2011年11月21日 星期一

derived from CPI trends are expected to down we think that the Secretary

129626144707187500_1630Guizhou maotai: multiple factors of harmonious development progress of direct store-MarketWatch We think that direct store will be the main driving force of growth performance over the next several years, the previous two years the average annual contribution EPS above $ 2, 2011-2013 performance and then Super is widely expected to be under the influence of many different factors, Mao-a group of rising prices and Terminal price spreads is much higher than the industry enterprises. We think that direct store plan progress and sales may exceed marketExpected, which will substantially support the results for the next several years. Diageo listed to performance fluctuations and growth below moutai Diageo listing, relative to the Guizhou maotai diablo 3 power leveling, performance up and down too much. Not only the net interest rate never exceeded a dozen years and income growth in 2002 just above Guizhou maotai, revenue and net profit growth in recent years only in Guizhou moutaiOne of a few minutes. Next year's price increases the probability of a large diablo 3 gold, derived from CPI trends are expected to down we think that the Secretary, the Secretary for trade and economic development and Reform Commission prices, price administration common requirements on price, subject to company next year price increases the probability of a larger, although implemented price increases the probability of low during the year, but does not rule out this announcement early next year at the end of next year to raise prices; especially CPI trends are expected to down, so next year releaseLiquor price increases the probability of a larger. Profit forecasts and investment rating even if it is not to raise prices next year, 2012 EPS will be more than the market consensus estimate. We continue since 2011 Valentine's recommended maintaining 2011-2012 year EPS to $ and $ 13.18 (diluted) judge, maintaining recommended rating. Main risksPigment products affected by the CPI and the macroeconomic slowdown price-volume relationship has the potential to exceed our expectations, thus affecting the company's earnings forecast.

