2012年5月20日 星期日

Xerxes I Diablo 3 CD-KEY Xerxes I - FNRI

129809647162086250_350Introduction to play often only three acts of the Opera, made up of RECITATIVE and Aria join together, the characters are only six or seven roles, of which only one is the main three characters, namely soprano, tenor and baritone, plus a second soprano sometimes. Each scene can be divided into several fields, each field has two parts (the plot of the first part, the second part is the role of the heart activity). Music by Xuan XuComposed of alternating harmonic ARIA (ARIA solemn fine), plays Italy, and rarely with glee and chorus (glee is mainly a Duet), nor Ballet. Each character has a ARIA, important role by the eunuch singers (also known as the Castrato, for musical purposes Diablo 3 gold, creating male soprano and contralto and imposed on the boy castrated) singing, using the ABA three-stageThe Da Capo aria. Features 1) on the content: based on the ancient myths and legends and history, serious, and comedy. 2) in the structure: from the original five-Act Opera into a compact three-Act structure, often interspersed between the curtain and the curtain of comic intermezzi (Intremezzo, stage performances). Personalized Overture (fast-Three forms of slow-fast) opening, recitative (RECITATIVE) and Da Capo Arias alternate, rarely used ensembles and choirs, you don't have to dance. The other, contains some comedy elements of Opera, known as the "semi-Opera," and spoken parts in an opera. W.A., of Mozart's the marriage of Figaro (usually can be attributed to Qu Opera category). 3) two different vision of SyriaAdjustable: one is a dry recitation of the read-and for longer periods of dialogue or monologue Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Through bass accompaniment for solo voices only; the other is a recitation with accompaniment, it is good at expressing complex emotions, but also used in dramatic scenes of tension, solo by the band. 4) Da Capo aria: this ARIA is the third member of ABA form, composers are usually no longer reproductionA write, and only in the b segment at the end of the da CAPO, means starting from scratch again and pretended to "Da Capo", and marking Fine at the end (end). The composer was in the hands of the Opera del (Germany composer) is Opera's main representative in the early 18th century SWTOR Credits, 40 of his works most of Italy article, are drawn from the gods, The famous of the Agrippina (1709 Venice Premiere) Faruk Yerli UST �� Caesar in Egypt, and of the wood (1724), and the Luo Delin (1725), the aerxinna (1735), Xerxes I (1738). Mozart's era, Opera has to decline. Mozart (Austria composer)Styles wrote two masterpieces of the Les Arts Florissants, William Christie (1781) and the kindness of delit. The Les Arts Florissants, William Christie according to Greek mythology story of King ajiamannong spectrum. Narrative kelitewangyiduomeiniusi returned after the Trojan war, to wangziyidamante as the victim would also like to offer God, Princess Yi Liya faithful love that does not move, Prince of Troy,Neptune so as to let the couple. With a lot of accompaniment of the recitative in Opera enhanced dramatically. Also has superb skills to conquer the world of Castrato singers, won a high reputation. Others:

2012年5月17日 星期四

Gley even as its characteristics. Diablo 3 CD-KEY Gley even as its characteristics. - BEDK

129809647200992500_432Introduction to Northwest Kekexili in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, sandwiched between the tanggula and Kunlun mountains, is one of the main sources of the Yangtze River. The Hoh XIL nature reserve is the world's original eco-save the environment one of the most perfect and final piece retains its original state of nature. There was no barrier, high and steep topography, average altitude above 5,000 meters.Hoh XIL harsh natural conditions, humans cannot live for long, but it is a paradise for wildlife. Wild yak, Tibetan antelope, wild ass, white-lipped deer, brown bear sth On the Qinghai-Tibet plateau endemic wildlife, such as the "girls" even more charming. Information display, Hoh XIL is currently the China one of the animal resources relatively abundant, with more than of wildlife up to more than 230 species of, Which is a national protected one or two classes, there are more than 20 kinds of wild animals. Tibetan Antelope is called a pride of the Hoh XIL, is unique to our species, animal protection at the national level, are also included in the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora in the trade of endangered animals is strictly prohibited. "The Tibetan Antelope is not a giant panda, it is a dominant animal. As long as you see them in groupsEarly snow on the horizon of our emission, Elf general figure, graceful running attitude of fly, you'll believe it to tens of millions of years of life on this land, because it is to belong here. It is not itself on the brink of extinction, poor adaptation of animals, as long as you do not leave it, can survive on its own. "A person who went to the Hoh XIL said�� In addition, the Tibetan antelope and a of the Kekexili film "Shen Ji" activities to get more people on this mysterious place full of desire and longing. Survey of natural environment in Hoh XIL nature reserve in Qinghai yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the southwest of the territory, East longitude 89.25 �� ~94.05 ��, 34.19 �� ~36.16 �� North latitude. Its range-KunHebron mountains south of Ulan wulashan North East Qinghai-Tibet Highway and West been received from provincial boundaries. It is across the three provinces of Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet between a high mountain Mesa. Protected areas in West and Tibet, adjacent to the South with Golmud tanggulaxiang, connected to the North and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, East to Qinghai-Tibet Highway, with a total area of 45,000 square kilometers. Hoh XIL is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau,Averaging more than 4,600 metres above sea level, the highest peak for Kerala dabanfeng Kunlun mountains in the northern margin (also known as xinqing peak or Mono Ma Hafeng), 6,860 m; lowest point in Leopard Gorge (Kunlun mountains south of deer and the Red River area across the bokaleike corner), 4,200 meters above sea level. Terrain in the region North and South high, middle and low, high and low in the East in the West. Buller mountain and winter in Hoh XIL mountain traverses this central area, Two loess Mountain Lake, relatively flat topography. More than 5,500 m ~6000 m above sea level mountains, modern development of glaciers. Bukadaban Feng (6,860) m Malan (6,813) meters, a few more than 5,600-meter mountain glacier is a small scale distribution, Rudong gangzhari (5,882) m, glacier and a total area of more than 1700 square kilometersIn the. Within this area is the Chang Tang plateau flow intersection of Lake and North of the Yangtze River source water areas. Chumahe as the primary source in the North of the Yangtze River in the East River, mainly for the Chang Tang plateau in the rain flow intersection area and North of the Yangtze River source water areas of the lake water, groundwater recharge, water, small river is a seasonal River. Western and Northern parts are centered on a Lake within the flow stream, flow in the Chang Tang plateau outside the Lake District in Northeast ChinaDepartment of large lakes. According to statistics, the area greater than 1 square kilometre Lake is 107 Diablo 3 power leveling, 3,825 square kilometers of the total area, with more than 200 square kilometers of Lake 7. Maximum to the Ulan UL Hu, Lake area of 544.5 square kilometers. The climate is characterized by low temperatures, little precipitation, wind, large regional differences. Territory of annual mean temperatureReduced gradually from Southeast to Northwest, West Gold wulan Lake District has an area of clear warm, warm areas with an average annual temperature of-4.1 �� c, the coldest for the West side of inclined supported measures, with an average annual temperature of-10 �� c (calculated value), low-46.4 �� c, other areas in between. Kekexilidiqu average annual precipitation distribution trend is reduced gradually from Southeast to NorthwestLess. In between 173~495 mm. The wind, is one of the high value of wind speed, wind weak season. Xijinwulan Lake is near instantaneous wind speed of 24 m/s wind occurs (July 9, 1990), the average annual wind speed distribution increases from East to West. The simple soil types in the region, to alpine meadows, Alpine grassland soilAnd the Alpine Tundra soil, followed by the bog soil, swampy soil, cracks and the sporadic distribution of salt and alkali soils and sand soil. Young soil development. Deeply affected by the freezing and thawing. Regions due to geographical location, high or low, terrain sloping topography and surface composition effect of hydrothermal conditions such as differentiation factors, natural landscape from the Southeast to the Northwest-Alpine in alpine meadow grassAlpine desert to be replaced in the original. Alpine grasslands are the main type. Distribution of vegetation also has a large area of Alpine periglacial, Alpine Alpine mats of vegetation in desert grasslands, Alpine desert and a limited number of distribution. Alpine meadows, Alpine swamp distribution only in very particular areas. Biota species less in this area, Qinghai-Tibet plateau endemic species, and populations. It has been many years of observation, nursingThere are 29, 11 of them for the Qinghai-Tibet plateau endemic, 53 species of birds, reptiles 1, 6 kinds of fish. District 102 are higher plants, 202, Qinghai-Tibet plateau endemic to 84 of them, all kinds of 41.56%. Not only is rare and endemic species of plants and animals, but also for the world's attention, academically and on nature protectionAre very important. Features of basic characteristic in Qinghai kekexilidiqu is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, the terrain, more than 4,600 metres above sea level on average. Height of 6,860 m above sea level. Low 4,200 meters above sea level, this North-South edge wulan wulashan area and part of the Kunlun mountains, slowly lower central area, has the characteristics of high and low terrain in the East in the West. BaseThis landform types in addition to the North and South Mountain to the edge, rolling mountains and the mountains, a vast areas mainly for small and medium-sized rolling mountains and high-altitude Plains and hills, Mesa. Mountain fluctuations relaxed, wide basin of the Valley Temple, full of Qinghai-Xizang plateau on plateau surface is best. Kunlun mountain is the highest mountain, almost set a very high mountains over 6,000 metres above sea level and 5500 meters above the mountains. Development of modern glaciers, ice cap glacier and the development of a certain size. Traverse the Hoh XIL mountains and in the middle of winter in this area Blefjell-Ulaan wulashan small undulating Alpine, with a few peaks of more than 5,600 meters and a small glacier outside the distribution, General mountain 5100~5400 meters above sea level. The two loess high lake basin mainly consists of wide flatAltitude Plains and ground composition, inlaid with numerous lakes, altitude 4900~4600 meters. High altitude hilly widely distributed between them. From the angle of vertical, from top to bottom in this area of snow-covered mountains, small undulating mountains and the three layers of loess plateau Lake. Climatic geomorphology characteristics of this climate landforms include glacier, Periglacial landforms, water effects for appearance landscapes, Lakes landform landforms, wind effect, and so on. Scope of glaciation has certain limitations. Modern distribution on a glacier in only a few high mountains, Alpine, dominated by continental glaciers. Frost, ice and thawing, freezing the action developed a wide range of periglacial landforms such as weathering. Although the water is also high, but because of the waterLimited, seasonal changes, water erosion and transport effects are weak, tend to be poor in the modern river bed Pebble stone Park. Lake effect as mentioned earlier, lake sediments are dominated by gravel. Wind effects are also very smart, a sense also reflect the characteristics of periglacial environments, larger plateau wind, wind erosion surface roughening is common. To sum up, this area shows the process of modern geomorphologyCold semi-arid climate geomorphic features of the environment. River and Lake landscape of the area is in the qiangtang flow intersection of Lake and North of the Yangtze River source water areas. Was Qumar He formed North of the Yangtze River in Eastern source river system. For rainwater, groundwater recharge, mostly seasonal rivers. Valley landform in the region is mostly loess plateau, part of the River runs through the ancient Lake. Apart from local river constructed shadowOutside the ring, and general development of Valley terraces is not. Western and Northern parts of the district is centered on a Lake within the flow stream, flow Lake in qiangtang area of North-East, many lakes. Lakes of which over an area of 200 square kilometers has 7, maximum to the Ulan UL Hu, an area of 544.5 square kilometers. Major lakes are near to spread East and West. Lake retreat of more obvious in the region,But not strong. Landforms and geological information shows that this area in late Jurassic Tethys Sea finally disappeared, all from transgression. Wulan wulashan West up to 2000 meters of marine Jurassic section, palaeontology, paleo-geography research is of great significance. New stage of the Cretaceous started land landforms. The Cretaceous and early tertiary red sandstone deposition,Reflecting the dry heat environment at that time. Crust is relatively stable in early tertiary, the Planation surface development, currently the Planation surface in the great mountain was formed during this period. Some new forms during the Miocene basin, a wider distribution of ancient lakes, generally with marl deposition, this period volcano activity strongly. Lava is, flat-topped table in the West of the District of Fangshan terrain is likely to begin to form in this period. ShangStrong uplift of Qinghai-Xizang plateau since Miocene, this area is located in the plateau, mainly for the uplift of the area as a whole, basic topographic variations not obvious, local differences in the region formed a number of Quaternary tectonic movement of the ancient Lake, and the Qingshui River in the vicinity of the Kunlun, and so is the development of ancient Pleistocene Lake. Because of the plateau uplift, huge changes in the environment, during the Pleistocene, in the districtAt least three ice ages. Glacial and interglacial changes in temperature, temperature changes, and since the late Pleistocene environment of intense cold and drought, climatic geomorphology and natural environment of the modern form of the district is having a huge impact. Earthquake in the late Pliocene, Hoh XIL original plateau about 1000 metres above sea level, Quaternary plateau surface uplift of a total of 4,000 meters, was long on Qinghai-Tibet plateauSpeed maximum area China strong earthquakes in modern structures of the most active areas in the West and one of the main development site. Bukada peak-library game-Holocene activity of the Kunlun fault zone of the Lake; active faults in inclined to bear Lake Lake-Sun; gold Ulaan Nuur-wudaoliang South West breaking; curved fracture Ulan UL Hu-post alignment key activities such as fracture, according to the relevant data show that: 1920Years in Hoh XIL has happened before strong earthquakes greater than or equal to 6 9, 5 to 5.9-magnitude earthquake of 15 times, one of the largest and the most recent is the dated November 14, 2001 Ms 8.1 earthquake, the earthquake was the largest earthquake in half a century in China, since the beginning of 21st century's largest earthquake in the world. The geographical distribution of the entire GreenEast of the Tibetan plateau to the Northwest as moist areas, sub-humid, semi-arid and arid areas of change and transition. Kekexilidiqu living in semi-arid regions. Water is a natural geographical differentiation of the primary factor kekexilidiqu, determines the macroscopical differentiation in this area. Water conditions depending on the location of atmospheric circulation in the region. This area of water vaporPredominantly from India Ocean, the Bay of Bengal. Water vapor transport direction from Southeast to Northwest. Reduced natural rainfall from the Southeast to the Northwest, gradually reduced to less than 200 mm from around 500 mm. Wet and dry variation is the end result of: Ulan wulashan North Wing is the most humid area, throughout the region from the Southeast to the Northwest. As far as the mountains, sunny slopes on the Windward slope, precipitation thanThe Lee slope (yin). Specific to a certain Hill, shady slopes than the sunny slopes of moist, shady slopes the vegetation growth is relatively good. As the altitude rises, temperature reduction, increased precipitation, alpine meadows or alpine-steppe gradually being to sparse vegetation as the main characteristic of Asia and replaced by ice and snow, in development for many years in some high mountain areas of snow and glaciers. This area of the surface materialImportant factor is the diversity of the natural environment. The area most of the surface is covered with a certain thickness of the sand layer. It gives a natural infiltration of precipitation or melting quickly lower and save. As the sand barrier, weak lower soil moisture evaporation, beneficial to the development of vegetation. Dominated by Carex Qinghai-Tibet Alpine grassland of widely distributed as the dominant geographical landscape, Stipa and landscape appear only in localParty. Carex sand covering and Qinghai-Tibet this close relationship throughout the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau alpine steppe, desert grassland in Alpine and Alpine desert zone is present. From a macro point of view, covered sand reduced spatial variability of natural environment. But judging from the local area, it has increased the complexity of the natural environment. Kekexilidiqu land area ratio is large, was whenEffect of great climatic condition, semi-implicit form hidden field landscape, this is a result of regional factors, disrupted and interfered with the plateau area of landscape of continuous distributions. In some lakes where higher salt content, tend to form a special dry Habitat, development of local mats of ceratoides Alpine desert. This is a result of role of local non-zone. KekexilidiquGeographical distribution was formed under the interaction between various variations of these factors, (1) and from the Southeast to the Northwest, across the Qinghai-Tibet plateau gradually adapted to the general trend of dry, kekexilidiqu natural geographical landscapes from the Southeast to the Northwest of Qinghai alpine meadow-the Alpine grassland-Alpine desert-grassland transitions, (2) landscape ecology of Alpine grassland is kekexilidiqu mainTypes, broad distribution. Only a sporadic distribution in alpine meadow, meadow is spot on in specific lots of distribution, sometimes with small shrubs (potentilla fruticosa) together constitute the filling from the meadow landscape, Alpine grassland desertification are only distributed in parts of Western and northwestern areas of the district, and (3) break in the alpine steppe, Stipa Alpine grassland of typical distribution is very small. Fan sui Tall Fescue Alpine grassland in Northeast China--Southwest rectangular distribution in the local area. (4) as a vertical band appears only in Alpine grassland in alpine meadow with shady slopes of high mountains in the South, half shady slopes, plaque-like distribution. Appear higher elevation from Southeast to Northwest, rose from 4,800 to 5,200 metres. (5) vertical differentiation of landscape in the area of obvious but simple. There are 3 main spectral types:A semi-moist and cold type (alpine meadows--Asia-snow and ice--ice); b, cold and semi-humid/semi-arid type (Alpine grassland in alpine meadow--Asia--ice--ice); c, cold semi-arid type (alpine steppe--the Asian ice--ice and snow). Distribution and characteristics of the main types of vegetation in Hoh XIL, Qinghai-Tibet plateau highAlpine cold meadow-desert transition zone, main vegetation types of Alpine grassland and alpine meadows, Alpine periglacial Hoh XIL vegetation also has a large area of distribution, Alpine Alpine mats of vegetation in desert grasslands, Alpine desert and has a limited number of distribution, especially the cold desert region of distribution only in rare. Mainly in Alpine kobresia pymaea alpine meadow (Kobresia pygmaeA) and tasteless Carex (Carex pseudo foelida) is establishing species. Main distribution in the crater of a fan and former hillside in wudaoliang area. Which distribution in the Central and northern mountain sunny slopes or alluvial Lake frozen depressions, and other steppe composite distribution. Its distribution is more abundant rainfall. Both types of alpine meadow communities groupSing Woo structure is relatively simple. Horizontal structures are uniform, distribution of slope blocky or stripes, low vertical structure for plant growth and associated plants of a few individuals and no obvious differentiation. Coverage of the community is 70~90% or later. In some mosses in wet area and sometimes the development. Biological productivity in the community is low. WhichCommon companion plants in addition to meadow species, also have a large number of well-ice component of grassland and Alpine periglacial plants. Showing obvious transitional. Community level structures often micro-topography of plaque, coverage is relatively low. Vertical differentiation of structure is not clear. Distribution area is the area's largest alpine steppe vegetation types, main constructive species of Stipa purpurea (StIPA purea), fan sui Hoh XIL Mao (Littiedalea racemosa), Tibetan Carex (Carex moorcroftii), legume and Astragalus and oxytropis song bluegrass. Common companion plants of mat of lengzi celery (Pleurospermum hedinii)�� Stipa purpurea are mainly located in the eastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway along the internal distribution of the scattered or restricted to individual lots or mountain, covers the communities of about 20~35% in General. Carex Qinghai-Tibetan Alpine grassland, mainly in the northern and Western regions. Community coverage depending on the water temperature of the environment have a greater change, General 12~35%, sometimes can be as high as 45%. FanSpike Tall Fescue alpine grasslands, are mainly located in the tuotuo River, North of the eastern region, often with purple Stipa Alpine grassland in Alpine grassland complex distribution of Carex and Morse. General community coverage is only around 10%, sometimes up to 18%, legume mixed grassland widespread distribution in Central and Northern Lake Shore terrace, glacier River Stone Temple terrace, hillside sloping foot of slope, and denuded hillsides and sloping ridges.This type of grassland, species composition more mixed communities due to changes in texture and have large differences in structure, coverage is about 20%, but often can be seen up to 10%, up to 47% such as down syndrome. Vegetation is Alpine periglacial Hoh XIL, Qinghai Alpine grassland types in the distribution area after area, especially in the North-West region is widely dispersed. To sum up: (1)Area both in Qinghai-Tibet plateau Alpine grass meadow in the distribution area maximum of small kobresia pymaea grass meadow, and has typical of Alpine grassland purple needle Tall Fescue grassland and distribution area after purple needle thatched original and in Plateau Northwest large area min and of Qinghai-Tibet Moss grass grassland, while, also large area distribution with unique of fan spike Tall Fescue Alpine grassland, vegetation type of this rich sexual and representative is adjacent of Northern and NorthwestRegions do not enjoy, and (2) because of the harsh climate conditions, soils sandy, barren, cold and strong frost weathering erosion and plant community species composition in itself-poor, community structure is simple, the growing season is short, low productivity, the vegetation is damaged it is not easy to restore, (3) kekexilidiqu the original ecosystem remains intact in Qinghai province, at all levels of the food chain are associated with smooth�� Bio fauna flora characteristics (1) kekexilidiqu an existing plant in Qinghai province about 202, under 30 section 102 to be. Little herbs and cushion-shaped plants, rarely woody plants, only individual species, such as creeping myricaria, cushion-shaped mountain of ephedra. More than 200 species of plants, endemic to the Tibetan plateau and to the mountains of Central Asia, West of the Qinghai-Tibet plateauMa Laya and dongpamier species in the distribution of floristic composition in the leading position. And there are a number of Arctic-Alpine components, and smaller species of temperate Asia distribution, temperate and widespread species of the world a very individual, appear only in the environment of relative stability in water habitats, such as sea-Leek (Trigolochi maritima) and ocular (Polamogelon)�� According to preliminary statistics, endemic to the area of Qinghai-Xizang plateau there are 84, about all the plants in the area of 40%, Qinghai kekexilidiqu endemic species and varieties are more than about 8. Himalayan mountains, West to Central Asia in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, dongpamier distribution of species of about 50, 35% per cent of the plant. Arctic-Alpine components, about 5 kinds of temperate Asian component is only 10 or so. Flora of these components indicates that the Hoh XIL has the typical characteristics of rapid uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and mountains of Central Asia is closely linked. (2) plant species: Although there was, but the stocks of large, widely distributed. In the region because of the especially cold, arid and harsh environment limits the survival of most of the plants, the dominant plants of the region, the Qinghai-Tibet plateau endemic speciesGroup is very large, and distribution are also common. Such as sickle oxytropis (Oxyrropis jalcata), glacier oxytropis (Oxytropis glacialis), tanggula androsace, rat Ju Feng Saussurea Stella (Saussurea gnaphalodes), creeping myricaria Ganoderma lucidum, sickle-leaf chives and snow, Alpine semen tingli, And so on. (3) with a cushion-shaped growth of plant species, widely distributed, 50 species of cushion plant world of one-third. Qinghai kekexilidiqu growth of many plants are low, mat-like-appears so large mats of vegetation landscape of the area. In the vast loess, lacustrine basin region, 5 pads, 5 kinds of cushion-shaped snow Ganoderma lucidum, several pads of PhoenixChrysanthemum, Astragalus and oxytropis, rhodiola, water park around to form a rare large mats of vegetation landscape in the world. Cushion plant proliferation, that cold, drought, in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau on the one hand the limited creation of strong radiation, strong winds on the growth of plants, at the same time, mat-like modification of plant development on ecological environment of the original, especially soil has a positive effect. Animal districtFeatures are currently educated youth kekexilidiqu the sea mammals there are 29, 5 9 15 genera; some 54 species of birds. Due to the topography of the district, dry Hoh XIL dry cold climate, vegetation type is simple, poor food and hidden condition, fauna of simple composition. However, among wild beasts of prey many separate living things, ungulate recognized group activities or clusters of dwellingHabits and population density, the number, which is the eastern part of Qinghai-Xizang plateau and forest animals cannot compare to the South. Composition of the fauna in this area mainly in: (1) mammal species endemic to play a significant role. Qinghai kekexilidiqu 11 species endemic to the Tibetan plateau on which many, one of the most famous species of Tibetan antelope, Tibetan wild ass, wild yak and Tibetan originalGazelle; have industrial significance include the Himalayan Marmot (Marmota himalayana) and rabbits with plateau (Lepus-oioslolus), has a certain scientific merit or role in the food chain to the ecological balance of small animals, including a variety of Pika (Ochotona SPP) and pine voles (PitymyS leucuius). Distributed over the Eurasian continent or region in the North and in the Hoh XIL 17 kinds of Palaearctic species, these species for brown bears, Lynx, argali, blue sheep and the little dwarf Siberian Hamster. Wolf the only widespread species. To sum up, kekexilidiqu mammal fauna composition of splendid. Because the area away from the Tarim basin and the Qaidam BasinBasin, some more typical desert, semi-desert or Mongolian area, as well as other species in the North, could not be extended to this area, Palaearctic species of components decreased significantly. (2) the advantage of birds in ancient northern boundary components. Fauna of birds and mammals, on the contrary, the Palaearctic species of more, and there are only 7 kinds of the Hoh XIL (such as Tibetan snow cock, brown back intends to Crow,Long bailing, snow birds, etc) for dispersed species, migratory birds account for a certain proportion, big fan of egrets and other birds occasionally arise. (3) Although appear respectively in the district from Southeast to Northwest direction, in Alpine grassland in alpine meadow and Alpine desertification grassland vegetation types, but for large and medium sized mammals (such as Tibetan wild asses, wild yak, Tibetan antelope, Tibetan Gazelle, etc) can be found in all of the above vegetation belt, that is not significantlyGeographical differences, but will have some differences on the population. For example, Tibetan Gazelle in the meadow and grassland habitat in the environment, relatively more, less in the more arid desert climate in steppe zone, or even extinct. (4) different types of vegetation, slight differences in the composition of the small mammals. Black Lips Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) In the alpine meadow, Ladakh Pika (ochotana ladacensis) Habitat in Alpine grassland and desert steppe and desert type small dwarf Siberian Hamster (Phodpus roborovskii) only appears in the desert in the Northwest corner of the district. Qinghai kekexilidiqu endangered species of rare and endangered species of rare animals there are 13 kinds of mammals,Which with national level protection animal 5 species, is Snow Leopard, and reservoir wild ass, and wild yak, and reservoir antelope, and white-lipped deer; II level protection animal has 8 species, is brown bears, and Lynx, and rabbit Sun, and Jackal, and beech marten, and blue sheep, and disc sheep, and reservoir original Ling; rare birds meter has 8 species, is vultures, and hunting Falcon, and large upland buzzard: alnalysis, and Red Falcon, and reservoir snow chicken, and large Swan. Characteristics of soil characteristics of soil formation (1) of the originalThe no man's land across much of the region was uninhabited, soil formation and development has not been affected by human interference and the Hoh XIL-breaking bad, has maintained intact its original state. (2) the younger part of the District of areas under the influence of Quaternary glaciers, Cheng Tu age short. At the same time, cold climate, soil freezing for up to six months of the year more than soil formation time is short, strongWeak, young soil development, such as soil and shallow stony top, profile differentiation is poor, redistribution of iron and aluminium oxides, such as weak, and so is its characterization. (3) profoundly affected by the freezing and thawing of the permafrost of the high, long frozen soil (cool season) and frequently alternating day and night Frost (warm season topsoil), profoundly affecting soil formation and development. (4) soil types, JaneDue to the cold climate, relief and the vegetation to alpine grasslands, Alpine grassland desertification and mat-like plants, into an alpine meadow soil, Alpine grassland and alpine tundra soil three zonal soils. Followed by swamp soils, meadow soil, scattered distribution of cracked soil, salt and alkali soils and sandy soils, soil type is relatively simple. The main soil types(1) the Alpine Tundra soils are mainly located in the southwestern part of the district (roughly in the Wei mountain to the Ulan UL Hu) averaging over 5,000 meters above sea level plateau snow mountain and glacier. Vegetation mats like Plum, oxytropis, flea, Phoenix Saussurea Stella, of ceratoides latens as the main body, cover 20~25%, and distributed widely, rare for the kunlunshanqu. Soil formation of iceFrost under the profound influence of the original desert soil formation processes, soil is moist, profile differentiation is not obvious, or scale-like structure of oolitic structure with fish incubation and blue gray leaf spot, Gley even as its characteristics. (2) alpine meadow soil in the eastern part of the District of mountain, Alpine cold desert on Earth, even the Alpine grassland soil under, is cold and humid climate and vegetation growth in alpine meadow formed, the plantIn Alpine kobresia meadow grass, kobresia, that make up the constructive species, covered 70~80%, ground frost thaw slumping and grass-root layer of plaque off very significantly. With rainfall decreasing from East to West, alpine meadow soil distribution rate of height and with a corresponding rise and narrow from East to West, of alpine meadow soil along Qinghai-Tibet Highway starting at about 4,800 metres above sea level, to the West rising to more than 5,000 employeesMeters. (3) mountain grassland soil for eastern plateau surface of base with soil, low mountain and mountain lower also has distribution, is in Alpine half drought climate and Alpine grassland vegetation Xia development and into, plant often by large purple needle Tall Fescue, and feather column needle Tall Fescue for built group species, community composition often by soil matrix restricting, gravel mass or salinization soil more by pad shaped camel Chenopodium album and Qinghai-Tibet Moss grass, desert of grassland components joined; Fine soil are Stipa purpurea, feathers dry grassland of Stipa post, cover of 30~60%. From the perspective of large distribution, typical of dry grasslands along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, to the West increased desertification grassland composition, distribution CAP has rose to more than 5,000 meters, West Gold Ulaan Nuur and Lake District Lake terrace and the surrounding low mountain and Hill became the focus of desertification grassland area. SoilProcess is characterized by accumulation of humus soil formation and calcium accumulated strong. Grass-root thin loose or no, surface 5~10 cm humus layer, organic matter content around 1%. (4) widespread in wulan wulashan mountain swamp soil watershed ridges form, such as depression, gentle lowlands, high due to parts of permafrost, Marsh soils distributed in slope 22? on the slopes. Swamp soil profileSimple surface differentiation, the upper root clump of staggered intensive, flexible, its width 40~60 cm (greater than 100 cm), height 30~40 cm, distance between piers of 30~50 cm. Main plant for qingcangsong such as grasses and Carex, organic matter content as high as 19% next to blue gray Gley, there is humus layer in the middle. (5) Adobe inElevation of 5,000 meters below the Lake in Alpine grassland soil terraces, small dry Lakes and low hills slowly in shallow dish-shaped plain between the Hill, Lian Wu, Ulan UL Hu, xijinwulan around the Lake are filled with distribution, but small. (6) salt soil is mainly distributed within the West Gold Ulaan Nuur, inclined take measures and on the newly exposed Lake such as Lake plain, flat ground, a white thin salt crust, soilMoist without structure, it is by the Lake under the strong evaporation through surface and gather salt in soil by capillary rise. (7) a wider distribution of alkaline earth, appear on the lakeside terrace and a high flood plain, or short plants, ground flat cracks, or desertification of grassland, pad of ceratoides latens, Carex and sickle Ye Jiu. It is mainly the formation of soil desalination and caused alkaline. Climate-A 1, temperature differences in temperature due to differences in altitude in the area, most of the region's average temperature, average maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, Hoh XIL extreme maximum temperatures, extremely low values are lower than in wudaoliang weather station observations, with an average annual temperature of -4.10C~10.00C, the minimum temperature of -46.40C. The coldest month is January, andSimilar to plain. In July, the hottest month, but there are a few areas in June or August. Wudaoliang, Sun Lakes, a minimum temperature occurred at 7 o'clock of the day, when the highest temperatures occur in the 16~18, at 17 o'clock the temperature is peak. 2, kekexilidiqu annual average precipitation total of precipitation distribution trend is gradually reduced from Southeast to Northwest. Territory of average annual precipitationIn between 494.9 mm ~173.0 mm. Precipitation is mainly concentrated in summer, rainy season and dry season. Focused on the domestic distribution of precipitation throughout the year in May-September, more than 90% of the total annual precipitation, with warm-season (June-August) around 70% per cent of annual precipitation. Due to the complexity of underlying surface on the heating of the air, the air layerWith unstable, easily lead to thermal convection, causing precipitation and also because of the high altitude, low temperature, precipitation in solid form and not only dominated by precipitation. In addition, more at night, about more than 50% per cent of the total. 3, wind kekexilidiqu effect under strong westerly momentum due to cold, as the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and the high value of wind speed area, one of theAverage annual wind speed distribution by the South-East, northeast to the Western hinterland and increases in size, wind speed contours basic "speaker mouth shapes" between the average wind speed of 8.0~3.5 m/s. From poaching in the 1970 of the 20th century, the Tibetan Antelope is considered the destruction of species protected by the law. But until the wildlife of the Hoh XIL George. Dr ShirerNow that is called "Sandy" expensive fluff is of Tibetan antelope wool and made after the warning, escalating trade in Tibetan antelope poaching and sand any reason before it was known to the world. Since 1985, George. Shirer spent several months every year working in China of the Tibetan antelope area. He saw a lot of poaching of Tibetan antelope. Although hunting of Tibetan antelopeTraditional reasons to eat their meat, but in 1988 when Shirer when visiting a small town named Gerze, he first discovered the secrets of the rapid drop in the number of Tibetan antelope. He "sees herders from Antelope skin pulling down cashmere sold to local retailers. In the yard of a retailer, there are a few large bag cashmere is ready to be smuggled to western Nepal, and from there toKashmir, Kashmir cashmere is woven into shawls and scarves. "Shirer immediately understand the Tibetan Antelope is widely hunted to meet booming sand cashmere trading. In 1991, when Shirer visit when a Hunter in the qiangtang tent, he found more evidence about the fate of Tibetan antelope. He saw 22 Tibetan antelope skin "stacked in their tentTents outside the body is frozen; they also left to the male sheep heads, because their point is a commonly used traditional prescriptions and has a good market in Beijing and Lhasa. " In 1990, a Tibetan antelope skin was sold for $ 25, 1992, the price had doubled. Over the centuries, Tibetan antelope point has been in the attention and use of traditional medicine. OldTibetan Book of Tibetan antelope horns are listed in different effects: treatment of diarrhea, it can be used to create, can be treated with ulcer, you can control certain gland hyperplasia, can also treat women's menstruation, as well as diseases of the kidneys and blood. Although they undoubtedly contributed to the decline in the number of Tibetan antelope, but meet the needs of sand is the main cause of decline of Tibetan antelope. From: hTtp://www.chinajnjpw.com energy-saving environmental protection network from 1992 to 1997 's report shows that, in all of China's Tibetan antelope of area--south of Western Tibet, Qinghai and Xinjiang �C very mad cold poaching of Tibetan antelope. But statistics in such a large area was killing of Tibetan antelope, but the actual number is difficult toOf things. In 1992, a former official of the Qinghai province was estimated to be in the area for at least a year 2000 to 3,000 Antelope is killed. On the CITES Standing Committee, held in December 1996 in Rome, China claims to 2000 per year to 4,000 died of poaching of Tibetan antelope. One India officials in 1997 to Tibet, he told India wildHealth and animal protection Association said the poaching of Tibetan antelope and trading activities under the organized gangs of manipulation. Most of the poaching is the most lucrative in Tibetan antelope wool in winter. Shirer described the traditional methods of Tibetan antelope: "foot of a delicate circle clip is placed in a pit concealed above well, tie on a small stakes, foot clips have many fine needle points to the Centre of Tsim Sha Tsui, when aAntelope or Gazelle a foot into a trap when pulling back and legs, small needles into the skin, quickly caught it. " Once on the hook, the animal will be shot immediately. Sha demand growth stimulate the production of more brutal methods. In Northern qiangtang had reported the massacre of a large number of Tibetan antelope. Hunters from the moving car is said to the Tibetan antelopeGroup shot, one shot and killed 500 antelope. A herdsman said, he had a winter to see officials from Gerze sitting in a car with modern weapons to the consumption of wild cattle and the Tibetan antelope shooting. He went on to say: "if officials abide by the law and no longer Hunt, so we don't hunt anymore. "Some herders into nature reserves have only one goal,Is the hunting of Tibetan antelope. Benefits derived from poaching wages than mere grazing or many more. As the demand for sand increases, people of all sectors of society are involved--pastoral, truck drivers, police officers, local officials--control of the illegal trade has become difficult. Despite the legal constraints, and constantly increase the penalties, and the Government ofEfforts to stop or at least weaken trade, poaching still continues. In 1993, a poaching of Tibetan antelope on the Qinghai plateau will be fined $ 1000 (US $ 130) announced the implementation of punishment. But in such a vast number of regional implementation of protection is relatively too weak, so in fact there are very few molecules are caught poaching. Back from China in 1997To future, qiaozhixiale think of motorized, excellent weapon of poachers continue to kill remaining Tibetan antelope in Qinghai province. Shirer reported that although the Government had done "great efforts", but most of the Tibet region are "too far away, where law enforcement is difficult to continue, especially when the winter is very cold and the poaching is rampant". If large scale poachingTo continue living, Tibetan antelope "are reduced to a miserable situation within a few years". Biological resources in Hoh XIL is known as "the world's third pole", the natural environment harsh, harsh, humans cannot live for long, and life, and retains its original ecological environment and unique natural landscapes. Alpine meadow soil in soil, high mountain plateau and alpine tundra soilThree kinds of zonal soils, followed by swamp soils, ad hoc distributed meadow soil, cracked soil, salt and alkali soils and sandy soils, wild plant resources in the region are more rich and main vegetation types in alpine vegetation in grasslands, alpine meadows and Alpine periglacial, small amount of distribution of Alpine desertification grassland, Alpine mats of vegetation and Alpine desert vegetation. There are more than 210 species of higher plants, Qinghai-Tibet plateauUnique species 84 species, focus protection of plant has freshmen female Lou dish, and Boka. Tang Chui bird, and line Ye Bailei violifolia, and shuanghu with Pearl violifolia, and horse urine bubble, and Boka. Tang Tiger ear grass, and II spent spines bean, and short infarction spines bean, and Kunlun snow rabbit, and heiba Phoenix Saussurea Stella, and mount Ying goose Crown grass,, pad shaped plant resources special rich, has 50 species, accounted for world of one-third. Fauna of simple composition, but the population density, Number more, has mammals 23 species, which Qinghai-Tibet plateau unique species 11 species, has national level protection animal reservoir antelope, and wild yak, and reservoir wild ass, and white-lipped deer, and Snow Leopard, II level protection animal disc sheep, and blue sheep, and reservoir original ling, and brown bears, and Lynx, and rabbit Sun, and beech marten, and Jackal, provincial protection animal reservoir Fox,; birds 48 species, which green Tibetan type 18 species, has national level protectionAnimal Golden Eagle, black-necked crane, two grade protecting animals red Falcon, upland buzzard: alnalysis, Vulture, Tibetan snow cock, big Swan, provincial animal Anser, red duck, the chicken leg sand in Tibet; reptile sand Lizard in Qinghai; fish, nude belly leaf fish, fish 6 crack head bare rump, is endemic to Highland. Low there are insects and aquatic organisms. High economic significance of aquatic organisms, such as Artemia.Species unique to this area is not only a rare species in China, but also for the world's attention, both in academic and conservation are being placed in a special position. Management of Qinghai provincial government in 1995 as a provincial nature reserve in this area, and was published in 1996, was established in June 1997 "yushuzhou Hoh XIL, Qinghai province nature reserveManagement Service " TERA Gold, December 1997, approved and published by the State Council as a national nature reserve in this area in September 1999, protection agency changed its name to" Hoh XIL national nature reserve in Qinghai province authority. " Hoh XIL is currently in China to establish the largest, highest, one of the richest wildlife resources of the State-level nature reserve, known as the "world's third pole"And the rare wild animal gene pool of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, in the protection of the natural environment, biodiversity conservation, scientific research and eco-adventure tourism, irreplaceable scientific and ecological value. According to the overall development of the Hoh XIL nature reserve construction feasibility report (approved by the FDA), Office of the authority should be set up, protection, management and planning sectionTo form Hoh XIL national nature reserve in forest Public Security Bureau; peripheral protection of five beams, springs protection stations, not frozen, tuotuo river protection station and southern research station in (including three eco-station), out to 35 people, yushuzhou people's Government on the executive leadership, managed by the Forestry Bureau of Qinghai province on the business. Currently built forest Public Security Bureau and the protection of five beams, springs protection stations, not frozen,And according to job needs Qumar He built, tuotuo River, Zhuo Naihu protection. Authority staff currently 58, forest gonganganjing 13, forestry 22 members. Temporary 23. Golmud Base covers an area of 5.03 acres and houses 21 rooms. Hoh XIL national nature reserve since the establishment of the authority by the party and Government at all levels and businessDepartments pay close attention and care, party and State leaders, Li Lanqing and Wen Jiabao instructions specifically for the Hoh XIL protection work, national people's political consultative conference Qian zhengying in Golmud specifically make time to listen caiga during the inspection reports on the work of the Secretary; Qinghai province, yushu State Government held a number of specialized conferences, research coordination in Hoh XIL management issues, and at the end of 2000Decision, undo the work Committee for Qumalai, zhidoi County West, zhidoi personnel merging to the authority of the Working Committee of the Western region, ending the participation of traditionally long, chaotic management of the situation, banning mining and indiscriminate digging activities, protection and management of the Hoh XIL embarked on the road of legalization and standardization; National Council on protected areas, Qinghai province Forestry Bureau of forestry construction and protection managementForce support. Under the leadership of the party and Government and the business sector at all levels, understand support and media attention in the community under the appeal, Hoh XIL national nature reserve of effective conservation and management of the authority. First of all, in protecting the Tibetan antelope and other rare wildlife and environment persist in focusing on prevention, prevention and principles is not seized many Tibetan antelope skin, crackedTheft cases as a measure of protection, but without human poaching and destruction of the original ecological environment as the ultimate goal. So the propaganda and education work under, in the areas around the protected area every year and national highway 109 wudaoliang, tuotuo River, two channel, West Beach, and Golmud centralized protection awareness month 3 times more massive and large-scale promotional activities�� Crowds loved by Blackboard, the physical exhibition, explaining answers and distribute publicity materials in various forms, informing the public about wildlife and ecological significance of environmental protection and related laws and regulations, pastoralists, with the surrounding area, the garrison held a forum with the masses to discuss protection plans, passing of Yu Qing Tibet highway drivers to wildlife protection officers explain, using 109 highway construction on more than 100 more information columns for the long-term publicity and education, and set up in the eastern margin of the Hoh XIL national highway 109 rock publicity tablet. Extension development among the masses over the years 66, evangelist 72 training obligations, held a forum to 183, we organize courses 36 times. Awareness month and large-scale publicity programmes 17 activities, distribution of publicity material 20duowanfen, Educated masses up to 180,000 visitors. From March to April of this year, we organize more than 600 sites in anti-poaching and the photographs taken in the working life. Make a 130 graphic panels, 100,000 copies of brochures and 30,000 Gold Commemorative Medal, Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Qingdao, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Xian, Xining, for a period of more than a month of the Hoh XIL ecology and Tibetan antelopeRoving exhibition on protection, directly visit the exhibition of people from all walks of around 300,000 people. More than more than 200 television, radio, newspaper, Internet and magazine reported of the roving exhibition, has received a very good promotional effect. Second is to crack down on poaching, capture, sell, transport of Tibetan antelope and other illegal and criminal activities of rare wild animals and their products. Since the establishment of the authority, to overcomeCommunication, communications, weapons and equipment, and financial difficulties, long bare hands a desperate struggle with the criminals, cracked a major cases one after another, in particular in the 1999 national forest Public Security Bureau organized the "protection of the Hoh XIL, Tibetan antelope, 1th", the Board sent out all power, continuous operation, has achieved brilliant results. In support of the Government at all levels, 200 was established at the end of forest public security force, part of the weapons and equipment in place, while Ericsson (China), International Fund for animal welfare, and other famous enterprises and civil society organizations and people from all walks of the Hoh XIL protective cause a lot of support and help, traffic, transportation and other conditions of the authority has improved significantly, under such favourable conditions, we have further increased theProtecting law enforcement, persistently in the Hoh XIL and green, new, hidden in the hinterland zone at the junction of three provinces to carry out anti-poaching patrol mountains without stopping. At the same time, give full play to the role of primary protection station, adhere to the road block-Cha, investigations, and inspections, strict control of the illegal trade in wildlife products, and transportation, has achieved significant results. To date, the Board has sent out vehicles 324Trips, away 1238, travel more than 300,000 km, organizing mass visiting Hill 69, of small and medium businesses visiting 87 times, cracked poaching, illegal to capture, sell, transport of Tibetan antelope, 76 cases of rare wild animals and their products, including 11 major and serious cases, arresting criminal suspects and against staff of 284, collection of small caliber rifle 14 branches. BulletMore than 25,000, 29 cars, 2,906 and other wildlife living Tibetan antelope skin, body and products. At the same time, by visiting the mountain clean sand stolen gold over more than 7,200 people, blocked and expelled stole and salvage personnel more than 9,800 people Artemia, put an end to the mining excavation, the Hoh XIL has been quiet. In the struggle against poaching in the Administration attached great importance to crime prevention, Repeatedly succeeded in preventing the occurrence of theft cases, poaching Tibetan antelopes such as not driving a shot they all capture, avoiding the tens of thousands of Tibetan antelope be murdered in cold blood. Patrol and general protection of the mountain, players actively rescue injured, lost and the lost mother of wildlife, wildlife 129 in total aid over the years, Tibetan antelopes 79, mostAfter the treatment has returned to nature, unable to return to nature and wildlife are also the proper placement. The summer of 2001, tuotuo River to protect players from natural enemies of animals saved 2 baby Tibetan antelopes and 1 small Tibetan Gazelle, 3 wounded of life for a long time for treatment and feeding, and by the Council in the allocation of funds, bought from more than 20 kilometres far place of milk every dayAnd their feed by hand, currently surviving as a small Tibetan antelope and a small Tibetan Gazelle is still healthy life in protecting the station. In order to combat criminal activities of trade channels, check the source of crime, since the establishment of the authority does not have a Tibetan antelope skin into the market again, but first put forward the public destruction of initiative, and approved by the State Bureau of forestry, held in Xining, Golmud ceremony, publicGo to destroy seized in Tibetan antelope skin, indicating that the Government protect and save endangered species, determination to put an end to illicit trade in rare animal products. Protection through effective management, neidao hunting crime rate decreased markedly in Hoh XIL nature reserve, Tibetan antelope population has recovered, it is possible to see a growing number of Tibetan antelope, wild yak, Tibetan wild ass and Tibetan Gazelle, rare wildAnimal life and protected area along the national highway 109, has been made in the protection of actual results. Combat theft crime, is the Hoh XIL national nature reserve, a long-term and arduous task, but it is not the only task. Carrying out scientific research, protect and restore the original ecosystem, restoring rare wildlife species, is a protected area large and onerous tasks in the future. Hoh XIL nationalNature reserves authority will, as always, carry forward the fine traditions, enhance the cohesion and fighting power, further strengthening the contingent construction, through government funding, community-sponsored and other channels to raise capital, accelerate the pace of construction of protected areas, updating equipment, improve the working and living conditions. Fighting for into Wildlife rescue Center, through the efforts of human populations of Tibetan antelope, wild animals, such as restoreComplex. At the same time further stepping up law enforcement, severely crack down on all illegal activities undermine the Hoh XIL, environment and wildlife resources, strengthen ecological protection of Qinghai-Tibet Railway and highway construction supervision. In order to involve the community more power in the original ecological and rare wildlife, volunteer activities in a safe and orderly way, through the participation of the whole society, efforts to build the Hoh XILIs a no shots, no kill, no destruction of the beautiful and tranquil Wildlife Park. Vast, the magic of the Hoh XIL tourism "no man's land" is now officially open to visitors Diablo 3 CD-KEY, but Hoh XIL eco-tourism visitor numbers will be limited to less than 1000 people per year. To protect the ecological environment of Hoh XIL original, each batch of visitor numbers will be limited to 15 people on the team, Visitors will be five or six-day trip along the tour route to watch the mountain, powerful and mysterious snow mountains grassland, understand the plateau of rare wild plants and animals, visiting players visiting the mountain life, environmental protection activities. Hoh XIL eco-tour operators request issued by health visitors at the time of registration, reached the Golmud city must still undergo, suffers from high blood pressure and so applications are not allowed to join the League.Meanwhile, tourism in Hoh XIL has stringent environmental requirements for tourists, after entering the protected area tourists must comply with environmental protection requirements and considerations. Others:

2012年5月14日 星期一

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