2012年3月7日 星期三

age of conan gold academic traditions - LYO

129742915506093750_275Zhu Shanlu (source: people's daily) Communist Party in July 1983, graduated from Peking University Department of philosophy, Professor. Former Communist Party Committee secretaries, Haidian District, Beijing, Beijing Municipal CPC Committee Standing Committee and Secretary of the work Committee for education, the Jiangsu provincial CPC Committee Standing Committee member and Secretary of Nanjing municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu provincial CPC. August 2011, Secretary of the Beijing University. A poet said:That "few things more beautiful than the University in the world. "The beauty of the University, in the abundant cultural and Fengying. As long as it exists, humans that are guided to do exploration we will continue to bring free heart of wisdom, University in the United States, United States independent in character and the pursuit of excellence. As long as it exists, pace of human pursuit of cleanness of introspection and innovation progress never stops. From the beginning of this period,* Weekly offering of culture and education of the University asks column. Through the dialogue between journalists and Secretary and Chancellor of the University, showing colleges and universities for "the doctrine of the" practice and thought, ways of sharing way of education, as a teacher, school road, aims to improve the quality of education of Chinese universities to share experiences and enlightenment thinking. "It's a piece of the Holy land. Here grow in China in decades several generations of scholars of the highest calibre,Toyohiro, flashing wit, solemn fearless independent thought diablo 3 gold, critical thinking of all this and the first in the world, honest and Frank without personality integrity and courage of combination of sharp fighting spirit. "This is part of the spirit of charm. This is a mask on the spirit of the North and the volume can be raised after reading books deep thoughts on modern University spirit. What is a "spirit"? Adhere to the "Spirit of "necessity is what? This is the "speed up the construction of first-class University and first class disciplines, built a number of internationally renowned universities for 2020, several universities at or close to the level of world-class universities" after the horn sounded, each leader need to reflect on proposition of the University. Reporter's exclusive interview with Zhu Shanlu, Secretary of Beijing University discuss "spirit of University"。 University is the core spirit of the University culture reporter: some say tera power leveling, as a cultural and educational institutions, inheritance and innovation of the University have the innate ability to culture and mission. What do you think? Zhu Shanlu: University halls of civilization, in a civilized manner to convey ideas of civilization, civilization of knowledge and nurture civilized people. Spirit of the University, is a problem inherent in the idea of University,Is at the root of University culture. Owned since the beginning of human history, if there is such a body to deeply influence the development and social progress of mankind, I think, should at least have a University. Human history has proven that College can be very profound and lasting, stable influences on human society, it is the law, culture and human development of laws and the development of human societyDevelopment regulation. Because of human development itself is essentially a cultural development, cultural development can be more profoundly affecting the development and progress of mankind. University, is the Mecca of culture and thought. Reporter: in your opinion, what is the "spirit"? "Spirit" is how the accumulation and dissemination of? Zhu Shanlu: universities, is essentially a cultural institution isSowing culture, intellectual, educational places. Soul of the University is the University of culture, culture and University spirit is the core of the University. This is, at all times and without exception. Formation of the spirit of the University is a University in long-term practice, rooted in the soil of cultures, with an open heart, and long-term accumulation of. Reflected in the value pursuit of the vision, of running the UniversitySchool of faith, school policy and education advocate. Through the practice of teachers, administrators, and other University subject come together to create, through academic training, scientific research, social service and culture value innovation. Century, the Millennium, inheritance where the spirit of the University, the torch and constantly, is because the spirit is the human influence is lasting long. After people out from College, onJobs, after many years, you can forget some points age of conan gold, but can not forget basic concepts, methodology and values pursuit of influence, which is conferred by the University, is the ethos of the University, academic traditions, school culture and steeped in the form of force, this force will affect a person's Outlook on life, values and world view, affect the corporate culture of a company, or evenEffect a ruling idea of political parties, as well as the country's political, economic, military, diplomatic, and other aspects. Culture, not only the "intellectuals", and can be of national, social, natural, this is the power of University culture and University spirit. From this point of view, we cannot be separated from fundamental tasks of the Open University, that cultivation of College spirit. Should the University spirit andWhat kind of training people, how to bring people closer together. College spirit, cannot be divorced from guiding of the Open University, University pursue, sponsoring the value of ideas, styles, ideas, systems and approaches, as well as the formation of long-term accumulation of experience and traditions of the University. Tend to internalize the ethics at the University of University spirit and idea, people outside training into practice and contribution to the society at the University of。 Long-term form of University spirit isn't fading by the time goes by, on the contrary, the longer, the more entrenched, and tradition rich.

