2012年3月10日 星期六

world of tanks power leveling direct management of the State Council - LLU

129756477899218750_293This mapping where the Government work report "reform tax system of real estate". Finance Minister Xie xuren yesterday made it clear that, the appropriate expansion of property tax reform in scope. All the signs, real estate tax reform push "poise to strike", but can contribute to price return has yet to be tested. -Two sessions about the property tax is a matter of timeHousing levy of property tax reform trial since early last year in Shanghai, Chongqing two municipalities started, after a year later, the estate tax "effect to become clear." CPPCC Member Liu Kegu, after investigation, said: "in Chongqing and Shanghai pilot runs very well, to promote rational and effective use of the land on the ground, perfecting local tax system is significant. "" The current price is reasonable enough, butIs to rely on administrative means to control is not a long-term solution. "The national people's Congress, Shiyan city Party Committee Secretary Chen tianhui said," I personally believe that property tax is only a matter of time. "Tax prerequisite information on-line property tax in addition to the implementation of standards, rules, and other surviving outside the dispute, personal housing information is transparent, not networking is one of the obstacles currently restricting China's comprehensive real estate tax pushed。 Liu Kegu pointed out that the important prerequisite for supporting property tax reform was "open and transparent social information." He believed that currently archives information management systems, national network of housing credit, real estate price evaluation system of personal income tax collection lacks the basis, lack of national or local housing information system at the provincial level. This year's Government work report, accelerated buildingUrban housing information system established, reforming real estate tax system to promote long-term, stable and healthy development of real estate markets. "Speeding up the urban housing system" will be the first step in real estate tax pushed sweeping obstacles. Housing and urban-rural development recently confirmed that the first half of this year, 40 major cities housing information system will enable national network, seeking by 2013Municipalities and the province's network. At the same time, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and other cities have been modifying the criterion of residence, raising "non-ordinary residence" threshold so that more ordinary homes enjoy the deed tax concessions. "The establishment and improvement of information systems not only helps push real estate tax, and would pursue all tax reform. "Liu Kegu said. He also suggested that the future should be the establishment of a reviewCovered family members, household income, housing information, such as database world of tanks power leveling, direct management of the State Council, on the basis of ensuring information security, for information sharing and Exchange, lay the Foundation for fiscal reforms and improve government efficiency. Liu Kegu stressed that tax was in line with the regulation of real estate, rather than the main source of revenue. Nor hope adjusting pricesIn property taxes, which should see property taxes as a result of the fiscal and taxation system reform. "Even if the property taxes in the future a comprehensive introduction, not to charge everyone should meet the basic living requirements of real estate makes full deduction. "Liu Kegu recommendations. -Dialog property taxes instead of limiting buy prices are not expected to rebound in 2011, Shanghai, Chongqing City as a pilot reform of first restartReal estate tax on individual houses. This year, the pace of property tax reform will take much? For this reason, reporter has interviewed Jia Kang world of tanks power leveling, Member of the National Committee, the Ministry of finance, Director of the Research Institute for fiscal science, the State Council, the Central University of finance and taxation, Vice President of Liu Huan, World Federation of tax taxation research fellow, visiting professor at Central University of finance and Economics Institute of finance Liu Yuzhang. Reporter: What is the role of the property tax? Liu Yuzhang: the property tax is the long-term objective of regulating distribution of wealth, increased direct taxation. Possession real estate more people pay taxes, have more, tax more. This function can be regulated through tax, to curb extravagant consumption on housing, social housing and land resources conservation. Actually this is the Housing CouncilBehavior of a control, and thus can also curb property speculation. Reporter: the property tax which preparations need to be working? Liu Yuzhang: the property tax is a major systems engineering. You first need to process for the registration of real estate, as the real estate tax is not a tax on purchase price, but a tax on real estate at assessed value, this will need to be an existing roomReal estate registration, set up the appropriate assessment agencies, training a certain number of evaluators. Establishment and perfection of new real estate tax system also needs to be a process. If you do not make adequate preparations early, even with a real estate tax laws, to levy, are insufficient. Reporter: effectiveness of pilot collection of Shanghai and Chongqing have been raised not expanding the pilot can achieve moreEffective? Liu Huan Shanghai and Chongqing property taxes have been imposed for one year wot power leveling, Hu Yu-collection of results and property taxes this year will not expand cities that quite a lot. In fact, it should be noted that, Hu Yu-pilot tax was launched in the environment of China's real estate purchase. Due to the restriction of jammed a lot of buying behavior, and Shanghai-Chongqing to successfully pilot, deliberately narrowA pilot policy coverage. It can be predicted that once the pilot scope of expansion of property tax collection, and policy synchronization out of the real estate purchase, or will loose the high and middle house purchase, expansion of property tax collection of the effectiveness will rapidly reflected. Reporter: property taxes this year such as the expansion of the pilot, which will become a pilot of the new land? Liu Huan: IExpected property tax in China this year pilot initiative will expand the list of cities. Increase this year of city, is likely to appear in the coastal developed areas of some cities. These high investment value of urban housing, house prices rose faster, need a property tax combined with restriction of policy synchronization purposes. Reporter: real estate taxes can instead of restriction policies? Jia Kang,: I think that the restriction of politicalAdministrative means of cure is only a last resort, to implement difficult years, but also dynamic. On the root of the problem is, should also promote a property tax. Liu Huan: on the one hand, property taxes real estate costs of rapidly rising, property will be checked, even if the synchronization property restriction policies fade out, a large rally in prices is expected not. Another, As long as the object is expanded to most of the real estate property tax taxation, its collection of taxes would be more impressive, can also play a role instead of land finance. Property taxes are an effective means for the symptoms.

