2012年3月30日 星期五

diablo 3 power leveling to sprinkle it on television - HZX

129773438683125000_349Wang Yuqin beaten photographer on March 20 of Yue Yunpeng broker execution after detention punishment, talk by Guo degang airport hitting two other participants in the event, Wang Hai and talk by Guo degang Guo degang broker Wang Nan staff, also the day before to the Chaoyang detention for administrative punishment. Talk by Guo degang whip event this should whip disciples were sentenced to administrative detention dust floor, Talk by Guo degang for administrative reconsideration or through legal channels.   But yesterday, because "light sword" curse won "curse the King" by Guo degang, Twitter open curse again, paparazzi candid means making money, like a thief. Talk by Guo degang three persons were in administrative detention two days ago, following the events of March 20 talk by Guo degang airport whip Wang Yuqin execution after detention punishment, otherTwo people involved with Wang Nan Wang Hai and talk by Guo degang Guo degang brokers staff to the Chaoyang detention facilities also accept administrative punishment. The evening of January 9 this year, Guo degang and talk by Guo degang return to Beijing more than 10 people, outside the airport terminal, 3rd floor, disputes and Studio photographers, because someone shoot that triggered physical confrontation, resulting in each other's company 2 injured, qualified for minor injuries.On January 31 diablo 3 power leveling, the airport police announced the decision on administrative penalty for this book, sentenced to Wang Hai Wang Nan in the shunyi detention 12th in administrative detention and a fine of $ 500, Wang Yuqin was 10th in administrative detention and a fine of $ 500. Talk by Guo degang said airport whip handle administrative reconsideration of the result of the case, police agreed that parties suspend punishment results of ShenPlease. Talk by Guo degang does not make administrative review within the statutory time limit, on March 20, Wang Yuqin Yue Yunpeng broker came to the Chaoyang detention facility to accept responsibility.   Zhihou, Wang Hai and Wang Nan also have come to the Chaoyang detention facility. With alarms raised at all border posts volley shoot "Shishi as thieves" yesterday, Guo degang publish tweets, called paparazzi journalist "shoot the for profit, sales of gold, thief. ”Melaleuca stirred up the waves. "A thief a day, Shishi as thieves. For thieves on the parent thief, thief thief under Sun. Like OWL barbaric animal, like a thankless child. Roumadangyouqu, as bright as the enemy. Despise the multitude, proud princes, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, mandarins of civil rights. Fierce PI, while the little culprit class, almost evil prostitute, prostitute-free flow of warmth. This shameless disorderly,Supposed to shovel the world of righteousness! "This for talk by Guo degang Guo degang airport beating incident response, an official call to arms again Mace.   And do not take the implicit routes, fierce PI, evil prostitution, such as shameless, shameless words spelled, curse curse enough enough undisturbed. Vs Linkin Park then forwards the Tweets and comments, "Why can't scoop it? Because it is said that ' masses', Which is ' the masses ' right, ' public figure ' obligations. "This has sparked off cross my heart overworking again said that" when it comes to the obligation, and over the years has been trying to adhere to tie. A photo they are highest sold 270,000, we get angry. But you and your family I can eat, but I can't. There are a large number of people accusing me of words mean, this is nothing more than 2 control,Watch your mouth can give a dime less moral when Palace, huh, huh.   "The highest exposed paparazzi photo can fetch $ 270,000, and critics who on his people to" 2-control ", full of virtue and morality are worship the golden calf. Less user creation of Guo "thief of words" loss persuaded the weibo immediately raises more than 3,500 comments. Many networkFriends of those surveyed. "Such behaviour is not good, but does not transmit a genetic and involves parents placing such. "" Everyone is a thief, Mr Guo are no exception. "" Even the three generations of ancestors are called together, enough! Someone to live with a conscience steal, easy? "It was tit for tat advised Guo degang," profit, open look to the public,Thief private also. Advise your kernel with an open mind, persuade you, advise you adhere to, advise your smoothing baozhi, advise you in the chest. Without losing the expectations! "And for Guo degang pronunciamento, write" candid deyi double garden artists, ' supposed to shovel the world of righteousness ', however, shoot the ' shameless disorderly ', and the scandal came to light, but Grand Theft Auto. BecauseYa Zi trifle, parents insulting, derogatory wives was ' despise the multitude, proud princes, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, mandarins of civil rights. Like OWL barbaric animal, like a thankless child, like a fierce PI, almost evil prostitute '! "Online creation" curse of thieves "in response to old Guo:" to seek personal gain, FA sin and evil and vulgar! One day as vulgar, Shishi as vulgar. For our father our mother on, as our children under ourSun. Like small mosquitoes, poisonous centipede teams. When the cost of reputation, honor. Despise in yin, heart like needles, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, and civil rights. Fierce PI and less heroic, Scorpion, has no medicinal parts. This hypocritical to take effect now, ought to have educated the general public still be perceptive of! "Guo degang my memories of that year by netizens to doThe article, "cross sign posing as the leader of the year embezzlement, steal. Once a thief, and Shishi to steal. Parent thief to steal on the mother, as a child thief thief under Sun. Like at OWL barbaric animal, may wish to have a thankless child – lessons from the Ark children Mody? Nothing to own your own face! "Reporter Nan Zhang talk show on one of more work on writing always wonders cross is thereDual personality? Twitter festivals on pay a formal visit his mentor diablo 3 power leveling, United partners, lead by the hand disciples. Programmes under the auspices of in a genial manner, humorous wit from time to time. But once you have anger, swearing has become a must. This "must" arguing just as his disciple Li Hebiao whip in General: are national heroes diablo 3 gold, or damage network space "Zhou Chu"? That year, Guo degang desperate dreams of Fame,Bleach in Beijing city; today, Guo degang arrogance exposed, to sprinkle it on television, eight generation ancestor of huoji people in the virtual space. Last year, Jiang Kun Guo degang out "non-German" speech, Guo degang also raised large opening called the ring. Then in the case of each other is no longer fight, war continues for a long time. One cross circle that Guo degang navel even employed network constantly online "smelly" opponent。 Total cross sector expect Guo De outline, however, he and the disciples cross from Jiangsu sealing concert last year, but gives the levers feel. Cherishing the memory of the Western dream of Guo degang, old Guo advised the whole point of a new Word, stop on the curse of literariness, was also put in some minds in creation! Movies were released on April Fool's day the 囧 way, Old Guo went to film and television playing skill, I hope this time, old Guo long breaths for yourself, give you a little more art enjoy! (Editors: Cai Shushu) Others:

