th, 10th line. In strong markets orStrong stocks, share prices generally will not fall below 5th, 10th line. If it fell below, in the short term trend may change. Weak stock price or index to 5th, 10th for pressure line. Short-term moving average also, 3rd line as the main reference of equal-string. In General, short-term expert to 3rd and 7th for short-term reference indicators. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall:Next week shares or are large variable disc five large gold unit are buy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit] strong signals are not bottom-feeders are fools 3, forecast the medium-term trend, often of 30th, 60-day line as the main reference average indicators. 30th line has been a measure of the medium-term the strength of important symbol, 30th averages are effective breakthrough, trend looks promising but market targeting easier to averages for earthquake cartridge selection. On the medium-term trade signals, 60-day moving average is better。 60-day moving average on short-term trends are evident in rising down. According to the historical data displayed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, every break the 60-day moving average has a secondary market. In addition, 21, 34, 55, date line is also the medium-term analysis, such as common averages.   21st averages can be seen as the main lifeline, 55-day moving average as hood line. 4, forecasting long-term trends,120-day line is a very important average position. Price trends obviously are 120 date line support or pressure to study long-term trends in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets with considerable accuracy. 120-day moving average to the market's more than just analysis, also has importance to individual stock trend analysis.   Generally fall below half line, had fled to the main force. 5, line 250-day moving average is mainly usedTo predict the long-term trend, many investors in line for line of Niu Xiong.   Today 250 lines and comprehensive analysis of the fundamentals before we can decide long-term trends are not real Bull and bear markets. (Finishing the rain)

2011年12月25日 星期日

is the only take your posts in Zhangzhou city

129668682445156250_181Recently swtor power leveling, the provincial economic and Trade Commission reported in Fujian Province "Twelve-Five" model of circular economy experimental unit (first set), including 15 cities and 205 companies, 22 parks. Among them the old republic power leveling, Huaan County as a renewable energy building model city, is the only take your posts in Zhangzhou city, at the same time, Huaan County Hua Anyu industrial zone take your posts 22 Park, is to take your posts in Zhangzhou cityOne of the two parks. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

innovative products

129667840534521642_319Although the new rules are to some extent conducive to retail, clearly an investor can only use one account to purchase new shares, prevent a small number of institutions using legitimate multiple accounts for a single institution account to purchase, check rates to small and medium-sized investors inclined, but for ordinary investors wanted to directly participate in the new purchase requisitions, financial strength is really limited, the success rate is extremely low. Active in the 2007 new sharesDetonated issued new shares in the bank market purchasing financial products, and 2008 red chips returning IPO laid the early tone of red fire ants. Characteristics of high yields, risk-free, low starting point investors tasted the sweet spot. New financial products how to select the high degree of participation of Bank of new financial products, start low, general product subscription starting point just RMB 50,000 or 100,000 toSuitable for ordinary investors. Banks launch new share purchase products in the past, the duration and amount are fixing can generally be divided into two categories, is the amount invested and the period fixed the old republic power leveling, cannot be increased to reduce the principal, at maturity the principal and return once to deal with. This type of product term fixed, poor liquidity, it is difficult to react flexibly to risk. Second, innovative products,New shares to assign only one income, do not set the fixed-term, investors can participate in at any time, can also be withdrawn at any time, purchase receipts for the purchase, time allocation of new shares at a time. Returning products more fair new share purchase proceeds of such financial products-band, IPO if going through an intensive period, earnings are significantly improved, when there are no shares, earnings may even be zero. In order toIn response to this characteristic, new share purchase financial products in the past, each new listings get often take the form of share of proceeds, for investors with long-term product, loss of income. While the returned products can better manifest fairness, all funds involved in the allocation proceeds after the purchase of a new share, without the participation of a new share purchase proceeds does not enjoy the next new listingsFor all investors ' money, it is absolutely fair. Extract in performance, due to the new version of the product taking an extract only one way, regardless of income level, for each new share the benefits of extraction performance of banks by a certain percentage, the accumulated extraction income may be higher than traditional products. On June 23 the Bank pioneered new share purchase financing products--"De Li Bao · new shares in a chain", dominated by new share purchase, configure both bonds, bills, credit assets, trust loans, such as fixed-income investments, differences in access to primary and secondary market at the same time, enhance the use of new share purchase, more funding, further enhancing the level of product return. Investment horizon should not be too long from the investment horizon view, six months to a yearProduct comparison is reasonable, can meet the demand for liquidity and safety in the most ordinary investors, covered in a short time after IPO lifted the intensive period, through six months of investment operations, seeking help investors achieve a good return on revenue. Investors needed attention to the issue is the product of the redemption of funds, to purchase every new listings, funds to be transferred to freeze swtor power leveling, thawBank after liquidating it, funds to the account of the time could be much longer, this investor before buying products need to consult the banks concerned to understand.

El hospital

129667786187177892_51Reporter Zhu Xianglian Beijing aier eye as the first to visit gem company the old republic power leveling, sitting on a super proceeds of $ 542 million swtor power leveling, listed since their actions continue from IPO initial 19 chain hospital, now 38 chain of hospitals (two of them are under construction) in less than two years in the whole expansion 1 time. Rapid expansion of Super-fundraisingGold ran out of 275 listed companies throughout the gem, aier eye is undoubtedly the most rapid pace of expansion. From last year's new hospital chain outlets through acquisitions 10, again this year through mergers and acquisitions operates 5 billion chain outlets have now reached as much as 36. In addition, aier eye said the company is the layout of the chainOutlets in two, by the end of this year, is expected to achieve size of 38 outlets. Statistics show that since landing the gem, aier eye, its performance has always maintained a high growth, period from 2009 to 2010, aier eye respectively revenues of $ 606 million and $ 865 million, an increase of 38.11 per cent% And 42.61%; net earnings of $ 92 million and $ 120 million, respectively, up growth and 50.72%, respectively. During the January-September this year, another reinforcement of the aier eye, achieving revenues of $ 967 million during the reporting period, representing an increase of 53.57% from last year net profit of 134 million Yuan, representing an increase over the same period last yearLong 52.65%. It is understood that the extra proceeds amounted to $ 542 million, there are plans to use super proceeds amount to $ 485 million, unused extra proceeds of $ 56.9472 million. Company Chairman Chen Bang last September in a media interview, admits that "mainly three new hospitals in the city, with a total investment of more than 10 million Yuan.Haven't got much money this year, the company is currently owned by Super-raise enough support to new store openings next year. "Aier eye secret Dong Zhong Han told the China Times reporter," do I need to refinance and how much you want to finance, as the case may be. Once when you need to refinance, companies will be selected based on capital cost and deadline to issue bonds, bank loans or private placement financingTool. "China Merchants securities analyst Jiang Tao said on duty, IR eye is a very good variety of middle route, but personally think that the possibility of refinancing is relatively large. Rapid expansion like many risks and the rapid expansion of companies, aier eye in its rapid expansion while also brings the risk of financial costs surged. As at September this year, aier eye new acquisitions in BeijingEl-British intellectual Tianjin hospital, El hospital, El Hospital of Guiyang, XI?��an El the ancient city of gejiu El hospital, hospital, and opened its El hospital El hospital and Nanning in Huaihua, their operating costs have surged to $ 117 million, representing a growth of 48.91%. Insiders believe that through the rapid expansion and merger and acquisition projects, aier eye perfected the three-tier networkLayout planning company in the process of slowly advancing, the significant increase in expenditure for operating expenses is certainly one of the risks facing of the future. Compared with last year, aier eye opening outlets through mergers and acquisitions this year significantly slowed, according to aier eye opening speed this year and invest, so now the remaining super proceeds of more than 50 million Yuan,Even just enough in three-tier cities next year of 4 to 5 new hospital chain outlets. "We will also be some own capital for investment. "El eye related to the situation said. For return on investment of time, aier eye view that according to past experience, new store opened two years later will be able to profit, but not every new hospital can achieve the desired, such as El Shanghai, Taiyuan aier�� Zhuang Yan Orient securities pharmaceuticals analyst for aier eye hospital established earlier network also is positive, rapid expansion of the hospital will certainly affect the short-term profits of the company, company 2009 previously established hospital networks are more mature, its rapid growth in operating income remains greater than 60%. "Judging from the current situation, aier eye after 2009Out of the network, overall contribution is only meager profit. "The pharmaceutical industry analyst Zhao Li further on the road. In this regard, aier eye admits: "the new hospital is different: one is to be opened when the one-time start-up costs amortization, and you need a certain amount of market development costs, resulting in increased costs for the period. "" Three-tier network "to seize new markets aier eye initially"Chain of medical" business model, has been through with "three-tier network" layout policy have been met, and in the domestic market has begun to take shape. "Poorer" companies, to further consolidate existing achievements and further "money" has become the new project. This reporter learned that, aier eye possible refinancing market rumours, the companyIn order to consolidate existing achievements, has been gradually expanding medical projects started. Eye diseases in our country about the size of the market in more than 20 billion yuan and its related industries, aier eye three main medical business was carried out by excimer laser surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery. Aier eye reported that excimer operation gross profit margins in the various revenue accounted for more than the mostHigher revenues accounted for 40% per cent, glasses outside hospital accounted revenues of about 15%. As most of the ocular fundus diseases have been incorporated into the health care system, after the formation of scale will also bring a higher degree of efficiency. According to statistics, China has myopia about 430 million, myopia prevalence reached 33.6%, 1.5 times times the world average. Cataract, glaucomaAging population increased incidence rising proportion of the population gradually increasing need such surgery. Galaxy securities analyst Chen Lei believes that judging from outpatient visits, aier eye 1.09% of the total in 2007 accounted for the total outpatient eye clinic, 2010 rose to 1.74% per cent of total outpatient from revenues, 2006Years El revenues accounted for 9.56% of the Ophthalmic Hospital of Ophthalmology, and in 2009 the figure climbed to 15.67%. This shows that the aier eye is currently in the country's share of ophthalmic medical market stability improved. It is understood that the excimer laser surgery is the medical projects at their own expense, and because of the widespread use of femtosecond lasers, prices 2006Years up to now $ 4204.44 to $, prices also bring higher profit margins. Pharmaceutical industry analyst Zhao Li, said: "encourages the trend of private capital into the pharmaceutical industry on health reform and abolition of the 5% business tax for the IR eye is good. "QA Q= the Huaxia finance A= aier eye secret Dong Zhong HanQ: as new projects are launched, the company will not refinance? A: extension of our chain outlets can take new and acquired in two ways, new rental properties and the purchase of property, different ways of expanding demand for money is not the same. Therefore, if you need to refinance and how much you want to finance, as the case may be. Once when you need to refinance, Companies will be selected based on capital cost and deadline to issue bonds, bank loans or private placement financing tools. Q: company cease aier eye panjin project, does this mean that the layout of the three cities will suspend advance? Love-tier cities, select the kind of standard? A: company cease aier eye panjin mainly consider three-city sitesStrategic arrangement, does not mean that in the three-lane urban layout will suspend advance. Companies are now in Yongzhou of Hunan, Hubei Yichang-tier cities to build chains, such as hospitals, we choose the basic principles of the three cities is considered a group of companies or regional resource sharing and integration of the new hospital. Q: Taiyuan aier does not seem to have reached "new store will profit in two years" expectedWhat? A: Taiyuan aier adopted a phased approach, present the first complete investment of the original investment budget 69%, while Taiyuan aier is still not profitable, but this year's development favorably, January-October this year revenues of more than 17 million Yuan, representing an increase by more than 80% last year, expects only slight losses possibly by the end balanced. Q: Super proceeds have not beenHow the money will be used in a form of custody? ����A: at present, the company ultra raise funds unspent funds in accordance with the regulatory requirements in the form of monetary funds raise money deposited in the special account, the company does not intend to make other forms of investment and wealth management. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirmed that the description only for investmentReference and do not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

Room 1003

129667677920459142_71[Reference]: Dell Inspiron Ling M102z (M102ZD-218) $ 3 the old republic power leveling,100 [Tel]:027-51854993 Manager ye [Add]: Room 1003, Wuhan, Wuchang swtor power leveling, Wuhan City wide port information Plaza and Yong Haoyu technology limited [quote enquiries]:Wuhan notes real time quotes

now is an early stage of development

129668575520312500_26Hunan finance brief guest Senior Economist at the Asian Development Bank representative office in China's Zhuang Jian hexun stock message presented by the Hunan finance securities, hexun.com and Beijing TV the world financial joint cooperation with the Hunan finance financial Television Forum on November 27 at Renmin University of Western Ontario Matilda held by the information property. This event gathered in China's securities market man?? Economists, public and private equity investment officer, Chief Economist at the brokerage. Forum around the open economic fog, European debt crisis impact on shares, investment policies, three major themes. Forum has cut through the fog and the preparative army in battle for a share of the economy, only catching Daniel unit three section. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: a shares next week, or to five major gold stocks areBuy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or large area fell stopped (figure)At the Forum, Senior Economist at the Asian Development Bank representative office in China's Zhuang Jian said, in my view the a-share market and broader said, now is an early stage of development, this is a great framework. ����Following is a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank representative office in China's Zhuang Jian's speech record. Moderator: stock market is not a barometer is that often the hour handAnd would like to hear what your views here the old republic power leveling, I know that you research on macroeconomic, without special in-depth on the a-share market, economic barometers so you must be clear, what do you think? ����Economists point of do the a-share market? Zhuang Jian: in my view the a-share market and broader said, now is an early stage of development, this is a great framework.Moderator: listed companies has exceeded United States for so many years. Zhuang Jian: China's big? Chinese company is also very strong swtor power leveling, there is an urgent, the Honourable Eric LI has always talked a lot, I think most are in favour. China's position is financing or investment, which I think is, characteristics of China's high savings rate, which is the highest in the world should be, such a high savings rate, only a fewChannel one do? Investment, the other in order to export, export is a big problem, then the investment, it is necessary, important one output. ����If physical investment we all are not optimistic about, certain channels would have thought that by all means think of stocks and other investments, possibly profitable space. ����CA: but to other places not to go to a shares. Zhuang Jian real estate itself isChina is a place for good, development control now, everybody's real estate is not optimistic about, now on to other heavy metals, precious paintings you see, China market, liquidity. Moderator: investment is rising. ����In addition to the a-share market. Zhuang Jian: China's stock market to truly become stock market such as the Western countries is very mature. If thatWay, we should say that the value of your investment emergent, right now, it should be said that in the course of growing up. Moderator: financing place to the place of investment. ����We still have a long way to go. Zhuang Jian: and you will be from a common perspective that you want to judge, and now it is liquidity in the market a lot, but the IPO soon, in the presence of a basin of water added too much, youWant to get a good return is difficult.

2011年12月24日 星期六

in the few remaining life

129667677899365392_18 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Zhongxinwang, November 26 Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away last month due to pancreatic cancer, he tortured severe liver disease.  According to Taiwan, the United Daily News reported, attending Eason 25th for the first time publicly inside jobs ' liver transplant by 2.5 years ago. It is reported that before Steve Jobs (2009) in late March a liver transplant, donor is aboutMen, aged 25, died in a car accident.  Methodist University Hospital transplant physicians Eason said, jobs end of liver disease at the time, near death, is "the most critical patients on the waiting list", and postoperative pneumonia, in case of emergency and his wife have been called to sickbed before and he said goodbye. Fortunately, jobs come through the old republic power leveling, in the few remaining life, launch of the iPad,New models of iPhone and iCloud. Relations between the two people very Tuk until Steve jobs is still linked to before you die. Eason last year from the hands of Steve seen iPad 2 is not listed, also convinced the critical patients of yogurt, it was after he can only eat food.

2012 Dorsett eC7 carried developed GSG

129667573169843750_302012 Dorsett EC7 is two months since 18 listed at the current session in Guangzhou auto show, once again, we see that this new figure, for this vehicle are described in brief below! Appearance, 2012 Dorsett EC7 lwh remains at 4635/1789/1470mm, wheelbase 2650mm. Overall designExtend outside the original models of atmospheric sound, the headlight was blackened, smoked headlight, window it adds chrome-plated decorative strips of metal. Dynamic new emgrand EC7 carry Geely self-developed JL JL and gamma -4G18 gamma -4G15 engines, and have adopted the dual intelligent variable camshaft timing system (D-CVVT) technology, andCompared to cash CVVT engine, low-speed torque output more fully, improve fuel efficiency swtor power leveling, fuel consumption is lower. Added 1.5L sedan version, carrying lucky self-developed JL gamma -4G15 engine, maximum power output raised to 80KW, peak torque of 140N?m in addition, according to official news that Geely emgrand, 2012 Dorsett eC7 carried developed GSG (Geely Stop-Go) smart start-stop technology the old republic power leveling, the system under the comprehensive road hundred km average fuel consumption 5%~10% savings, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 4%, in the city's congested roads, the highest achieving the fuel economy 15%. Please contact the vendor for more information: company name: Shenzhen deep cars Sales Services LimitedDepartment address: Baoan North Road, Luohu district, Shenzhen personnel market across the South China Motor City A17 Tel: you are 020-38497951 the paper comes from the "Auto China" users will get more discount

empty cloud" published this post only for the transmission of information

129668527094531250_31Billowy will never break, becomes the spectrum of the Chinese legend, the QQ Huaxia clan warfare warm-up game craze across clothing has not faded, formal match ROAR to war. This is a battle between the clan and the clan, was a battle of becomes the height of the Chinese, hundreds of players for the blood of surging, claimed the Crown! Passion collision between clans fight for the throne, a clash of Kings this clanCross-service warfare was a clash. Only the first day of the war, yipaodaxiang, ten battlefield 20 competing clans, passion collision. Both clan was in dire straits, in order to gain access to the next round of competition go all out. Clan war passions across clothing unlimited United as one, brave without fear or favour in the flames of war, a formation. Passion collision between clans and clan, all clansConsistent external. Valiant soldiers in battle frontline, resist the enemy hurt; Mage to Thunder Force, maximum output, fight the enemy party; magic masters in addition to releasing nine days the Thunder God, but also give maximum protection to the teammate. In order to finally honor, all clan members United as one, the enemy. Clans served on the battlefield, brave without fear or favour, myths of common interpretation of 2DPK online games!Clan war across clothing wonderful moments of passion lofty, thinking the QQ Huaxia clan war just across clothing between clans and clan water and fire, and more personal thinking is the perfect stage. To the final victory, hundreds of brave men thinking, by virtue of his courage and strength, killing one enemy after another chopper, fight for the final victory! Clan wars across clothing precisionColor instant winner, passion continued after much after the war, the fog of war has not dispersed the old republic power leveling, the winning clan cheer, eager for the next competitions. Clan war across clothing first has to decide the winning clan 10, will directly qualify to the next round of the competition. Last winner was still unknown, hailed the opening of Red victory, continued to refuelBar! Fight for the throne, who contend? Clan war shock opening cross-clothing of the QQ Huaxia, massive. Who can win "in China's first gens" swtor power leveling, looking forward to it! "Editorial: empty cloud" published this post only for the transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views or confirm the description.

the Internal Audit Division

129667889640927892_95Wang Hongzhang news that today, people's Bank of China, Member of the Party Committee discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Wang Hongzhang is expected next week, will take over the China Construction Bank, Chairman of the post. On October 29, Xiang Junbo, former Guo Shuqing, Chairman of the China Construction Bank, agricultural Bank Chairman the old republic power leveling, respectively, to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and serve after China Construction Bank and agricultural Bank of China Chairman so far by the Governor of the two lines of Dairen. Main capital stocks (1One-twenty fifth) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Wang Hongzhang resumes: Wang Hongzhang was born in July 1954 in 1978 graduated from Liaoning Institute of finance and Department of finance, the Northeast University of finance and a master degree in economics, Chinese Institute of certified public accountants in September 1978, ChinaPeoples Bank lending credit swtor power leveling, savings, trade and Industry Department of the Agency in January 1984, the Office of the Ministry of industrial and commercial bank of business credit in November 1989, the industrial and commercial bank of China Qingdao branch, Assistant in February 1991, Deputy Director of the Office of the industrial and commercial bank, Deputy Director of the Ministry of finance planning, General Manager of sales department in April 1996,Auditing supervision Bureau in the people's Bank, the Internal Audit Division, Deputy Director for Administration in June 2000, Governor of the people's Bank of China Chengdu branch and foreign exchange station commander in November 2003 in Sichuan province, people's Bank of China, Member of the Party Committee Secretary of Commission

2011年12月23日 星期五


129668600962343750_11Editor's Note: plates of traditional Chinese medicine 22.99% for the first three quarters of sales growth in revenue, higher than the overall 21.05% of the pharmaceutical sector growth. Current domestic listed companies typically have multiple base of traditional Chinese medicine drug or health insurance as well as exclusive species, niche concentration of relatively strong and established through the brand strength or means of protection of traditional Chinese medicine higher barriers in order to gainA long-term good development environment. At the same time due to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, in the areas of cardiovascular medicine, anticancer drugs, Chinese medicine can give full play to its role in target, market size and prospects are very substantial.  In addition, in the field of cosmetic and health products, some enterprises will face of inflection points of profit opportunities. Medicine prices rebound in corporate profits main capital stocks (Eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! By the medicinal plant resources of traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal mineral medicinal animals and three parts, about 11,118 species of medicinal plants, natural medicine raw material suppliers, mainly to China, India and Brazil. World Bank reports that 2000 natural drugs industry in the world around US $ 80 billion, 2010 up to $ 200 billion, international natural medicines market is expanding rapidly. The first half of 2011, domestic enterprises of proprietary Chinese medicines prevalent phenomenon of rising operating costs, pientzehuang, Guangzhou pharmaceutical, Kang margin, Jilin aodong medicine industry and sectors such as traditional Chinese medicine Jiang, operating costs increase revenue increase by more than 10%。 Beginning in July, relevant departments of the national drug stockpile increase the intensity of combat, while production of proprietary Chinese medicine Enterprise reduce the stock, coupled with the herbalist broadening the scope of planting, breeding, herbs this year a large number of listed factors prompted the Chinese medicinal material prices began to fall. As of October 2011, price the highest point by 13.55% Chengdu traditional Chinese medicines, Chinese herbal medicines prices continuouslyRose finally reversed the trend for many years, will enable enterprises of Chinese herbal medicines as the main raw material before heavy cost pressures have eased. For manufacturers of proprietary Chinese medicines, and grasp the quality from the source is the first priority of the protection of Chinese traditional medicine production. Proprietary Chinese medicine enterprises with upstream resource dependencies, building GAP base is the best way of achieving sustainable development of enterprise scaleOrganizations with higher levels of "contract farming" or widely promoted in the future. By the end of 2010, more than a total of more than 50 enterprises of Chinese medicinal materials in China, 72 base 52 species through the GAP of Chinese medicinal materials certification. Tasly by listed companies, such as tongrentang, 39 pharmaceutical companies are an earlier batch of Chinese medicinal material GAP began planning and planting of proprietary Chinese medicine production enterprisesIndustry. Profits continued to hold of proprietary Chinese medicines as well as proprietary Chinese medicines in September 2011, production was 220,300 tons, an increase of 51.32%, yields since 2007 and has been in the trend of escalation, 2011-September yield growth rates are higher than the 40% of traditional Chinese medicine, far above the growth rate over the same period last year. At the same time the first three quarters of traditional Chinese medicine companies operating revenue23.55%, operating profit grew by 33.27%, mayinglong, Yi-Bai pharmaceuticals, tasly, ConMed pharmaceuticals, Kunming pharmaceutical, pientzehuang and Dong-e e-Jiao the old republic power leveling, and other related good corporate earnings. Chinese herbal medicine and proprietary Chinese medicine both sub-sectors are growing faster, 2011-September proprietary Chinese medicines revenues $ 172.9 billion, an increase of 34.6%, totalling 17 billion yuan in profits, an increase of 28.4%. January-September of prepared traditional Chinese medicines industry revenues of $ 41.6 billion yuan, an increase of 53%, the profits, 31.7%, an increase of 56.4%. Herbal industry revenue, gross profit and gross margin per cent growth rate than traditional Chinese medicine industry, mainly by the price of Chinese medicinal materials in price, LeeRun due to redistribution in the industry. Injections from traditional Chinese medicine industry market expanded under the guidance of injections from traditional Chinese medicine refers to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the use of modern technology, extracted from natural medicines effective sterilization preparation of material made available for injection in vivo. Injections may generally be divided into solution injection, powder for injection, injection with suspension and emulsion for injection and so on. Traditional Chinese medicine injectionOn traditional Chinese medicine, is the original new forms.  It has high bioavailability, quickly, without gastrointestinal absorption, nor hepatic first-pass effect, to overcome the effect of traditional Chinese medicine slowly enough, while both traditional Chinese medicine fuzheng quxie, clearing, the advantages of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, enhance the body immunity. Compound growth rate of 30% injections from traditional Chinese medicine market in recent years, higher than theAverage growth rate in medical industry. Statistics show that in nine cities in 2010 amount of proprietary Chinese medicines, injections formulations accounted for less than the maximum, over traditional forms such as capsules, tablets, around 35.47%. Injections from traditional Chinese medicine widely used in cardiac and cerebral vascular disease swtor power leveling, tumor diseases, respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal system diseases and diseases of the digestive system of the five major disease areas,A good therapeutic effect.  Cardio-cerebral-vascular areas account for less than the maximum, to 59.71%, while in the field of anti-tumor and the area of the respiratory system, injections from traditional Chinese medicine also has a star product. In 2011, Polyphenolic acids of Salvia miltiorrhiza injection of tasly company approved, this variety was the first since 2008 was granted a variety of injections from traditional Chinese medicine, this year is expected to be aboveCity for sale. Polyphenolic acids of Salvia miltiorrhiza injection approved, marking the traditional Chinese medicine injection approval Gates opened again, policy loosening is expected to bring rapid development to the industry of new opportunities. New forms of injections from traditional Chinese medicine is our original, is the exploration of the future international pharmaceutical industry marketing one of the unique advantages of the project, there is great market demand. On the international markets, particularly Germany and other European countries, Plant production and clinical use of drug injection technology also has been widely recognized. Derivatives derivatives icing on traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is based on a traditional Chinese medicine, the use of specific attributes of traditional Chinese medicine, different appeal to consumers, healthy combination of elements and everyday life a group of products, covering all aspects of people's lives. Current product market potentialHuge, attract many enterprises, especially traditional medicine enterprises to join in and in just a few years time, the derivative market of traditional Chinese medicine have begun to take shape, today mainly concentrated in traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine health products, and other fields. Daily chemical means of traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical enterprise based on the principle of traditional Chinese medicine, combining elements of traditional Chinese medicine and daily chemical products, pharmaceutical, health care, cosmetic products, when multiple properties.With the inflow of imported cosmetic, some domestic companies started looking for cosmetic development road with Chinese characteristics, some pharmaceutical companies involved in skin care products market, such as tongrentang, pientzehuang enterprises entering the health care market segments of traditional Chinese medicine, launched a series of skin care products. As the disposable income of urban residents and growing spending power, more daily chemical industry, pharmaceutical enterprises across territories and strong themes of traditional Chinese medicine of fineMarket, themes of traditional Chinese medicine product market share increase year by year, showing the tremendous potential of the domestic market.  According to the first half of 2010, Yunnan baiyao toothpaste market share amounted to 10%, become a national brand of toothpaste. At present the Ministry of health health food is 22 kinds of admissibility, including the regulation of immune and regulating blood lipid, regulation of blood sugar, such as regulating blood pressure, anti-aging。 In addition, there is resistance to oxidation, improve microcirculation, block the synthesis of n-nitroso compounds, increased white blood cell and caries in teeth, beauty in the abundance of milk. One such blood products of traditional Chinese medicine has always been the choice for consumers, Dong-e e-Jiao products are consumers of the product. Pientzehuang is China's top secret prescription drugs, but because natural musk pientzehuang recipes belong toResource depletion of raw materials, product is in short supply.  By 2012 the health food market in China will reach $ 120 billion in sales, the tremendous potential of the market is expected to become channels for enterprises to speed up the growth of traditional medicine. Securities code name securities circulation equity net assets per share third quarter earnings per share stocks highlights 600,436 pientzehuang 1.48.05 1.381 high-end consumer demand, into the cosmetic and health products market 600,535 tasly 4.88 6.81 benefited from primary health care marketing and application development, Dan-Shen root dropping pill in the pace of Yunnan baiyao 6.29 7.5 baiyao 000538 product growthStable, the two wings of products focused on commodity market of traditional Chinese medicine 000423 Dong-e e-Jiao 6.54 deep blood market, diversification strategies prompted value regression 300,026 Sun pharmaceuticals 0.54 6.13 both antithrombotic drugs production and marketing, North market monopoly

whether the stock market could see big to consider three questions

129668575515625000_16The Red week (blog, Twitter) contributing Jing Xiaoyun recently a lot of people are concerned about stock markets see big problems, whether the stock market could see big to consider three questions: 1 the old republic power leveling, inflation pressures and monetary tightening problems; 2, on the economic growth cycle; 3, market valuation problems. Current downward trend in inflation has been moreClear, but because of the high comparison base this year, data next year will fall on the display, but the actual price level is low not to go. But for sure is that monetary tightening has come to an end. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: Who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or large area fell stopped (figure) economic growth does is maximum concerns. Growth in domestic economic indicatorsAn easing trend, manufacturing industry in particular. If monetary easing was not obvious, real estate sales are falling, sharp slowdown in economic growth is inevitable, because of real estate "kidnapped" too much of the industry. Conversely, if monetary policy relaxed substantially, then real estate regulation will have no effect, prices will continue to rise, inflation increased again and eventually wounded must be people.Which is more heavy, depends on the Central lie, and how policy, nor I can decide that only the tiller. Valuation swtor power leveling, apart from banks and a small amount of property stocks, most stocks remain cheap. But overall, the shares were valued at the bottom of what should be? A reliable ruler-social real interest rates. According to the current corporate bondsYield is calculated, this rate should be at about 6%, which yields on financing products is 6%~7%, then such a measure, a-shares overall reasonable PE should be 14~16 times. But it should give a reasonable PE, taking into account market often excessive fall, investors would need additional plus the margin of safety of one-third, about 8%~9%. Then, sharePrice/earnings ratio should be at the bottom of the market in 11~12.5 times. Or in short, the index of 2,400 points correspond to the value has been entered in a reasonable range, has a margin of safety to distance may continue to fall at the bottom of 15%.

concern 构词成分

129667775708115392_117Appointed Wang 构词成分。 short track World Cup losing years probably hopeless comeback Integrated Xinhua Director of winter sport management slide Center 25th officially announced its participation in international short track speed skating World Cup in Japan and Shanghai national team player lists, concern 构词成分。 the King of fail in an examination. Winter Center said King 构词成分。 wanted to re-enter the national team the old republic power leveling, you also need a certain amount of time. She also found that would have remained in January next year in Jilin provinceSpring city in the 12th National Winter Games. As the 25th is a list of participating teams international slide last submitted date, after the opening of the national short track speed skating Championships the next day, winter Center announced the list of national teams. Is in a suspended period names King 构词成分。 is not in the list, the winter Center said in a statement: "as punishment for King 构词成分。Pending the implementation of decisions, the parties in the face of King 构词成分。 in helping and is still in progress, winter centres there is currently no new decisions emerge. Although errors committed by King 构词成分。 I know and reflect on it, also has expressed a desire to rejoin the national team, but if you want to re-enter the national team, you also need to further enhance their understanding, serious mistakes, take concrete actions to improve, quality attainment and competitiveAchieved in areas such as employment criteria of the national team, which is the need for a certain period of time. "Winter Centre also said, the next step they will cooperate closely with the parties concerned, conducive to national short track team development, to project and short track speed skating sports undertakings in China under the principle of development to help the King 构词成分。 further education. Hope Wang 构词成分。 through efforts to return to the game, team player,Actively, and make new contributions to the cause of Chinese short track speed skating. November 24 national short track speed skating Championships was the 12th National Winter Games short track speed skating group swtor power leveling, relay preliminaries, this was the last time to obtain a qualified winter domestic competitions. Due to a fight within the team event, was cancelled in August of this year the international and domestic raceKing 构词成分。 is no longer qualified through their participation in the national race to winter, this time losing World Cup squad list, means that she wants to comeback hopes in the winter is close to zero. After the end of the National Championship, slide the participation in international World Cup in Japan and China Shanghai race athletes will be regrouping, remaining players are returning local training to prepare for next yearNational held in early winter.

TV TV stick. Interested friends to glance at it. Nokia N82 Nokia N82

129668732808281250_226Note: buying non-mainstream phones have a certain amount of risk you users carefully hand. "IT168" Nokia N82 in terms of music, video and instant sharing of these powerful embodiment of so that it has won a number of concerns. N82 highlights summed up as two of the most notable: after Carl. Zeiss certified 500W megapixel camera; b was built in aVery practical to GPS navigation features. This classic arcade merchants Suo Nadi in Shenzhen Electronics is priced at $ 950, with a power and charging the headset cable disc specification, 4G the memory card. Send Crystal shell phone lanyard foil card reader bag. Promotions now, plus $ 10 during send: send card MP3,TV TV stick. Interested friends to glance at it. Nokia N82 Nokia N82 (parameter picture sample testing) with Nokia common Candy bar design, rectangular appearance, simple design, silver version of the machine body adopts mirror effect metal clad, black version for all black design, piano paint. It appears from the overall appearance, the Black Edition more attractive. Size of the aircraft fuselage just 112Times;17.3mm, weighing 114 grams, slightly more light than the N73, in General, more suitable for males. Nokia N82 main screen parameters, material of this phone uses a 2.4-inch TFT display with chromatic numbers reach 16.7 million, supporting 240A business machine, 2.4-inch screen is big enough. Hardware performance, Nokia phones ARM11 processors manufactured using the Texas instruments, the frequency is up to 332Mhz, it has a relatively fast operation speed. Storage, using memory and 90MB of the Nokia N82 has a 100MB run the memory, support TF (MICroSD) card, a standard memory card capacity is 2GB, the largest support 4GB capacity expansion. Software performance, Nokia N82 uses the Symbian9.2 operating system, Series60 version 3.1 software platform, has good software compatibility of Nokia N82 's camera was the biggest selling point of Nokia N82, backBuilt a planet after certification by the kaercai Division of 5 million pixels lens is equipped with Xenon Flash and a secondary photo lamp professional, supports 20 times digital zoom and auto-focus function, supports white balance swtor power leveling, ISO ISO, exposure compensation is set, the largest take 2,592Dynamic video shooting. Photographs from reality, Nokia N82 photo color reduction is better, when shooting colorful scenes with good results. Nokia N82 edit comment: Nokia N series mobile phones of awareness is high, as a replacement for N73 and a terminal of the n-series models, the Nokia N82After doing very well. With a good performance of the machine itself and a good reputation, the N82 has also won numerous players of all ages. Interested friends, contact the following businesses. If you then mentioned IT168.com the old republic power leveling, can also get a better price and service. Product information: Nokia N82 mobile phone quote today: $ 950 (licensed importers in Hong Kong) businessName: Suo Nadi e business address: Shenzhen, YuanWang digital city, Hua Qiang bei 2d78 contact: Miss Chen Tel: 13,798,389,080 QQ:771888055

The stock market

129667837382646642_193The stock market, who hopes to seize the "strong" stock from scratch "ride", but "strong stocks" not everyone is able to hold on, "riding" on the.   Method, operating correctly FA investors naturally shared "strong stocks" good benefits brought by, on the contrary, difficult not only to produce the desired returns, maybe it's going to be "strong stocks" by "harm". Enter 1Since January, although the index of underperforming, but stocks still many opportunities. To the performance of the two cities the most eye-catching Lehman electronic devices (300,162) as an example, since November 1, in just 15 days, the stock rose 39.59%, interval gain the top of the two cities, outperform the index over the same period 41.74%, the "strong" features apparent. The rewardSay investors whenever buying Lehman photoelectric and holds all the way, earnings will be very substantial, but in fact, can really achieve the stepping pace, investors who buy low and sell high are rare, the result is not satisfactory there are plenty of investors. Why participate in a "strong stocks" operation result remains hard to achieve a satisfactory income? The reason, there are two: first, some investorsAlthough seize has Lehman photoelectric such of "strong unit", but account in "strong unit" of market value accounted for entire market value of proportion does not high, and remaining varieties is not cross disc is fell, led overall proceeds backward market; II is apart from part funds participation has "strong unit" operation outside, remaining funds both can't buy "strong unit" also unwilling to holds low cross disc of non-"strong unit", missedStocks when the market starts good opportunities for General Rose. In addition, investors in the action "strong stocks" If there is a mindset and skills such as problem, is also important reasons with low income, mainly in two aspects: one is the "catch up". Some investors trade stocks have a habit, like buying "upward path" of the stock. In fact, the so-called "upward path" isA relative concept, almost all the stock cannot rise without falling, the original "upward path" is likely when it is in the end turn potential into a "down-channel", the original "down channel" may also have been on a downtrend you into "upward path," second "live". Some investors prefer to buy "active unit", but forgot to share again "live" shares have stagnant or evenTurn-around time, pre-Lehman photoelectric jumped on the basis of, a certain level of adjustment was also made, if improper intervention time, equally difficult to achieve a satisfactory income. In theory, not ordinary investors can participate in "strong stocks" operation, especially when the market and stock is a strong case, but the key is to grasp the "strong stocks" to do this. Operation methodPerformance in terms of mentality, in a calm, seeks to achieve the "hand unit, unit-free", one must not be side movements led by the nose, affecting operations. Performance at the operational level, must grasp well the following three points: first, to do a "combination of match". In relation to different investors the old republic power leveling, some suitable for "strong stocks" operation, while others are not suitable for operation。 There is a problem of mentality, technique, not suitable for participation in "strong stocks" action for investors, in principle not to participate in, even if belonging to the total amount of investors should in principle suitable for operation control, achieve the "weak" with – to participate in "strong stocks" with participation of non-"strong stocks" transactions, cartridge must not frequent operation, full access to the so-called ' "strong." In addition,In terms of time, when the market is in a bull market early, often hot switch, "strong" replacement more quickly, thus, in addition to money appropriate involvement of "strong stocks" actions, for the rest you can choose relatively low valuations swtor power leveling, "not strong" moderate positions, so that to avoid either "strong" risk, can effectively play the role of existing funds. Second, to doTo "buy low sell high". Sensitivity of different investors for handicap language will have greater differences. For handicap language is relatively sensitive to faster operation with reaction of investors, "combination match", based on participation in moderation "strong stocks" operation, but only if you want to achieve high parabolic bargain-not the other way around. To do this, you must get into the habit of "bold when rose,Timid when you fall "used to prevent anti---wanted to buy low sell high absorption into chasing kill fell as a result. Third, to be ready for "preparations". The stock market, there is no absolute certainty of opportunities and, consequently, there is no absolute free investment, operation "strong stocks" and even more so. Investors in the action "strong stocks" Shi, in addition to a "strong and constant strong" and made preparations, but also have "shortLine plunge "expectations. Only in this way, to face various risks that might arise in the operation do so freely, eventual actions "strong stocks" ideal income.

2011年12月21日 星期三

accurate temperature control

129667677910302892_45Recommend index: ★ ★ ★ ★ beauty KFR-35GW/BP3DN1Y-D (1) micro-inverter air conditioner is a beautiful new inverter air conditioners, the product's biggest selling point is swtor credits, of course swtor power leveling, its micro-inverter product advantages, accurate temperature control, comfort and other aspects of it will bring users incredible experience. At present, this new paragraph air conditioning with the minimum price of selling pre-completed flatsRecently wanted to buy air conditioning friends not to miss.

Apple Time Machine icon up to press time

129668571655468750_27Apple Time Machine icon up to press time swtor credits, Microsoft has yet to be civil engineering in the picture to be replaced. On this event, Microsoft, and Apple has yet to comment.  It was not completely understood, the problems that exist or might be only in Microsoft home. If you have any comments or suggestions swtor power leveling, or have issues that need to consult the editing and posting

de littérature et de paix

129618396806406250_757La technologie SINA audience temps de Beijing le 30 septembre, comédie cette année du prix Nobel déjà de loterie, déclenchant une préoccupation dans le monde entier. Prix Nobel dr?le (: le prix Ig Nobel) est des états-Unis tenue une remise annuelle des prix est une imitation dr?le du prix Nobel, typiquement dans chaqueAu début d'octobre de l'année. Résultats scientifiques ? anormalement ? ou ? chronologie ? récompense principale.  La création de ce prix, qui vise à récompenser ceux qui ? à première vue rend les gens rire, mais la réflexion puis ? de la recherche. Les organisateurs du prix n'est pas une pensée de magazine science humourSur la recherche rapport annuel (Annales de la recherche Improbable, AIR), le lieu de cérémonie est le théatre de Sanders à l'Université de Harvard, le vainqueur, puis vous souhaitez aller au MIT pour parler en public. Mais ne sous-estimez pas ce prix et son évaluationBeaucoup d'entre eux sont des érudits vraiment respectés, est les véritables prix Nobel. Première session de la comédie en 1991, a décerné le prix Nobel, lorsque le slogan est "découverte de la récompense ne peut et ne doit pas être copiée. "Annuel alloue un total de 10, travaillant sur différents domaines de recherche afin d'évaluerPrix de prix Nobel officiel la même physique swtor credits, chimie, de physiologie ou de médecine, de littérature et de paix, et sélectionné, y compris.  Mais elle a aussi quelques prix Nobel réel qui n'est pas assujettis, tels que la sécurité publique, ingénierie, biologie et études interdisciplinaires et ainsi de suite. Malgré certaines critiques et de la satire, mais dans la plupartCas de comédie de préoccupation pour le prix Nobel est certaines recherches scientifiques réels, mais à première vue semble plus amusant, par exemple : lorsqu'une personne a constaté la présence, autruches semblent être plus vulnérables à l'excitation sexuelle et trouvé le trou noir est un enfer, comme l'enfer parce que techniquement il remplit toutes les conditions et trouvé les "cinq secondesLa Loi ", c'est-à-dire, si vos aliments accidentellement supprimé au sol, si vous pouvez rapidement chercher en 5 secondes, vous pouvez consommer. L'année dernière, les physiciens andelie・jimu (Andre Geim) devient la première comédie le prix Nobel et les scientifiques du prix Nobel réels.Il a fait une expérience célèbre propos Maglev, dans les journaux, qu'il a décrit comment une grenouille vivant peut être suspendue dans la technologie de l'air. Comédie liste de cette année, le prix Nobel a été annoncé : prix de la physiologie : accorder Anna Wilkinson, Natalie SebanZ, Isabella Mandl et Ludwig Huber, pour récompenser leur étude ? y n'est aucune preuve cette tortue à pattes rouges baille contagieux ? en chimie : donne l'équipe du Japon Makoto Ima, Naoki Urushihata, HIdeki Tanemura, Yukinobu Tajima, Hideaki Goto, Koichiro Mizoguchi et Junichi Murakami, invention de la récompense de leur alarme moutardeMédecine : accorder Matthew Lewis swtor power leveling, Peter Snyder, Robert Feldman, Robert Pietrzak, David Darby, Maruff, Mirjam Tuk, DebraTrampe et Luk Warlop, pour récompenser leur pour la recherche sur l'effet possible de retenir l'urine Award de la psychologie : accorder Karl Halvor Teigen pour récompenser son corpus de recherche ? pourquoi personnes seront soupir ?: accorder John PeRry, le résultat est la théorie de ? retard ?. Il avertit qu'un rendement élevé, devrait concentrer toujours de faire ces ? choses importantes ? qu'à éviter ces ? question plus importante ? prix de biologie : accorder Daryll Gwynne et le loyer de DavidZ pour récompenser leurs résultats ? découvrir les différentes sortes de coléoptères et mate de différentes espèces de bouteille de bière australienne ? du prix de la physique : accorder Philippe Perrin, Cyril Perrot, Dominique Deviterne, BrunoRAGARU et Herman Kingma, pour récompenser leur sujet "pourquoi lanceur de disque qui a jeté le marteau avec le toujours blacked out n'est pas" prix de mathématiques : subvention de toutes les couleurs de l'histoire de doomsday prophète, en reconnaissance de leur ? prendre des actions concrètes pour dire au monde que dans plusieursQuelle importance les estimations de soins "prix de la paix : accorder la Lituanie maire Arturas Zuokas, pour récompenser il avec succès résolu les problèmes de stationnement de route, des véhicules blindés qui voyagent pour les écraser ! Prix de la sécurité publique : accorder des expéditeurs de John,Pour récompenser lui pour une expérience. Dans l'expérience, le front d'un automobiliste a une PAC tomber constamment de harcèlement de son regard, s'immiscer dans sa conduite (Sun)


129667837427646642_311United Kingdom Bank (BOE) monetary policy Committee (MPC) member of Weir (Martin Weale) Friday (November 25), unless United Kingdom economy has improved, or the United Kingdom's Central Bank will most likely need to implement more asset purchase program. Meanwhile, although European shares higher swtor credits, but the United States three mainStock indexes ended lower.   Market risk preferences continue to subject. In addition, the United Kingdom statistics (ONS) data released recently showed that United Kingdom GDP correction quarter rise in the rate of 0.5% in the third quarter, expecting an increase 0.5%, initial value increased by 0.5% in the second quarter for growth 0.1%; rate increased by 0.5%, it is expected that increased by 0.5%, on the initial value is alsoBy 0.5%, second-quarter growth 0.6%. GBP/USD window open at a 1.5462 level in New York, in early trading, currency edged higher.   In midday trading, the exchange rate fell steadily, eventually closed at 1.5432 near level. From a technical point of view, GBP/USD is below the 5th averages, MACD indicator green amplification of kinetic energy column, KDJ meansMarked down. If Exchange rate exceeded 1.584 levels rebound goal points to 1.594. If the exchange rate fell below levels of 1.534 swtor power leveling, the callback target will point to 1.528 level.


129667864403115392_230⊙ Reporter Wu Zhengyi 0 edits zhujianhua and Sprint launched a new third company to the gem.  Const yesterday, about gem IPO's motion was passed by the extraordinary General Assembly for its consideration, the company proposed public offering of 10.2 million shares to raise money into 3 large projects. According to disclosures, Const instrument Corporation in Beijing the proposed public offering of 1020Million shares, after the release of the total share capital of 25%, to raise funds for "digital precision pressure measurement instrument expansion project", "research and development centre expansion project", "other main business-related working capital project" three projects.  Resolutions are valid for 12 months from the date of consideration by the General Assembly of shareholders. Data show that Const focuses on digital pressure, temperature calibratorResearch development and industrialization of the table, its product nationwide measurement of electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, railway, military and other industries for many units in widespread use, and more than similar imported products, occupied the main share of the domestic market. Currently, Const has dozens of products with completely independent intellectual property rights, and has a number of proprietary technology is the world leader and the originalInvasive techniques.  On December 26, 2008, the company listed on the new third Board. From the perspective of ownership structure, Const login after a new third almost no change, existing shareholders for 7 natural persons, refinancing has not been implemented. At present, the company's total share capital to 30.6 million shares, in which concerted action for the first two shareholder Jiang Weili and Sean he, managing people, each hold and 27.15%6% per cent, a total of 51.01% stake, for the people of de facto control of the company. However, the controlled listed companies on the gem, Const relatively small scale of operation. Inspection results in recent years, from 2008 to 2010, the Const main income were 41.507 million $, $ 55.12 million and $, per cent, respectively, 16.88%,And 32.8%, and net profit of $ 8 million, respectively $ 17.665 million and $, per cent, respectively, 15.43% and 46.04%. The first half of this year, the company achieved a revenue of 35.718 million Yuan swtor credits, an increase of 21.01% net profit of 7.922 million Yuan, an increase of 16.92%.  Since venture plate lifted yilai, new third has has North land drug industry, and century real, and better hearing fly hung, and purple Guanghua Yu successfully go log venture plate;-in longitudinal technology venture plate IPO applications is Shang will; sea Xin branch gold swtor power leveling, and double Jie electrical, and star Hao medicine 3 home company is active withdrawn applications; East soil technology, and Bo Hui innovation first IPO was whether Hou has started II times Shang will process. FromCase in the past, new third companies from the startup listing on the gem scheme, to accept the Committee audit cycle length, "waiting period" the longest nearly two years.