2012年3月13日 星期二

world of tanks power leveling annual report released yesterday - EOT

129756501024843750_119Shilan micro (600,460) annual report released yesterday, launched 10-10 Bonus programme. Under this influence, the stocks that is "one" Word daily limit.   All day, even though the unit covering the daily limit, between bodies floating capital continues to be intense, dramatic zoom to $ 315 million, as high this year. Company, yesterday said that by 2011Operating income $ 1.546 billion, an increase of 1.79%; operating profit of $ 138.64 million, down 48.35%; vested in the parent company 153.22 million yuan in net profit, down 40.11%, and earnings per share of $ 0.35. Company intends to total shares 434.08 million shares as the base in late 2011, distributing cash dividend 1 every 10 RMB (includingTax); in capital reserve every 10 shares converted into 10 shares to all shareholders. Day companion lab analyst Zou Gao report pointed out in the comments, from the perspective of one quarter wot power leveling, 2011 four seasons company revenues of $ 361 million, down the 10.84%; operating profit of $ 4.49 million, down 91.6%; vested in the parent company's net profit of 2260 Yuan, down 62.66%; return $ 0.05 per share. He said revenue decline was mainly affected by the decline in domestic economic growth last year, the international recovery is weak and the worsening effects of the debt crisis in Europe, lower demand. However, since the beginning of this year, overall prosperity of the semiconductor industry has improved. At the same time, continued expansion of production capacity of the company, will further enhance the LED(Light emitting diode) wafer production capacity.   Taken together, Zou Gao is not very optimistic about the unit, giving the "neutral" rating.   In 2011, the company "report card" is not ideal, but 10-10 high send go stimulate, electronics stocks have been active in the near future under market conditions, Shilan micro-stronger live daily limit yesterday. Open letter to the Shanghai Stock Exchange after theIncome shows that body hot money vs fierce, where institutions lean to sell fled wot power leveling, while the halys idle reverse to be compliant, strongly absorbed. Yesterday the unit sold seats on the top five are the institutions, sold first, sell second sold separately $ 39.68 million, $ 37.73 million, sold amount for the remaining three seats are also more than 10 million Yuan, total sold five institutions $ 122 million,39% per cent of total turnover yesterday. The other hand, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to idle capital to absorb more strongly, buy one, buy two are two of the Oriental Department of securities Sales Department-Shanghai New Rd, Chuan-lu securities business departments and Shanghai securities business Department, his big hands to buy $ 56.37 million and $, followed by guotai Junan securities both at Headquarters and in its dapulu of Shanghai securities business departments, respectively,Buy $ 24.37 million and $ 24.3 million.   These are all common Active expensive seats in the market, buying the top five total purchase of $ 144 million, 46% per cent of total turnover yesterday. Worth noting is, Shilan micro-block trading platforms also list yesterday. Public information displays, South Pudong road, Shanghai Oriental Securities Sales Department sold 300 companies shares world of tanks power leveling, total amount of $ 29.97 million, buying Consortium for China Merchants securities (600,999) Shenzhen shennan East Road, Sales Department.   Worth noting is that both price is $ 9.99, happens to be Shilan micro-drop prices of Friday's close, at $ 11.1, sold by the selling of pressing shown. From the company's newly released 2011Ten current stockholders ' structure, bodies, individual shareholders accounted for half. Where Lion Fund has a bright lights on the unit, while the lion share (AIJI, net wire) Fund reduced holdings of 11.7262 million shares at the end of last year, but there is still a 3.7231 million unit in hand, lion and small-cap (AIJI, net, information) selected Fund is new 3.6239 millionUnit, holds 3.8195 million shares of noble values growth plus (AIJI, net wire) Fund, Lion holds 11.1665 million shares in total, up to 2.57% per cent shares. GF small-capitalization growth fund bought 6.823 million shares in the fourth quarter of last year, became the second-largest circulation shareholders. Because either the body or the individual shareholders, company 2011 before the end of the year's top ten shareholders over 3 million units in circulation, it is difficult to judge who is selling discount big deals, but the bodies floating "the Dragon and the Tiger" should be over.

