2011年11月29日 星期二

commissioned lawyers finish related material

129667864517490392_523Job losses in August storm is not over, NSN global 17,000 job cuts once again aroused the concern of public opinion. Prior to this, are laid off some employees complained to the economic daily news said, they questioned NSN procedures violated the labor contract law, and on the corporate pension not give a satisfactory solution, present related activist was still going on. NSN has told the business dailyNews identified the issue of layoffs and said the end of June this year announced plans to cut 1500 jobs on a global scale. As part of the plan, on August 22, greater China announces cut 240 jobs. According to retrenched employees, Motorola Wireless network traffic-related assets on April 29 this year bought by NSN, and August are laid off most of theStaff are former Motorola staff, estimated at more than 80%. Yesterday (November 24), retrenched staff Zhang fan (anonymous) told the business daily said about 10 employees set up a rights group, commissioned lawyers finish related material, prepared to apply for arbitration to the arbitration bodies. Previously raised the issue of enterprise annuity is the focus of arbitration. Zhang fan tablesAs shown, before December 31, 2000 entry employees are enterprise annuity, as layoffs, most of these employees of enterprise annuity in 100,000 ~20 million. NSN when purchasing Motorola assets of the supplementary agreement of the tripartite agreement signed between, on the part of enterprise annuity with related conventions, with the exception of supplementary old-age welfare account balances out, also said that "according to motorcycleRoller-related welfare policy and payment conditions are satisfied, NSN will make these payments to employees ". NSN to respond to the economic daily news said, their compliance with relevant laws and regulations and of the tripartite agreement. However staff briefing diablo 3 power leveling, after completion of the acquisition, NSN does not have the relevant departments and persons responsible for occupational pension matters. "Tripartite agreement indicate there is the money are in noThere, that's the problem. "Zhang fan diablo 3 gold, said they now want to NSN for the money to give a reasonable explanation. NSN does not disclose specific regional job cuts this time, Zhang fan believed that China should be affected. Information shows that the acquisition is completed, Motorola has about 6,900 employees joining NSN team, of which more than 2000 people from China.Fan Zhang estimates that after the acquisition, Motorola going to NSN's Chinese employees, at least 500 involving occupational pension, once the Conference, will be facing these issues.

