2012年3月1日 星期四

diablo 3 gold at industry leaders of environmental monitoring equipment - LOF

129724958958206844_52Environmental protection of the General Assembly in late 2011, include PM2.5 in ambient air quality standard (second draft) monitoring indicators, new standards to be fully implemented in 2016. PM2.5 is rich in large amounts of toxic and hazardous substances, had a significant impact on human health and air quality. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River DeltaAnd Pearl River Delta may be monitored and reported in three regions of PM2.5 data. Environmental investment drivers diablo 3 gold, monitoring equipment. First environmental protection (300,137) and concentrating technologies (300,203) at industry leaders of environmental monitoring equipment the secret world gold, first to benefit. "Twelve-Five" 3.4 trillion total environmental investment, currently of most concern of public opinionPM2.5 monitoring and data dissemination projects could be a 2012 the first environmental inputs. According to our estimates, only the next five years the Government procurement-driven air monitoring equipment for total investment of more than $ 2 billion. Control of PM2.5 and encourage the rapid development of industrial pollution source's monitoring equipment. The national environmental protection "Twelve-Five" in the planning of newIncrease of ammonia-nitrogen and nitrogen-oxygen compounds two credits age of conan gold, the thermal power plant starting from 2012 onwards for details

