2012年3月29日 星期四

swtor credits for Telecom - ZSO

129760833637500000_27Feasting of triple investment will open market amounted to 688 billion "Triple play" was the focus of next-generation information technology category in the new section. The Government work report made clear, will promote the "triple play" made substantial progress tera gold, indicated that "triple play" is expected to speed up the process. Cao Shumin, President, Member of the National Committee of the Ministry of Telecommunications Research Institute said the China Securities newspaper reporter's interview with, the Ministry will lead a series of this yearPromoting the "triple play" start a real process. Including national radio and TV network company will be listed in the first half of; the Ministry will introduce the newly revised catalogue of the telecommunications business, and directory based on licences for broadcasting and telecom operators will be issued bi-directional access. Market analysts believe that the "triple play" at present the biggest obstacle is bi-directional access scheme is not clear, andAfter the fusion of broadcasting and telecommunications operators on their existing user base, such as fear of the loss of, the policy dynamic is expected to point to solve a series of obstacles. Indicated that the industry is widely expected "Twelve-Five" during the nearly $ 700 billion in "triple play" great cake "emerge". Bi-directional access is expected to "melting ice" in May 2010, the State Council Executive meeting-passThe advance of triple play project, pointed out that the programme promoting the broadcasting and telecommunication services bi-directional phased into the focus of triple play pilot phase. My triple play trial more than a year, while innovation through strategic cooperation, joint ventures and other models, but made no substantive breakthrough into each other. Standing Committee of the national people's political consultative conference, the Ministry of former Minister Li Yizhong, ChinaSecurities news reporters, bi-directional access is not only a technical issue, and also about institutional issues swtor credits, policy a strong push. Cao Shumin told the China Securities newspaper reporter, from the triple play starting with the first phase pilot, the Ministry will promote the broadcasting and telecommunication services in pilot areas of bi-directional access, IPTV and cable television-based Internet access now nearly 20 million users, usersHow many obstacles and operator feedback does not appear. Currently promoting bi-directional access time is more mature. She noted that the Ministry is revising previously published catalogue of the telecommunications business, "triple play" under the background of traditional telecom services category to make a definition, the future will be based on the new directory of existing broadcasting and telecommunications operators issued formal bi-directional access licence. "NewDirectory is required the Ministry to enter the final consideration, will be published soon, will then be issued a licence. "Cao Shumin said. National network listed company is expected to first half of Cao Shumin said, has been hot on the national radio and TV network company in the industry is expected to list in the first half. The company as the subject of broadcasting systems to participate in triple, will also be a "triple play" made substantial progressTo sign. She describes, this was named as China's radio and television network after the founding of the company will be carried out within the scope of the national radio and TV network assets. According to the established programmes, first by the respective provincial radio and TV network consolidation, then injected to the national networks. As of now, all major provinces and cities have complete asset consolidation, the remaining part in radio and TV network company set up gradually after receivingTail. For the equity structure of the company, Cao Shumin said, the company's investment diversification, both local government equity participation, will also attract other capital, after integration in the company after the establishment of vertical management in provincial radio and TV company. "After the founding of the company will be the Ministry of bi-directional access licence, currently on a digital basis, of existing CATV network bidirectional lModification of level, building integrated broadcasting platform for IPTV and mobile TV. "A number of substantive progress bodes" triple play "market will speed up the start of the formation of industry. According to the figures released by the China Information Research Center forecasts, within the next three years, triple play will launch the industry market size up to $ 688 billion. Where telecommunications networks and the construction of radio and TV networkAnd upgrading, for Telecom diablo 3 power leveling, broadcasting a two-way network Reformation, set-top box industry and system construction of effective investment will amount to $ 249 billion. Information services in next 3 years income and final consumption is expected to close to 439 billion yuan. Others:

