2012年3月31日 星期六

tera power leveling 129770966841875000_386 - ZGY

129770966841875000_386Foxconn international yesterday (02038.HK) released the results of a data display, Foxconn 2011 to achieve net profit $ 72.84 million successful profit than analysts had expected on average. Analysts believe that the contract smart phone to win more OEM Foxconn fee; but at the same time tera gold, personnel and shifts in factories moving significantly on the cost reductionLow. But some analysts think, Foxconn margins is not high, in the context of rising raw materials and staff salary increases, Foxconn will face significant challenges in the future. Text/Foxconn international journalists report from the airport was fogbound Group yesterday (02038.HK) according to data published in 2011, the company revenues of US $ 6.35 billion, representing a per cent in 2010Billion dollar down 4%, but in reduced turnover of cases last year, profit and receive US $ 72.844 million net profit, Reuters had earned more than analysts ' estimates of $ 27.59 million in 2010, representing a $ 218.3 million losses improved significantly; basic earnings per share for the 1.01 cent-3.06 cents in the same period a year earlier. Data displayAs shown in Foxconn's European and American income reduction and 15%, respectively swtor credits, to $ 1.49 billion and $ 1.47 billion. Revenue in Asia increased slightly by 4.1%, to us $ 3.4 billion. However the capital market did not seem to "buy". Foxconn international yesterday rose to HK $ 5.82, finally followed the Hang Seng index ended lower, per cent to HK $ 5.5 tera power leveling, fall3.509%. Year reductions 22% Foxconn says 2011 profits, mainly due to impairment losses reduced and lowered operating costs. And some analysts think, Foxconn to profit under the background of the poor in the global economy as a whole, there are a few main reasons. Data show that as at the end of last year, total of 98,900 Foxconn employees, one yearBefore 126,687, reduces 22% and staff cost of $ 533 million dollars, 6%. At the same time, Foxconn began two years ago out some of their plants northward to Hebei and Sichuan and other regions, successful cost reduction, cost of sales or 5.2%, to us $ 6.02 billion, administrative expenses and research and development expenses also declined and 1.7%, to 2.US $ 500 million and US $ 190 million. In addition, Foxconn USD $ 67.1 million for capital expenditure last year, compared with the previous year to significantly reduce 34%. Industry veteran Peter Yang Kwan said, at present many well-known brands have to March smart phone, handset average selling price rose, OEM OEM Foxconn fee rises. Barclays Capital analyst gaixinshanSays estimated Nokia's revenue in 2012 for Foxconn ~2013-year contribution to the 30%~35%. Although 2011 successful turnaround, but industry insiders think, Foxconn continues to face enormous challenges in the future. Peter Yang Kwan above the industry believes that because of the low margin OEM mode, and often is controlled by customer service, have been abandoned in many enterprises,Is also a Chinese Taiwan ASUS companies are manufacturing of enterprises for years after creating their own branded and OEM "legs" development mode of walking. Peter Yang Kwan, Foxconn is now to "large" to get "small profits but quick turnover" profit development path, as the higher wages and raw material cost increases, Foxconn's business model of the future is a huge challenge. (Responsible editor: Yin Liang) Others:

diablo 3 gold Sinopec - BKD

129731621458596250_76According to Hong Kong media reports, burning on Friday (3rd) published the files of 4,000 staff signed oppose acquisition, Sinopec (00386) and energy (02688) response. New this week through the media tour, winning shareholder support acquisitions. According to the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported, China Gas acquired war, broke days of silence。 Burning on Friday (3rd) published the files of 4,000 staff signed oppose acquisition, Sinopec (00386) and energy (02688) response. New this week through the media tour, winning shareholder support acquisitions. Sinopec: Sinopec and elaborated a new hope when facing the Board last night issued a response, noted in the burn notice, thatIs a backbone of the precious wealth and business success of enterprises, and have no intention of adjustment in the fired employee's employment status. Buyer's and gave her: "look forward to the opportunity to burn in Board depth set out in person, how Exchange acquirers can bring value and development space for burning. "Burning and Sinopec the Pulpo is isolation swtor credits, stay in the" war of words ". The deal has more than oneAnd conditions, including to be approved by the Ministry of Commerce, nobody can determine the timetable. New can obtain shareholder approval for highest visibility high finance acquisitions, new Austrian market sends letter to shareholders in the short term, and then held a special general meeting to vote. On the eve of this sensitive time, xinao invited Hong Kong media investigation in Hebei Langfang Headquarters this week, Zhang Yesheng, Chief ExecutiveAppearance seems interested in response to falling shares a long time ago, and to win shareholder support through the acquisition. New Olympics was questioned the financial position under the big takeover, and fueled share prices have been higher than the purchase price per share $ 3.5, may at any time raise the acquisition price, new Olympics even if financing is difficult to be able to stand. "New if it is not approved by the shareholders, after you can have three possible, first exit, is a modifiedCurrent joint venture holding structure of 55% and Sinopec, less equity holders, Sinopec, last or by buying new. "A head of Department of foreign capital merger and acquisition analysis. Many institutional shareholders not accept the 3.5 it is learnt that the Hong Kong dollar, burning in major institutional shareholders have unanimously not to accept $ 3.5, "buyer's talk about due diligence review of sth Is not necessary, because the price is not accepted,Not required for due diligence review. "The source said. He also said that investors fueled long, cycle and industry investment. Gas business is a large upfront fixed investment, return on the rapid growth of industry in the late, "burning are at a critical point of the harvest period. "" You give them cash to shareholders is not used, because their focus is long term return on sth After cash, investments in other placesChina's gas market the potential rewards? "Market participants said. But even if China is willing to increase, Dawn acquisition is not necessarily the dew. Market participants said: "If you want simple fare, why do they run out of the 4,000 employees oppose? Once the fare increases, staff will support you? General gas company employees, mostly blue-collar workers engaged in manual. "Burning founderFormer Managing Director Liu Minghui, remains on bail, but the operation seems to have a certain influence. He was in partnership with rich oil (Fortune Oil) has to increase its stake in the burning stake, burning in the Fu intends to appoint representatives to the Board of Directors diablo 3 gold, it is learned that is not accepted by other directors, "do not see a need to increase directors". Fortune Finance Director Mo Guibiao responded diablo 3 gold, in the appointment of Directors is not aContact ignition, there is still no early. Fu and Liu Minghui had intended to take holdings of 370 million dollars, 330 million, never said it was not ruling out overweight. (Editors: Zhang Liang) Others:

buy swtor but formal notice has not - YMG

129765921283331250_13Zhengzhou Garden Shop, Carrefour has blocked Carrefour according to co-operate with the investigation Zhengzhou Garden Road has been closed on March 18, Carrefour, from the Zhengzhou Carrefour Wang Shangwu Manager for public affairs was informed by, Zhengzhou Garden Shop last night, Carrefour has been shut down. According to the introduction to Wang Shangwu, last night, Carrefour in Zhengzhou Zhengzhou jinshui trade and industry branch to which garden shop or business for rectifications of notifications, but formal notice has not, will actively cooperate with CarrefourBoard action. How long will pause the entire industry, said Wang Shangwu was not clear. Related news: 315 CCTV said McDonald 's, Carrefour sold expired food companies respond to the party: Zhengzhou Carrefour chaiji apology is willing to return and compensation for March 17, Carrefour will held a press conference in Zhengzhou, CCTV 3·15 evening exposure questionResponding to questions tera power leveling, submit rectification and reform measures, and apologized to the consumer. Customers who purchase product, rain returned, Carrefour will be compensation in accordance with state law. McDonald's exposes foods headquarters called SanLiTun shop NetEase finance first contacted Beijing McDonald 's buy swtor, the shop is a female clerk on duty to NetEase financeSays, absolutely does not exist in the store out of limited food and change the time, for more than quality, preservation of foods, whether it is meat, custard or the dessert they "will throw", which contradicts the exposure of the 3·15 party video. McDonald's public relations Department senior director Zhang Wei of China in subsequent to NetEase financeSaid in a statement, the events are individual events that occurred, other stores without any problems. Carrefour said the quality of the parties have been suspended for CCTV 3·15 exposure Zhengzhou store has the quality problem of the party, statement from Carrefour to the NetEase finance today to the vast number of consumers say an apology, and that it would set up a special team to a thorough investigation, parties accountableAny person suspended. For CCTV exposure situations, Carrefour said today, Carrefour (China) attaches at present emergency measures have been taken, including: 1, immediately investigated, during this period the parties responsible for interdiction, and obliges its investigations. 2, quickly set up a special team, combined with local law enforcement departments of industry and Commerce of Zhengzhou, a thorough investigationRelated issues. 3 swtor credits, related stores to make rectification and reform measures, and check issues determined a serious investigation, that you find to deal with, with maximum efforts and initiatives to prevent this type of problem from occurring. Carrefour also said Carrefour will strictly self-correction of all stores across the country, organize training, strict stores all relevant staff, seriously implement the rules of the companyAnd responsibility to the people. Others:

diablo 3 gold any results are does not effect we - YDO

129770966799375000_272Yahoo Sports disputes, trouble or scandal aerteta name and enter Google with words, you nothing at all, but in the Sun on this in an interview with arsenal midfielder, will be 30 years old next week aerteta revealed to the people, but he is not always the case. The Sun newspaper: aerteta with own experience, advised yearsLight people don't go astray aerteta when he was only 15 years old is already the Barcelona b team player, but he didn't like Harvey, A. Iniesta as being reused, and then at age 18 was leased out, and 2 years later dropped from the outright, not for the Barca first team a mere formality, you now can be considered, of course, that because the IAT power as well, and Harvey A. Iniesta, aerteta disclosureIn fact is his own hubris, not straight and thus ruin his future. Aerteta said: "when I lamaxiya in BASA, there has been a turning point, at that time the Club has a large number of young players in their 13-17 I and Reina, Valdez, Jordi Pujol, A. Iniesta lived in one room, and that is our strength, I tell you, even if that timeYou look at the young A. Iniesta, surely you can see that he can into the first-team, you will know that he will be able to make. "" But there are also some other guy is not very concentrated, their personalities are different, they are lazy not to participate in the training, or lazy not to participate, or said ' let us out of the wall party ', because when you will becomeA player, you can easily lose their cool, so I was done with them, I did that because other people want me to do, or say, ' Hey, you can't do that? ' But as soon as I got caught, Barcelona was very, very tough with me. From that day on, I wake up, if I really want to be successful, you must completely focus onIn football, rather than follow the men out. "Since then, aerteta began a new leaf has undergone Glasgow, after the experience of huangjiashehui and Everton, last summer, he has finally again round his Giants--the dream of joining arsenal, he warned those same is now promising rookie:" this related to your character, type and whether youPeople, people around you will be affected, there is always a lot of people tell you how famous you are, how good you are, how cute you are, how great you are, when you're young, you'll hear all of these, and that is the importance of having the right people around you. "" Really love you will care about you, people are going to say, notes, take care of yourself, so good, honest people would say, ' youDays playing was is bad ', you must to heard they words, and not those said ' let we to party's ' of those people, they always pleasure, I is lucky then I of mother and father are in care I, I of mother even remarks off work came to Barcelona ensure I does not go wrong road, because she know that is I of a major opportunities, I always very grateful they, because areI know how important are they to my career. "This weekend's Premier League arsenal is home against Villa, two other competing for UEFA Champions League qualifying London rivals Chelsea and Tottenham meet on a narrow path diablo 3 gold, but aerteta is not concerned about the results of the London Derby:" we cannot then no, we no longer think of the game will be very easy, we must have respect for Aston Villa diablo 3 gold, and not justTo can win, this will is one difficulties of competition, in racing Qian we will see other competition, we will see they of performance, but honest said, any results are does not effect we, I even does not know Chelsea and Tottenham who win on we more has benefits, we on this powerless tera power leveling, best of approach is let it natural occurs, we just concern we of 3 min on good. "The Spurs once ledFirst arsenal 10 min, aerteta disclosure Tottenham fans had how in he before "demonstrations" of: "in street has many people go came told I, I is Tottenham fans, now we leading you 10 min, you in here, we in there, not misunderstanding I, they on I is friendly, that just is interesting, they for they of team so excited, because usually is instead of, Usually ahead of arsenal, hoped that continued after the Saturday's game is. "(Editor: Koo Peng) Others:

tera power leveling - VYK

129771694352343750_30 <a href="http://www.power-leveling-service.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>Shuangliu airport site on fire () Others:

tera gold when most teams over more than 680 contingent - BPY

129770905974218750_131Shenzhen evening news (reporter Li Xiaobin) iron Wolf nanling national five League Championship for the first time, city style Tourism Bureau Deputy Director, Chen Wei, and Han Xingyuan sent a congratulatory letter to nanling iron Wolverhampton W last night. Foot tube in Director Li Shaohui think football atmosphere has a great relationship with the nanlingcun itself. "First mass basis is very good, with village leaders attach importance to certainEconomic protection tera gold, winning is just the thing. "Nanling highly commended by the Li Shaohui football mode. "Nanlingcun 20 years ago began to engage in football, iron Wolf Cup football league will host the 10th this year, already is a traditional brand events. Village primary schools and clubs have hired football youth player of professional teacher training, in the pupils ' competition in rankingVanguard. Their accomplishments are reflected after the accumulation rather suddenly into short-term effects achieved.����"Li Shaohui also said that 10 years ago Shenzhen outdoor five-a competition for the starting, when most teams over more than 680 contingent, including primary school diablo 3 gold, high school, adult groups, adult groups up to 200. Participate in the national competition for the first time win, kept the nanling iron WolfClub changed their thinking. General Manager Zhang Yufan said: "the next effort of nanling iron Wolf mode to roll out for Chinese football really benefit. "Zhang Yufan said, although the national champion, but in fact iron Wolf Club annual operation costs is very limited. "This is the result of upholding the long-term training of the Club youth football. In order to better furnitureDepartment of music, I resigned from the village is a hotel General Manager positions. Me and brother Zhang Yujun (micro-blogging) dreams of the young soccer enthusiasts, 10 years ago, launched the education mode of combination of soccer and football on campus. Iron Wolf achieved good results in nearly 10 years of cumulative results of youth football. Five League matches this year we didn't hire an international, foreign aid is one we are happyOperation mode is very interested in football Brazil friend by means of cultural exchange, did not expect the effect is better than other Club hired foreign aid. "Zhang Yufan said:" for years I campus practices in football training and big brother promotion to coincide with the Chinese football promotion campus mode. Next we will be training mode of carry on clubs and schools,Schools in Guangdong province-4 this year tera power leveling, with students outside class time to introduce, play football and go to school instead of compromising. We hope to be able to cultivate more youth football seedling, early round my brother and the majority of football fans dream. �� Others:

2012年3月30日 星期五

diablo 3 gold and two clubs in Manchester is also concerned - XOI

129773184542968750_177 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">diablo 3 gold</a>March 26 whether it is present inside or outside, Soares has opponents Liverpool enough headaches, that if two Soares is there? Ready to buy the daily mail revealed the Red Army of Anderlecht Argentina striker Matias de Soares, on the strike to create a suyaleisisuyaleisi combination of South America. Red Army intends 20 millionBuy Argentina Monster man Soares Soares 2008 May only 24 years of age this year from Argentina domestic Belgrano joined Anderlecht, able to play centre forward and winger he technology, in the last few seasons in Anderlecht, eye-catching, especially the Loukakou before the start of the season after a move to Chelsea tera power leveling, are becoming Anderlecht-proof shed. This seasonSoares as Anderlecht 37 appearances, contributing to an astonishing 18 goals and 16 assists in "two pairs", in addition to Liverpool, Manchester bi-males, and arsenal of the Premier League are concerned about him, Argentina people could be worth more than 20 million pounds. Anderlecht coach norm-Holsbeek sat starting at the taste, he says there15 top clubs are buying Soares, Soares is most likely worth more than Loukakou joined Chelsea in the summer of last year-that is at least worth no less than 18 million pounds, "Soares is not stronger than Loukakou? From a technical point of view I think it is ". Soares has now signed a top-tier brokerage FirstElEven, arm of the company including the Iaia-Kolo Toure Manchester City and Manchester United English Premier League stars Araujo, Rafael, who, according to broker xitecipile dedicated to Soares, "England and Italy's clubs are interested in him swtor credits, Liverpool had come over to talk about, and two clubs in Manchester is also concerned, Juventus also have the opportunity to sign him in AprilI'm going to Italy, Soares must transfer this summer, but Anderlecht requires low transfer fee will not be ", in fact, when the winter transfer window suyaleisiben have the opportunity to go to Juventus, as well as Russia's Super team, but vetoed by his wife majiali. But serving Liverpool boss can Daglish became the man who signed the Soares also it is hard to tell, in weekend homeAfter the loss to Wigan, the Red Army of the United States boss Henry is going to the clubs this season for a comprehensive reflection, Daglish spent 115 million pounds 15 months may not be handsome, although he won the League Cup, the FA Cup into the top four, but the Premier League is not even a top 6 into, no play and buy a lot of expensive stars. () Others:

tera gold also received a resolution better than 1.3 m high-precision image - UXG

129732029224846250_133Summary of February 6, the State Science and technology industry for National Defense Council published a study obtained by a labourer hired by the month, Cheng Change second lunar probe 7-meter resolution image of the Moon, which is currently on the International has released the highest-resolution image of the moon. High resolution-month figure is how to get? It will help future exploration of the Moon?  Please look at this interpretation. “Expedition to go to a new place, always wanted to be more comprehensive and more detailed the information, the better, explore the Moon, too.  "Institute of remote sensing applications Chinese Academy of Sciences academician said Tong Qingxi, resolution 7 m-month figure for further lunar exploration in China and other countries to provide a more complete and precise topography of the underlying data. 7-meter resolution, 100% cover, China MoonImage of the world's leading full moon He Change, first get image compared to the resolution of 120 m, Chang-second resolution of 7 m, increased 17 times, you can clearly show the fine lines of moon craters edge, make people appreciate the topography of the Moon is more beautiful. Front Valley of craters of the Moon, for example, Valley about 5 km deep craters, approximately 85 km in diameter,Central peak of about 1.6 km, radiation pattern formed celestial bodies impacting up to 1500 km, very striking, even on the Earth with the naked eye can see.  Through 7-meter resolution image data, you can see the central peak of rocks and cracks at the bottom of the pit, even along the pit collapse and hang along the top of the stones. Back of the Moon diablo 3 power leveling, Wiener craters of a satellitePit, about 47 kilometers in diameter.  Through 7-meter resolution image data can be seen inside the crater of tectonic detail, and can be clearly distinguished from impact craters and the bottom edge of the stone, in the Southeast on the pit wall can even be seen traces of the rocks tumble.  In the full moon within the 7-meter resolution "HD vision" identify the Moon's surface, only China can do it. MoonEngineering Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientist at the National Observatory, Yan Jun researcher said, at the international level, resolution better than 7 months, but only partial months;-month figure, but the level of resolution is up to 7 meters.  Chang obtained by the second, 7-meter resolution image of the Moon is by far the most clear one-month figure. Jun Yan said: "we even throughout the monthFigure seen in the Apollo moon landing sites, 11th. "Chang, third landing zone in the future high-precision imaging resolution better than 1.3 Mi Change second spacecraft payload separation systems designer, Director Zhao Baochang researcher said, Chang, first identify craters greater than 360 meters, only the stone, and Chang, second 20 m size of the object can be identified. For example tera gold, if a legendary beauty who flew to the MoonE only, first discovered large infrastructure, airports, ports, Chang can be found, second airport of aircraft and ships in the port. In the future is about to land on the Moon, Chang-third Rainbow Bay, by reducing the satellite height and adjust the camera settings, also received a resolution better than 1.3 m high-precision image, select flat for Chang, third placement moreThe underlying data. Why get and efficiency to dramatically increase the resolution of the image? Zhao Bao used to say, "said Chang, first camera was a unilateral, Chang was 96, second only one compound eye consisting of observation of the moon. This is China's scientists access to key technology. "7 m resolution images of the Moon, its data from Chang e second satellite of more than half a yearCollection. October 24, 2010, Chang e, second space flight new CCD stereo camera power on for the first time, successfully Gets the month table image.  According to Chang-second mission science exploration program, as of May 20, 2011, gets a total of 607-orbit altitude of 100 km and 15 km altitude of the Moon image data. Total amount of data than 800GB, full figure after six months produced members of the party group of the National Defense Science and Industry Council, Vice Commander Liu Dongkui said of the lunar exploration program, and Chang-compared to the first satellite, Chang e, second image resolution increased from 120 metres to 7 meters, the amount of data has increased 300 times times, monthly figures made it more difficult and complex. Gets the raw images on the basis of the data, researchers need to be cumbersome,Detail of radiometric and photometric calibration work, and according to the detector image geometric correction of orbit and attitude data, you can restore the true face of the Moon surface topography, geomorphology.  Subsequently, also for image matching, framing and set them, to form the Moon image. After researchers for more than six months of painstaking and meticulous work, 7-meter resolution image of the MoonIn production to complete. Experts said that Chang-7 m resolution images of the Moon, second tone, rich layers, clear image.  Resolution, image quality, image space tessellation accuracy, data consistency and integrity, superior to the international similar products tera gold, reached the international advanced level. Produced 7-metre-resolution of full frame image of the Moon products of a total of 746, The total amount of data over 800GB, in accordance with the ratio of 1:8 all of the printed mosaic, picture the size of a football.  At the same time, researchers produced a 50-metre-resolution frame images and data mosaic image of the Moon, as well as full 3D stereoscopic images of the moon. Full moon image data on the international open, Chang-second-month chartCloth, to the Moon and space science research provides more detailed scientific data, marks Chang's main task is run by the detection phase, second stage data and scientific research. Yan Jun, said the high resolution image of the Moon is the Moon the most basic information for scientific research, we study the Moon's physical characteristics and geological structure of the Moon, lunar surface material compositionContent, explore the origin and evolution of the moon has a direct scientific value or of important reference value. "Images have more details structures on the Moon, thus deepening the study of geological structure of the internal structure of the moon. At the same time, to recognize more of moon craters, increase the statistical sample, from a variety of impact craters the size, distribution, structure, revealing small objects hit the Moon's time and spaceEvolution, so as to provide the scientific basis for the study of the Moon's age.  "Yan Jun said. At the same time, lunar surface materials of long-term exposure to cosmic rays, solar energy and low energy particles, plus the lunar surface temperature changes and the impact of small celestial bodies combined, forming a lot of space weathering characteristics, high resolution images of fine features, can reveal the space weathering process provides importantScientific basis.  In addition, the image is high resolution full months preparing scientific basis of geological maps of the moon. According to reports, the full moon and Chang, first get image, resolution 7 m full-moon image data is also open to international, will let scientists around the world to use and experience in the future. Others:

diablo 3 power leveling rose a total of up to 48 basis points - XGN

129773214321875000_7Greece has completed replacement of bonds under the laws of that State, but delayed the replacement of parts under foreign law. (Click to enter the topic of the European debt crisis) that had just crossed the "March 20" wards of the European debt crisis "severe" gave no? In the country to use of "collective action clauses" (CAC) forced almost all creditors completed 177 billion euro debtAfter coupon swaps, ratings agency Fitch announced slightly raise Greece's rating, rating agencies, p, will remain on Greece selective default rating for long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating, based on foreign law until Greece debt until the replacement of complete. (Click to enter the global channel) while at the same time, Spain 10-year government bond yields, the market fearsOr becoming the next Greece. (Click here to view the global stock market) collapse in new debt swap extension Greece on Friday, the Government announced, in part under the foreign law of Greece applications for bonds swap deadline postponed to April 4, London time.����Greece finance said, before this time investors can Greece legal Exchange old bonds for new bonds. According to quotedSolution extensions close to official as saying, the extension to Greece benefit is: will Greece have more time to meet and bond investors, find out if they support the activation of collective action clauses (CAC). Greece Ministry of Finance announced on March 9 that debt swaps (PSI) results agreement, accept them, participate in swaps of debt swaps debt amount 83.8%,Non-Greece law carries a participation rate of 69%. Rating agency p Greece on March 12, the Government issued a new batch of Treasury bonds as the CCC assessment. P said in a statement, new batch of Treasury bonds is based on the Greece sovereign debt issued after completing the replacement of domestic law, related files included in the controversial "collective action clauses"Starting instructions.����P think Greece economic growth with uncertainty, has the ambition but not popular reforms of a lack of political consensus, even after debt restructuring, remains a huge amount of external and fiscal debt burden. Is in the unfortunate statements by p, Greece debt swap operation 2023-year bonds to be issued on Friday from two days ago, on 29.5 the euro fell to EUR 25.5, 14%, issued more than two weeks ago when down 17.5%; its 10-year bond yields jump to 20% above.����Pessimists expected, probably shortly after the need for Greece to third round of assistance. However, although p on Greece's sovereign credit rating to selective default until the foreign law debt fully complete resetUntil the change, but p also said, after the replacement project will consider removing this rating, and will replace it with a new debt has been granted CCC credit rating. "Blood transfusion" no substitute "blood" while some replacement extension, but Greece bonds replacement work is done under the law: Greece has the use of collective action clauses to force almostCreditors to complete replacement of around 177 billion Euro bond.����The Wall Street Journal reported that, according to the replacement plan, creditors would be equivalent to the hands of the private sector debt down 105 billion euros, holding bonds with face value because it had to be reduced by more than half, and face new bonds for lower interest rates, longer. ------------------------------------"Hot news" German Finance: Italy Spain crises to save Germany Ludger Schuknecht Treasury officials on Thursday (March 22) that, even with the eurozone's financial safety net, Italy and Spain will also be "too big to save", StatesDiscussion on the quality of the focus should be on the firewall, rather than scale.����Current Germany Ministry of finance policy, heads of international financial and Monetary Affairs yesterday Schuknecht said in a seminar on a sovereign debt Frankfurt, now raise against the debt crisis in Europe of Defense ideas, not "firewall fans might like the idea." SchuKnecht, with respect, "Italy and Spain to let in the storerooms of such figures are not saved.����This firewall win the trust of the market is much smaller than talking huge numbers and only surface effect is also important. " Euro-zone finance ministers will meet 30-31 day scheduled for this month, they will decide whether it is necessary to expand on the eurozone's permanent financial controlNursing NetworkDiscuss some possible merge for the time being, "but we have to wait before the end of March." Schuknecht asked Germany will support unified euro area bonds, he said, first mentioned the same risk applies equally to the bonds. Germany Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) has been ruled out at this stage the possibility to issue euro bonds.Schuknecht said tera gold, "Germany could not take on debt obligations totalling 9 trillion euros, so my response to this would be: ' I hope never.����' "" Severe "Greece is life, but its massive debt problem is far from resolved. Hartmut Issel, analyst at UBS wealth management research recently pointed out in his article diablo 3 power leveling,Under the replacement programme, first of all, Greece for the replacement of the bonds must pay accrued interest of 5.5 billion euros and, secondly, because most of the debt holders are Greece banks, this greatly reduced in practice to reduce the Bank's assets and jeopardize the country's banking system. Therefore diablo 3 power leveling, Greece had from the European Central Bank, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund organizations issuing 130 billionEuro aid package of funding to spend 50 billion euros in restructuring the banking sector. He also noted that Greece this year need to continue to rely on borrowing to make up for the expected budget deficits, according to UBS calculation, PSI and this amount securities, interest payments and bank assets such as integrated together, Greece this year has only reduced the total debt amount27 billion euros, less than 8% in total debts of 348 billion euros.����According to the UBS forecast, Greece 70% to decrease the total debt you want to return to a sustainable debt on track, and that the existing assistance program funds will be exhausted in 2014, meant that Greece will take an additional 50 billion euros to 2012 years. Facing heavy debt data, Greece needsIs the "blood". Netherlands cooperation of bank financial market research analysts had said the business news, Greece to avoid a disorderly default is "a small victory", the future Greece will in 2020 would reduce the proportion of debt to GDP to 120.5% such a questionable goal. Azhaliaidi, a Professor of Economics at the University of Washington (CostaS Azariadis) is called, even if Greece public debt reduced to zero, the future may also breach, because Greece economic structural problems is the essence of "too few producers, consumers too much". Spain 10-year government bond yields hit broken 5.5% when the Greece situation seems to improve when Spain became European debt crisis of the next "problem". ShangOn Thursday, Spain 10-year government bond yields rose for the first time in nearly two months to break 5.5%, daily 5.53%, which reached higher yields during the Friday morning.����Spain dragged Italy yields on 10-year Treasury rose to break 5%. Data display, Spain 10-year bond yields have been continuously rising 9th, rose a total of up to 48 basis points;5 year government bond yield was up 54 basis points.����Market concerns, Spain for economic growth remains sluggish, or becoming the next Greece, suddenly rise in bond yields, will once again hit the beleaguered banking sector, and create a vicious circle. Spain had "stood me up" its 2011 deficit reduction targets, and raised in 2012 deficitTo 5.8% proportion of GDP, substantially more than the European Union the 4.4% and has 23% the country's unemployment rate, highest in the European Union. Worthy of note is that markets are worried that Greece writedowns on bonds of precedent will be including Spain, heavily indebted countries to imitate, due to extraordinary surge in borrowing costs in these countries affected. Wells Fargo stock advisory company policyArchitect Scott said, even now to Greece was blood, but they still may appear in the future default, Portugal, and Spain are also likely to step in Greece's footsteps. (Global exchange network) Others:

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129773438683125000_349Wang Yuqin beaten photographer on March 20 of Yue Yunpeng broker execution after detention punishment, talk by Guo degang airport hitting two other participants in the event, Wang Hai and talk by Guo degang Guo degang broker Wang Nan staff, also the day before to the Chaoyang detention for administrative punishment. Talk by Guo degang whip event this should whip disciples were sentenced to administrative detention dust floor, Talk by Guo degang for administrative reconsideration or through legal channels.   But yesterday, because "light sword" curse won "curse the King" by Guo degang, Twitter open curse again, paparazzi candid means making money, like a thief. Talk by Guo degang three persons were in administrative detention two days ago, following the events of March 20 talk by Guo degang airport whip Wang Yuqin execution after detention punishment, otherTwo people involved with Wang Nan Wang Hai and talk by Guo degang Guo degang brokers staff to the Chaoyang detention facilities also accept administrative punishment. The evening of January 9 this year, Guo degang and talk by Guo degang return to Beijing more than 10 people, outside the airport terminal, 3rd floor, disputes and Studio photographers, because someone shoot that triggered physical confrontation, resulting in each other's company 2 injured, qualified for minor injuries.On January 31 diablo 3 power leveling, the airport police announced the decision on administrative penalty for this book, sentenced to Wang Hai Wang Nan in the shunyi detention 12th in administrative detention and a fine of $ 500, Wang Yuqin was 10th in administrative detention and a fine of $ 500. Talk by Guo degang said airport whip handle administrative reconsideration of the result of the case, police agreed that parties suspend punishment results of ShenPlease. Talk by Guo degang does not make administrative review within the statutory time limit, on March 20, Wang Yuqin Yue Yunpeng broker came to the Chaoyang detention facility to accept responsibility.   Zhihou, Wang Hai and Wang Nan also have come to the Chaoyang detention facility. With alarms raised at all border posts volley shoot "Shishi as thieves" yesterday, Guo degang publish tweets, called paparazzi journalist "shoot the for profit, sales of gold, thief. ”Melaleuca stirred up the waves. "A thief a day, Shishi as thieves. For thieves on the parent thief, thief thief under Sun. Like OWL barbaric animal, like a thankless child. Roumadangyouqu, as bright as the enemy. Despise the multitude, proud princes, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, mandarins of civil rights. Fierce PI, while the little culprit class, almost evil prostitute, prostitute-free flow of warmth. This shameless disorderly,Supposed to shovel the world of righteousness! "This for talk by Guo degang Guo degang airport beating incident response, an official call to arms again Mace.   And do not take the implicit routes, fierce PI, evil prostitution, such as shameless, shameless words spelled, curse curse enough enough undisturbed. Vs Linkin Park then forwards the Tweets and comments, "Why can't scoop it? Because it is said that ' masses', Which is ' the masses ' right, ' public figure ' obligations. "This has sparked off cross my heart overworking again said that" when it comes to the obligation, and over the years has been trying to adhere to tie. A photo they are highest sold 270,000, we get angry. But you and your family I can eat, but I can't. There are a large number of people accusing me of words mean, this is nothing more than 2 control,Watch your mouth can give a dime less moral when Palace, huh, huh.   "The highest exposed paparazzi photo can fetch $ 270,000, and critics who on his people to" 2-control ", full of virtue and morality are worship the golden calf. Less user creation of Guo "thief of words" loss persuaded the weibo immediately raises more than 3,500 comments. Many networkFriends of those surveyed. "Such behaviour is not good, but does not transmit a genetic and involves parents placing such. "" Everyone is a thief, Mr Guo are no exception. "" Even the three generations of ancestors are called together, enough! Someone to live with a conscience steal, easy? "It was tit for tat advised Guo degang," profit, open look to the public,Thief private also. Advise your kernel with an open mind, persuade you, advise you adhere to, advise your smoothing baozhi, advise you in the chest. Without losing the expectations! "And for Guo degang pronunciamento, write" candid deyi double garden artists, ' supposed to shovel the world of righteousness ', however, shoot the ' shameless disorderly ', and the scandal came to light, but Grand Theft Auto. BecauseYa Zi trifle, parents insulting, derogatory wives was ' despise the multitude, proud princes, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, mandarins of civil rights. Like OWL barbaric animal, like a thankless child, like a fierce PI, almost evil prostitute '! "Online creation" curse of thieves "in response to old Guo:" to seek personal gain, FA sin and evil and vulgar! One day as vulgar, Shishi as vulgar. For our father our mother on, as our children under ourSun. Like small mosquitoes, poisonous centipede teams. When the cost of reputation, honor. Despise in yin, heart like needles, lack of civic virtue, little jen, light meter method, and civil rights. Fierce PI and less heroic, Scorpion, has no medicinal parts. This hypocritical to take effect now, ought to have educated the general public still be perceptive of! "Guo degang my memories of that year by netizens to doThe article, "cross sign posing as the leader of the year embezzlement, steal. Once a thief, and Shishi to steal. Parent thief to steal on the mother, as a child thief thief under Sun. Like at OWL barbaric animal, may wish to have a thankless child – lessons from the Ark children Mody? Nothing to own your own face! "Reporter Nan Zhang talk show on one of more work on writing always wonders cross is thereDual personality? Twitter festivals on pay a formal visit his mentor diablo 3 power leveling, United partners, lead by the hand disciples. Programmes under the auspices of in a genial manner, humorous wit from time to time. But once you have anger, swearing has become a must. This "must" arguing just as his disciple Li Hebiao whip in General: are national heroes diablo 3 gold, or damage network space "Zhou Chu"? That year, Guo degang desperate dreams of Fame,Bleach in Beijing city; today, Guo degang arrogance exposed, to sprinkle it on television, eight generation ancestor of huoji people in the virtual space. Last year, Jiang Kun Guo degang out "non-German" speech, Guo degang also raised large opening called the ring. Then in the case of each other is no longer fight, war continues for a long time. One cross circle that Guo degang navel even employed network constantly online "smelly" opponent。 Total cross sector expect Guo De outline, however, he and the disciples cross from Jiangsu sealing concert last year, but gives the levers feel. Cherishing the memory of the Western dream of Guo degang, old Guo advised the whole point of a new Word, stop on the curse of literariness, was also put in some minds in creation! Movies were released on April Fool's day the 囧 way, Old Guo went to film and television playing skill, I hope this time, old Guo long breaths for yourself, give you a little more art enjoy! (Editors: Cai Shushu) Others:

2012年3月29日 星期四

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129760833637500000_27Feasting of triple investment will open market amounted to 688 billion "Triple play" was the focus of next-generation information technology category in the new section. The Government work report made clear, will promote the "triple play" made substantial progress tera gold, indicated that "triple play" is expected to speed up the process. Cao Shumin, President, Member of the National Committee of the Ministry of Telecommunications Research Institute said the China Securities newspaper reporter's interview with, the Ministry will lead a series of this yearPromoting the "triple play" start a real process. Including national radio and TV network company will be listed in the first half of; the Ministry will introduce the newly revised catalogue of the telecommunications business, and directory based on licences for broadcasting and telecom operators will be issued bi-directional access. Market analysts believe that the "triple play" at present the biggest obstacle is bi-directional access scheme is not clear, andAfter the fusion of broadcasting and telecommunications operators on their existing user base, such as fear of the loss of, the policy dynamic is expected to point to solve a series of obstacles. Indicated that the industry is widely expected "Twelve-Five" during the nearly $ 700 billion in "triple play" great cake "emerge". Bi-directional access is expected to "melting ice" in May 2010, the State Council Executive meeting-passThe advance of triple play project, pointed out that the programme promoting the broadcasting and telecommunication services bi-directional phased into the focus of triple play pilot phase. My triple play trial more than a year, while innovation through strategic cooperation, joint ventures and other models, but made no substantive breakthrough into each other. Standing Committee of the national people's political consultative conference, the Ministry of former Minister Li Yizhong, ChinaSecurities news reporters, bi-directional access is not only a technical issue, and also about institutional issues swtor credits, policy a strong push. Cao Shumin told the China Securities newspaper reporter, from the triple play starting with the first phase pilot, the Ministry will promote the broadcasting and telecommunication services in pilot areas of bi-directional access, IPTV and cable television-based Internet access now nearly 20 million users, usersHow many obstacles and operator feedback does not appear. Currently promoting bi-directional access time is more mature. She noted that the Ministry is revising previously published catalogue of the telecommunications business, "triple play" under the background of traditional telecom services category to make a definition, the future will be based on the new directory of existing broadcasting and telecommunications operators issued formal bi-directional access licence. "NewDirectory is required the Ministry to enter the final consideration, will be published soon, will then be issued a licence. "Cao Shumin said. National network listed company is expected to first half of Cao Shumin said, has been hot on the national radio and TV network company in the industry is expected to list in the first half. The company as the subject of broadcasting systems to participate in triple, will also be a "triple play" made substantial progressTo sign. She describes, this was named as China's radio and television network after the founding of the company will be carried out within the scope of the national radio and TV network assets. According to the established programmes, first by the respective provincial radio and TV network consolidation, then injected to the national networks. As of now, all major provinces and cities have complete asset consolidation, the remaining part in radio and TV network company set up gradually after receivingTail. For the equity structure of the company, Cao Shumin said, the company's investment diversification, both local government equity participation, will also attract other capital, after integration in the company after the establishment of vertical management in provincial radio and TV company. "After the founding of the company will be the Ministry of bi-directional access licence, currently on a digital basis, of existing CATV network bidirectional lModification of level, building integrated broadcasting platform for IPTV and mobile TV. "A number of substantive progress bodes" triple play "market will speed up the start of the formation of industry. According to the figures released by the China Information Research Center forecasts, within the next three years, triple play will launch the industry market size up to $ 688 billion. Where telecommunications networks and the construction of radio and TV networkAnd upgrading, for Telecom diablo 3 power leveling, broadcasting a two-way network Reformation, set-top box industry and system construction of effective investment will amount to $ 249 billion. Information services in next 3 years income and final consumption is expected to close to 439 billion yuan. Others:

2012年3月28日 星期三

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129764880454843750_85Xin Fei into a rail logistics in its flying Panther Express As the morning star urgent "collapse" has merged with Xin Fei "remarry someone else". Yesterday, the railway logistics Group announced that the group set sail flying Leopard express Division and Chairman Deng Fei Xin Fei announced, Xin Fei official flew into Panther Express diablo 3 power leveling, he himself as the fly, Chairman of Panther Express. For switching rail logistics, Deng Fei said he and morning star urgent boss Chen PingCommunication, and the consent of each other. In fact swtor credits, after the morning star urgent business problems tera gold, Xin Fei said on many occasions to help themselves. Reporter learned that, China railway logistics group is not for people to become familiar with the associated Railway Express company in State-owned enterprises, also does not have any relationship with the railway system, it is a private business. Railway logistics group insiders told reporters that current expressBusiness group business only accounts for a small part, however, the group plans to fly over the 3-year business coverage across all areas of Panther Express, into a premium express service brand. Chan told a press conference yesterday, the company is organization of Justice, accounting team cleaning businesses, chain debts of between franchisee and company, it is estimated that when the cleanup is complete, company to recover the $ 2 million or 3 million fundingGold, there is no deficit, currently management and most franchisees remain stable, is planned for April to restart the business. Related news: morning star urgent CEO Chen Ping: the reimbursement will pay Chen Ping is hard to pull the stars urgent "in name only" return of the founder, Mr Chan Ping star urgent insolvency affecting zjs Others:

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129760783662343750_35 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/diablo3/gold">diablo 3 gold</a>Shaofeng Feng He Yangmi when the producer denied it would play its new play Shaofeng Feng sent blessings-Feng power-love "is no longer in love" (video) 3G portal on March 12 the night of March 11, Shaofeng Feng (click to see Shaofeng Feng movies the Gong Suo heart of jade, the Symphony of destiny) (micro-blogging), Guan Ying (click to see Guan Ying movies of the found love here) to Shanghai to attend Lynn Yan new products release. Guan YingDressed in a Lavender gauze dress pressurized show, very sexy. Shaofeng Feng as a show guest appearance, when interviewed talked about a friend Yang Mi (click to see Yang Mi, film and TV work, of the eight star holding, Hong Wuda) (Twitter) will be the Chinese version of when the producers of gossip girl, repeatedly Congress. However said he would not be played roles in the play, "I'm not well suited to play olderLittle boys. "In recent days, as the exposure of the film poster of the mask 2 role, played by Shaofeng Feng" catching Monster surveyor Pang Lang "has finally surfaced. When interviewed, Shaofeng Feng to his play "catching Monster surveyor Pang Lang" to make a more detailed explanation diablo 3 power leveling, "Pang Lang is to catch Monster master, most powerful skill, of course, is to catch monster, and his blood is the magic, butWhat a magical law I do not play through. "Shaofeng Feng said," Pang Lang "and he played the Hongmen banquet," Xiang Yu "distinct" totally subversive Xiang Yu, I play very enjoyable. Pang Lang is a little sense of character. "A few days ago, Yang Mi announced it would test the waters for the first time when the producer, shooting Chinese version of gossip girl. In this regard, Shaofeng Feng said: "I heard that, News broadcast, congratulations to her producer. "When asked if given to a friend when the Pole Star actor, Shaofeng Feng says they can't handle," I have not suitable for play boy of age so small. "As to whether to consider trying to producers working pace followed by Yang Mi, Shaofeng Feng said:" take it easy swtor credits, I is the first actor to do, their principal job. �� Others: